1. T. L. Heath, The Copernicus of Antiquity: Aristarchus of Samos (1920). See also https://archive.org/details/copernicusofanti00heatrich.
2. J. L. Tassoul and M. Tassoul, Concise History of Solar and Stellar Physics, Princeton University (2004).
3. A. D. Aczel, Pendulum: Leon Foucault and the Triumph of Science, Washington Square Press (2003).
4. Peter Jorgensen, Gytoscopic Stabilization of Unstable Dynamical Systems, August 1, 2012.
5. Guenter Bischof, Karl Reisinger, Thomas Singraber, and Andreas Summer FH Joanneum, Gyroscopic Bearing Loads in Vehicular Flywheel-Based KERS, SAE Technical Paper 2014-01- 0839 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-0839.
6. Robert W. Mitchell and Barb Schultz, SAE International Paper 2007-01-0533 2007, A Case Study: Improvements in Automotive Motion Simulators Using Six Sigma Methodologies, April 16-19, 2007
7. 參考網站http://www.aqpl43.dsl.pipex.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/brennan/brennan.htm
8. Brennan, L.,’’Means for Imparting Stability to Unstable Bodies’’, US Patent No. 796893, 1905
9. Shilovskii, P.P., ‘’The Gyroscope: its Practical Construction and Application’’, London, E. and F.N. Spon ; New York, Spon and Chamberlain, 1924.
10. Schilowsky,P.,’’Gyroscope’’, US Patent No. 1,137,234,1915.
11. 參考網站 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal
12. 圖片來源 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lyonaus/3155195689
13. 圖片來源 http://www.flickr.com/photos/52926853@N00/156911238
14. 參考網站 http://www.segway.com/
15. 參考網站 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBOT
16. Scarborough J.B.,1985, The Gyroscope Theory and Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York..
17. Tao Zhang, 2014, Analysis of Active Gyro Based Roll-Stabilization of Slender Boat Hulls, KTH, School of Engineering Sciences (SCI).
18. 參考網站 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A3%9B%E8%BC%AA
19. 參考網站 http://www.quanser.com/products/rcptk/documentation/ni_myrio_msp_c.html
20. 參考網站 http://hobbyrobotyka.pl/mostki-h-jak-ugryzc/
21. 參考網站 https://physics.ucsd.edu/neurophysics/lab/ADXL335.pdf