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研究生(外文):Shih-Ken Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of mode-locked Er3+ - doped Yttria Stabilized Zirconia-Alumino silicate fiber laser and amplifier
指導教授(外文):Yin-Wen Lee
口試委員(外文):Yin-Wen Lee
外文關鍵詞:AmplifierSaturable absorberPbS quantum dotsNonlinear polarization rotationMode lockingSilicate fiberErbium
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此研究論文中所使用的增益光纖,是由印度中央玻璃與陶瓷研究團隊的Mukul Chandra Paul博士所領導製作,實驗可分為光孤子鎖模光纖雷射、鎖模光纖雷射放大器以及以硫化鉛量子點( PbS QDs )薄膜作為飽和吸收體的鎖模光纖雷射三大部分,其中鎖模光纖雷射放大器是由環形共振腔(光孤子鎖模光纖雷射作為種子光源)以及線性共振腔(放大器)兩個架構所組成,並用纖心幫浦( core-pumped )的機制組成鎖模放大器架構,而經過放大器的增益放大後,可放大原本光孤子鎖模光纖雷射的脈衝能量以及峰值功率數倍。在硫化鉛量子點鎖模光纖雷射部分,是將最新的材料硫化鉛量子點用於飽和吸收體之作用,產生如同石墨烯被動式鎖模光纖雷射之特性。
In recent years, mode-locked fiber lasers have attracted substantial research efforts owing to the extensive applications in medical treatment, micro-material processing, communications, scientific research and so on. Among different excitation wavelengths in fiber lasers, applications of 1.55μm ultrafast fiber lasers are more popular. It is because 1.55μm fiber lasers are safe for the human eyes and easy to make mode-locked fiber laser than 1μm and 2μm fiber lasers.

In this thesis research, the employed gain fiber is made by the research team led by Dr. Mukul Chandra Paul in Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR).The investigation of such a fiber laser is divided into three parts, namely the soliton mode-locked fiber laser, mode-locked fiber laser amplifier, and PbS QD-based thin film mode-locked fiber laser. The mode-locked fiber laser amplifier is formed by a soliton mode-locked fiber laser as the seed laser and a power amplifier. The core-pumping mechanism is employed. After the amplification, pulse energy and peak power of mode-locked fiber laser amplifier can be increased several times. We have demonstrated a mode-locked fiber laser amplifier with the pulse energy of 9.54nJ and peak power of 17.3kW. In addition, the PbS QD-based thin film mode-locked fiber laser is using colloidal PbS quantum dot as the saturable absorber. We have demonstrated a PbS QD mode-locked fiber laser with the pulse energy of 0.76nJ, peak power of 0.36kW and slope efficiency of 22.7%.
摘要 I
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論與研究動機 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2論文內容介紹 2
第二章 摻鉺矽酸鹽光纖之廣論與特性介紹 3
2.1稀土光纖的發展 3
2.2鉺離子之特性介紹 4
2.3摻鉺釔鋯鋁矽酸鹽光纖之特性介紹 5
第三章 光纖雷射廣論 8
3.1光纖雷射機制 8
3.1-1雷射幫浦光源 9
3.1-2雷射增益介質 10
3.1-3雷射共振腔 11
3.2鎖模光纖雷射之原理 14
3.3幫浦機制 19
3.3-1纖心幫浦機制 19
3.3-2纖衣幫浦機制 20
第四章 摻鉺矽酸鹽光纖雷射之實驗結果 22
4.1被動式摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射 22
4.1-1被動式摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射架設 22
4.1-2被動式摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射之自相干儀量測 26
4.1-3被動式摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射之頻譜量測 27
4.2摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射放大器 30
4.2-1摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射放大器架設 31
4.2-2摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射放大器之自相干儀量測 34
4.2-3摻鉺矽酸鹽鎖模光纖雷射放大器之頻譜量測 37
4.2-4摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射放大器實驗結果與模擬探討 39
第五章 以硫化鉛量子點為飽和吸收體之被動式摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射 42
5.1硫化鉛量子點( PBS QDS )材料之特性介紹 42
5.2硫化鉛量子點之摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射 46
5.2-1硫化鉛量子點之摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射架設 46
5.2-2硫化鉛量子點摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射之自相干儀量測 48
5.2-3硫化鉛量子點摻鉺鎖模光纖雷射之頻譜量測 50
第六章 結論與未來展望 52
6.1實驗結果統整 52
6.2未來展望 53
參考文獻 54
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