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論文名稱(外文):The exploration of IOT Based Technological Innovation For Optical Industry
外文關鍵詞:Service BlueprintingTheory of Inventive Problem SolvingPatent indicatorsQuality Function DeploymentInternet of Things
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隨著智慧裝置的普及以及網路與無線通訊技術的進步,促使物聯網資訊技術發展逐漸成熟,使得諸多傳統產業面臨衝擊。而根據統計台灣民眾使用智慧裝置上網的比率已位居全球之冠,每日平均使用高達197分鐘,進而導致近視人口逐年上升,台灣近視人口比率高達42%,位居全球第一。但由於大陸及東南亞地區勞力成本相對較低,使得眼鏡業的競爭與日俱增,以及受到經濟不景氣及雷射醫療技術的密集度等因素影響,造成傳統眼鏡業獲利大不如前而面臨轉型之困境,而眼鏡業要在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,必須提出服務創新。因此為了探索出涵蓋眼鏡業顧客需求且具發展潛力之技術,本研究採以兩階段品質機能展開法。第一階段品質機能展開法以服務藍圖分析眼鏡業原有的服務模式,探討消費者面臨的問題與服務不足之處,再以創新發明問題解決理論(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)推論出相關解決方案。第二階段品質機能展開則探討民眾對於穿戴裝置功能的需求,以及運用Thomson Innovation資料庫搜尋相關專利,將這些專利的新穎性(Novelty)與用途(Usage)整理成專利技術分類,最後依本研究分析結果,整理出重要結論,供管理者應用及參考。
With the popularization of smart devices and the advancement of the Internet and wireless communication techniques, the information techniques of the Internet of Things are gradually becoming mature, creating an impact on many traditional industries. In addition, according to statistics, Taiwan has the global highest rates of internet surfing on smart devices among people, with an average usage of 197 minutes on a daily basis, leading to an annual increase in its nearsighted population. Taiwan thus also possesses the global highest rates in nearsighted population, reaching 42%. However, as labor costs are relatively lower in mainland China and regions in Southeast Asia, competitors in the optical industry increasing on a daily basis. In addition, as a consequence of such factors as economic depression and the intensity of medical laser technology, the profits of the optical industry are not as they were, and are encountering difficulties in industrial transformation. If the Taiwanese optical industry wants to stand out among its global competitors, innovation in service must be provided. Thus, for the purpose for exploring the needs of customers from the optical industry, and equipping them with the techniques with potential for further development, this research adopts a two-phase approach of Quality Function Deployment. In the first phase of Quality Function Deployment, original service modes in the optical industry will be analyzed with Service Blueprinting, exploring the problems encountered by consumers and service gaps, and then a relevant solution proposal will be provided based on the inference with the Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems. In the second phase of Quality Function Deployment, the public need of wearable devices will be explored, and will search relevant patents using Thomson Innovation database to categorize their novelty and applications as classifications of patent technology. Eventually, based on the analytical results of this research, implications for management will be proposed to serve as reference and application for managers.
表目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
摘 要 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 物聯網 4
2.1.1 物聯網架構 5
2.2.2 物聯網技術 7
2.1.3 智能穿戴 9
2.2 服務藍圖 12
2.3 TRIZ理論 14
2.3.1 TRIZ矛盾矩陣 15
2.3.2 TRIZ服務參數 16
2.4 模糊品質機能展開法 17
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1 研究流程 19
3.2 兩階段QFD研究架構 19
3.2.1 顧客需求與功能品質機能展開 23
3.2.2 功能與技術品質機能展開 29
第四章 研究結果分析 30
4.1 顧客需求與功能品質機能展開 30
4.1.1 服務藍圖 30
4.1.2 矛盾矩陣 32
4.1.3 眼鏡業未來服務發展之建議 35
4.1.4 第一階段品質機能展開 36
4.2 功能與技術品質機能展開 41
4.2.1 專利檢索與智能穿戴概念之眼鏡專利地圖分析 41
4.2.2 第二階段品質機能展開 47
4.2.3 兼具顧客需求與專利發展潛力之眼鏡驗光專利地圖分析 49 兩階段QFD重要功能專利分析 49 兩階段QFD重要技術專利分析 68
第五章、結論 75
參考文獻 78
附錄 82
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