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研究生(外文):Po-Chi Wang
論文名稱(外文):development and biocompatibility of W-containing quaternary thin film metallic glasses
外文關鍵詞:Zr-Ti-Si-Wthin film metallic glassesNanoindentationPotentiodynamic polarization testbiocompatibility
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近年來,薄膜科技已廣泛地應用在各領域上。由於塊狀金屬玻璃具有獨特的機械性質,但在成本的考量上以及為了廣泛的運用,所以將塊狀金屬玻璃薄膜化,因此金屬玻璃薄膜近年開始被學術界廣泛研究。本研究第一階段以脈衝磁控濺鍍系統在矽晶片和316L不銹鋼表面鍍製Zr-Ti-Si-W金屬玻璃薄膜。但由於第一階段部分參數氧含量偏高,所以再鍍製第二階段Zr基金屬玻璃薄膜時會將Zr含量提高,第三階段則提高Ti的瓦數,降低Zr的瓦數形成Ti-Zr-Si-W金屬玻璃薄膜。比較矽含量對於Zr基和Ti基金屬玻璃薄膜結構與機械性質以及生物相容性之影響。本研究各薄膜成份皆由場發射電子微探分析儀確認,利用X光繞射儀確認薄膜之非晶結構,並使用場發掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察薄膜的表面與截面之顯微結構。接著再利用奈米壓痕儀來測量薄膜材料的硬度、彈性係數及H/E,再藉由HRC-DB附著測試各薄膜的附著能力,原子力顯微鏡探討薄膜的表面粗糙度。本研究中Zr-Ti-Si-W、Zr-Ti-W-Si、Ti-Zr-W-Si薄膜均呈現非晶質之特性;矽含量的增加確實能提升金屬玻璃薄膜之硬度;Zr-Ti-Si-W金屬玻璃薄膜截面呈現柱狀結構而Zr-Ti-W-Si及Ti-Zr-W-Si金屬玻璃薄膜截面為細小而緊密之結構。金屬玻璃薄膜在動電位極化腐蝕試驗中均顯示其抗腐蝕能力比醫療級SS316不銹鋼優異;實驗所鍍製之金屬玻璃薄膜均具有優異的附著性,其薄膜的附著性品質為HF1與HF2等級。各薄膜進行MG-63骨瘤細胞培養,並且使用 MTS assay分析細胞活性,從細胞生長情況判斷其生物相容性。綜合以上結論,本研究之含鎢之鋯基和鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜具有相當大的應用潛力。
Recently, the thin film technology has been widely applied in various fields. The bulk metallic glass has unique mechanical properties, but in terms of cost considerations and in order to widely used, so thin film metallic glass has been extensively studied in recent years began from academia which make bulk metallic glass thin film into thin film form. In this work, a series of W-contained thin film metallic glasses (TFMGs) were prepared by a magnetron co-sputtering system. In the first stage, the effects of silicon content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-Ti-Si-W TFMGs were discussion. But a part of parameter oxygen content is too high in first stage, coating Zr-based and increase Zr content in second stage. In the third stage, the Zr-based was used to replace Ti-based. The denser Ti-Zr-W-Si TFMGs were studied. The amorphous structures of coatings were determined by a glancing angle X-ray diffractometer. The surface and cross sectional morphologies of thin films were examined by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The surface roughness of thin films was explored by an atomic force microscopy (AFM). A nanoindenter, HRC-DB adhesion test were used to evaluate the hardness and adhesion properties of thin films, respectively. In addition, the anti-corrosion properties of TFMGs were evaluated by the potentiodynamic polarization tests in 5.0 wt. %NaCl aqueous solution. In this work, the Zr-Ti-Si-W, Zr-Ti-W-Si and Ti-Zr-W-Si TFMGs all showed amorphous structure. An increase in silicon content to effectively improve the hardness of the Zr-based and Ti-based TFMGs. The Zr-Ti-Si-W TFMGs exhibited a columnar structures, while the Zr-Ti-W-Si and Ti-Zr-W-Si TFMGs were dense and fine structures in the cross-sectional images. In this research, the corrosion tests showed that all TFMGs had excellent corrosion resistance than 316L biomedical grade stainless steel. All of TFMGs provide an excellent adhesion and the adhesion quality was around HF1 to HF2 level. The biocompatibility of the TFMGs was examined using MG63 cell and the MTS assay.. Based on the above conclusions, the newly developed W-content Zr-based and Ti-based thin film metal glasses have considerable potential to be applied.
摘要 i
誌 謝 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機及實驗目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 磁控濺鍍系統之原理 3
2.2 塊狀金屬玻璃 4
2.3 金屬玻璃薄膜 5
2.4 玻璃形成能力 7
2.4.1 Inoue的三大經驗法則 9
2.5 金屬玻璃之奈米壓痕 10
2.6 金屬玻璃之腐蝕行為 12
2.7 金屬玻璃薄膜之應用 17
2.8 鎢元素之應用與生物相容性 20
2.9 金屬玻璃之生物相容性 21
2.10 實驗室歷年金屬玻璃研究之成果 25
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 27
3.1 實驗流程與簡介 27
3.2 實驗步驟 28
3.2.1基材試片規格與前處理 28
3.2.2濺鍍設備 28
3.3 實驗流程 29
3.3.1實驗方法 29
3.3.2鍍膜製程 33
3.4 膜層性質分析 34
3.4.1成分分析 34
3.4.2表面與截面形貌分析 34
3.4.3晶體結構分析 34
3.4.4硬度試驗 35
3.4.5附著性HRC-DB試驗 37
3.4.6抗腐蝕能力試驗 38
3.4.7 MG-63人類骨瘤細胞培養實驗 39
第四章 結果與討論 43
4.1 第一組參數 43
4.1.1成分分析 43
4.1.2晶相分析 44
4.1.3熱示差分析 45
4.1.4表面及截面形貌分析 46
4.1.5硬度分析 50
4.1.6 HRC-DB附著分析 52
4.1.7動電位腐蝕試驗 53
4.1.8生物相容性 56
4.2 第二組參數 58
4.2.1成分分析 58
4.2.2晶相分析 59
4.2.3熱示差分析 60
4.2.4表面及截面形貌分析 61
4.2.5硬度分析 65
4.2.6 HRC-DB附著分析 67
4.2.7動電位腐蝕試驗 68
4.2.8生物相容性 71
4.2.9細胞螢光染色貼附型態 72
4.3 第三組參數 75
4.3.1成分分析 75
4.3.2晶相分析 76
4.3.3熱示差分析 77
4.3.4表面及截面形貌分析 78
4.3.5硬度分析 82
4.3.6 HRC-DB附著分析 83
4.3.7動電位腐蝕試驗 85
4.3.8生物相容性 88
4.3.9細胞螢光染色貼附樣貌 89
4.4 統整比較 92
第五章 結論 96
參考文獻 97
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