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研究生(外文):Chi-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Microstructure and Properties of Ti-6Al-4V by Selective Laser Melting and Heat Treatment
外文關鍵詞:selective laser meltingheat treatmentTi-6Al-4Vmechanical propertiesphysical propertiescorrosive properties
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本研究利用選擇性雷射熔融(SLM)製造Ti-6Al-4V合金,由於其逐層製造及冷卻速率快之特色,使其顯微組織與傳統製程差異甚大,因此本研究首要為確認選擇性雷射熔融製程中,顯微組織的形成機制與特性,進一步地發展適宜運用SLM成品之熱處理程序,以控制其組織及應用性能。實驗結果顯示,當雷射功率225 W,掃描速率658 mm/s時,SLM製程工件有最佳的緻密度。經以粉末堆疊熔融的SLM製程後,柱狀晶沿溫度梯度方向垂直形成於積層面,並沿著堆疊面生成圓盤狀的積層缺陷;因SLM製程之冷卻速率快速,獲得的組織為針狀α’麻田散體。當以高於β轉變溫度953°C的溫度進行熱處理時,柱狀晶結構重新成核成長,使各方向的組織形貌趨於一致,異向性得以獲得改善;而熱均壓處理則有效消除原製程試片的內部孔隙。在機械性質方面,因圓盤狀積層缺陷導致試片積層面受力截面較少,故積層面之硬度較低,而經熱均壓處理後,由於形成α+β組織及積層缺陷的消除,使其具有最佳的韌性,故耐磨性質最佳。由物理性質的量測顯示,原製程試片各方向之熱擴散係數及熱導率數值相當,並無明顯異向性,其均勻α’結構比起熱處理後試片有較高的熱擴散速率,故SLM製程試片(6.5 W/mK)有高出傳統製程(5.36 W/mK)達21%的熱傳導率;而沿積層方向(Z)則有最高的電導率5.93×105 Ω-1m-1,垂直積層的方向,則為5.34×105 Ω-1m-1,生成明顯的異向性;這些組織在經過熱處理後,電導率亦趨於等向性。此外,積層製造之試片,因冷卻速率快,使得Ti-6Al-4V中Al和V來不及擴散,元素分佈均勻,減少伽凡尼腐蝕,相較於傳統製程以及熱處理後的雙相組織,在SLM製程下的材料具有最佳的抗腐蝕性質。
In this study, Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) is investigated. The SLM process is characteristic of layer-by-layer melting and fast cooling which cause the as-SLM materials to bear anisotropic microstructures and properties very different from materials made by traditional process. The 225W laser power and 658 mm/s scanning speed were optimized to form bullk materials of the highest densification. When the powder stacks are molten layer-by-layer in the SLM process, columnar grains grow along thermal gradients, forming β grains along the building direction. Fully acicular α’ martensitic microstructure is then formed on the rapid cooling of molten melts. And disc-shaped pores were often found to form parallel to the additive plane.
Heat treatments were also developed to modify the microstructure and properties of SLM Ti-6Al-4V. By heat treating at temperatures above the 953°C β-transus temperature, the columnar structure is eliminated. The equiaxial β grains greatly reduce anisotropy. With further treatment by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process, <0.5% porosity from the SLM process is eliminated completely. For hardness test, due to the disc-shaped defects formed with surface parallel to the powder stacking plane, the hardness measured in additive plane is lower than those parallel to the building direciton. However, the HIPed specimens demonstrate the best wear resistant property due to its higher toughness and lower porosity. Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of SLM Ti-6Al-4V shows only little difference along different directions. It was observed that the α’ structure in SLM Ti-6Al-4V demonstrates 21% higher thermal conductivity (6.5 W/mK) than those of traditionally processed specimens (5.36 W/mK). On the other hand, the electrical conductivity is 5.93×105 Ω-1m-1 along the building direction which is 11% higher than the 5.34×105 Ω-1m-1 along its perpendicular directions. Both the microstructures and physical properties become more isotropic after heat treatment. On the corrosion-resistant properties, the as-built SLM Ti-6Al-4V is more corrosition-resistant in comparison with the heat treated or conventionally processed Ti-6Al-4V bearing α+β microstructure. The uniform distribution of aluminum and vanadium in α martensitic microstructure greatly reduce the galvanic effects making the as-SLM materials more corrosion-resistant.
目 錄
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 積層製造 3
2.1.1 簡介 3
2.1.2 製程技術及原理 4
2.1.3 積層製造特性及應用 11
2.2 鈦及其合金 14
2.2.1 簡介 14
2.2.2 合金元素 15
2.2.3 合金分類 19
2.2.4 變形機制 25
2.3 鈦合金(Ti-6Al-4V)顯微組織控制及其熱處理 28
2.3.1 費德曼組織 29
2.3.2 網籃組織 32
2.3.3 等軸組織 32
2.3.4 雙態組織 34
2.3.5 柱狀組織 35
2.4 熱傳導之理論[38] 37
2.4.1 穩態分析法 39
2.4.2 暫態分析法 40
2.5 電化學腐蝕動態極化曲線 45
2.5.1 電化學腐蝕動態極化曲線原理 45
2.5.2 腐蝕機制 48
2.5.3 鈦合金抗腐蝕特性 50
2.6 金屬磨耗理論 51
2.6.1 鈦合金磨耗特性 53
第三章 實驗步驟 56
3.1 實驗材料 56
3.2 實驗流程 58
3.3 SLM製程參數 59
3.4 熱處理 59
3.4.1 一段熱處理 60
3.4.2 多段熱處理 60
3.5 實驗測試與分析 61
3.5.1 顯微組織觀察 61
3.5.2 電子探針微分析 62
3.5.3 X-ray繞射分析 63
3.5.4 密度量測 64
3.5.5 DSC分析 65
3.5.6 熱導率量測 65
3.5.7 電導率量測 67
3.5.8 表面硬度量測 68
3.5.9 表面磨耗軌跡量測 69
3.5.10 磨耗試驗 70
3.5.11 動態電位腐蝕試驗 70
第四章 結果與討論 72
4.1 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V之顯微組織 72
4.1.1 SLM製程參數對性質之影響 72
4.1.2 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V顯微組織異向性觀察 77
4.1.3 熱處理對Ti-6Al-4V顯微組織影響 79
4.1.4 HIP對Ti-6Al-4V顯微組織影響 87
4.1.5 X光繞射分析 89
4.2 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V之機械性質 92
4.2.1 維氏硬度 92
4.2.2 磨耗性質 94
4.3 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V之物理性質 98
4.3.1 熱傳導性質 98
4.3.2 電導性質 100
4.4 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V之化學性質 102
4.4.1 SLM製程Ti-6Al-4V之極化曲線 102
第五章 結論 104
參考文獻 105
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