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論文名稱:Open Data結合資料倉儲之設計與應用-以食品藥物為例
論文名稱(外文):Open Data Combined Design and Application of Data Warehouse - Food and Drug Cases
指導教授(外文):Yu Wei Chen
口試委員(外文):Yu Wei ChenYu Wei Chen
外文關鍵詞:ETLData WarehouseOpen Data
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近年來食安風暴接連爆發,導致民眾對於食品藥物的產地來源、組成、是否違規等等,皆受到重視,因而食品藥物開放資料(Open Data)的重要性孕育而生。其中目前食品藥物開放資料大部分都是單一資料集,鮮少將資料整合在一起,並且缺乏一個可以整合食品藥物開放資料的查詢平台。因此本研究著重於將食品藥物開放資料整合到資料倉儲(Data Warehouse,DW)裡,以解決只能查看單一資料集問題,使得民眾可以全覽整個食品藥物資料集,清楚了解目前的食品藥物狀況,避免買到有問題的產品,提升食安品質。
本研究透過萃取(Extract)、轉換(Transform)、載入(Load) (ETL)技術,將政府食品藥物開放資料(Open Data),整合到資料倉儲(DW)裡,並建置IIS (Internet Information Service)伺服器,並且結合統計報表應用,設計一個基於食品藥物之資料倉儲系統。
After having serial food safety problems in recent years, people focus more on the resources, combination, and possible violation of food safety regulations, which, furthermore, leads to a rising need for an Open Date of food and drugs. Most of the current open data for certain food and drug exist in separated and single files, and seldom are they integrated together. That means there is no integrated platform for searching these open data for food and drugs effectively. Therefore, this research aims to integrate all the open data of food and drugs into a Data Warehouse (DW), for solving the problem that people can only get information from separated files. People will be able to access the entire database and to have a more clear idea of the current condition of food and drugs. By doing so, problematic products can be prevented from being bought and the quality of food and drug will be raised.
With the techniques of extraction, transform, and loading ETL, this research has designed a data warehouse system for food and drug after integrating the Open Data of food and drugs belonging to government into the DW (data warehouse), built an Internet Information Service(IIS) , and combined the application of statistics report.
This system allows users to get all the information of food and drugs that open to the public. Besides basic searching functions, the system at the same time provides mixing and multi-dimensional searching functions. The searching results are also available to be exported into Excel spreadsheets for further usages for more people and business groups.
摘 要 i
目 錄 ii
表目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 資料倉儲 Data Warehouse 4
2.2 ETL 8
2.3 開放資料 Open Data 9
2.3.1 政府開放資料 10
2.3.2 食品藥物開放資料 13
第三章 食品藥物資料倉儲系統 14
3.1 系統架構 14
3.2 ETL設計與說明 16
3.3 實體資料模型定義 17
3.4 系統功能設計 21
第四章 實驗與結果 23
4.1 系統建置步驟 23
4.1.1 食品藥物資料庫建置 23
4.1.2 食品藥物資料倉儲建置 26
4.2 系統功能開發實作 28
4.2.1 食品查詢模組功能 28
4.2.2 藥物查詢模組功能 30
4.2.3 進階分析查詢模組功能 31
4.3 實驗結果 33
4.3.1食品查詢模組使用說明 33
4.3.2違規藥物查詢模組說明 34
第五章 結論 38
參考文獻 39
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