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論文名稱(外文):R&D of the System Integration and Verification of Electric Vehicle with Multi Electricity Sources
外文關鍵詞:multi-electric platformSystem IntegrationElectric Vehicle with Multi-Electricity Sources
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The innovation and development of the hybrid electric vehicle is about to reduce the emissions of the exhaust gas. In order to achieve the purpose of sustainable development and carbon reduction, lots of states vehicle are slowly toward to industrial development of high efficiency, energy saving, clean and pollution-free power source. Hybrid vehicles are mostly currently on the market, but it still have the problems like exhaust gas, efficiency conversions and the endurance of batteries need to be solved. The developments of battery electric vehicles can effectively solve the emission regulations problem of the conventional internal combustion engine, but as far the bottlenecks of the electric cars are the battery energy density, cycle life, price, charging station and the charging time, battery management and other issues.
To solve the problems of the battery electric vehicle which just mention, in this study, we use the fuel cells, super capacitors, batteries that three power sources for the best combination of power distribution control system and make it became the Multi-Power Sources system. Use the super capacitor as an auxiliary power source, when the system need to provide high-current discharge, the auxiliary battery can avoid the maximum current discharge from the battery, reduce damage and improve lithium battery’s life. The fuel cell replace the traditional generator position of the car, mainly use as automotive power generation,. Beside to provide the requirement of electric power in the electric vehicle, it also can be charged to other storage device, and effectively solve the battery electric vehicle charging station and the charging time and other issues, once it have built the Multi-Power Sources platform will show on the computer screen. Except display the vehicle speed, rotating speed, also display for each power conversion efficiency and power SOC and output power, etc. It will show in full vehicle dynamic allocation, efficiency of the Multi-power electric vehicles. Through traffic patterns can verified that in different load conditions of multi-power sources, its cell efficiency compared to traditional electric cars can be improved relative and solve the bottlenecks encountered in the development of electric vehicles.
摘要 i
誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2複合動力車介紹 4
1.3文獻回顧 5
第二章 多電源電動車輛系統架構 10
2.1多電源電動車輛系統實驗平台規劃 10
2.1.1動力馬達參數設計 12
2.1.2 傳動系統參數設計 13
2.1.3 儲能系統參數設計 13
2.1.4 燃料電池參數設計 14
2.2多電源電動車輛系統實驗平台各元件介紹 18
2.2.1鋰電池 21
2.2.2 超級電容 22
2.2.3燃料電池 23
2.2.4富田4kW三相感應馬達 24
2.2.5 CompactRIO 9022 即時控制器 25
2.2.6磁粉式煞車 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 整車訊號佈局 28
3.1.1動力分配系統 29
3.1.2多電源電動車輛動力系統 32
3.2車輛環境參數設定 34
3.3人機介面撰寫 35
3.3.1訊號擷取紀錄程式 36
3.3.2馬達行車型態追隨控制程式 40
3.3.3磁粉式煞車控制程式 42
3.4人機介面自動監控系統 43
第四章 結果討論 46
4.1平台性能測試 47
4.1.1最高車速測試 47
4.1.2加速能力測試 47
4.1.3 爬坡測試 48
4.1.4行車型態測試 48
4.1.5安定時間測試 49
4.2定速巡航測試 50
4.3動態負載測試 51
第五章 結論與未來展望 53
5.1結論 53
5.2未來展望 54
參考文獻 55
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