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研究生(外文):Chen-Yen Fan
論文名稱:製備與鑑定醚型聚胺酯/二元醇改質奈米碳 管複合材料
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Characterization of Ether-typed Polyurethane /Diol-modified Carbon Nanotube Composites
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Ta Wang
外文關鍵詞:PolyurethaneCarbon NanotubeComposites
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本研究將市售奈米碳管(MWCNT)鍛燒、酸處理(20%HF、22%HNO3)及氧化(H2SO4及HNO3)後得到含羧酸官能基之奈米碳管(ACNT),再將其與亞硫醯氯(SOCl2)及乙二醇、丁二醇或己二醇反應得到乙二醇化奈米碳管(EDCNT)、丁二醇化奈米碳管(BDCNT) 及己二醇化奈米碳管(HDCNT)。將三種不同的醇化奈米碳管以不同比例,分別加入由聚氧四甲基二醇(PTMO, M.W.:1000)及二苯甲烷二異氰酸鹽(MDI)所合成的聚胺酯預聚物,再以丁二醇作為鏈延長劑,得到醚型聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料(PU/EDCNT、PU/BDCNT或PU/HDCNT)。
奈米碳管的部分,FTIR光譜顯示了不同階段改質奈米碳管的特徵峰。粒徑分析顯示,HDCNT最大,ACNT最小。以Boehm’s method分析改質奈米碳管之官能基數量,其結果與TGA做理論分析之數值相近。
In this research, multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) were purified by annealing and hydrofluoric acid treatment, then oxidized by acid treatment in order to introduce carboxylic group onto the surface. The oxidized MWCNTs (ACNT) were reacted subsequently with thionylchloride and three kind of diol (ethanediol, 1, 4-butanediol and1,
6-hxanediol) to obtain ethanediol-modified (EDCNT), 1, 4-butanediol-modified (BDCNT) and 1, 6-hxanediol-modified carbon nanotube (HDCNT). Polyurethane (PU) nanocomposites were prepared by polytetramethylene oxide (PTMO, M.W.:1000), 4, 4’-methylenediphenyl
diisocyanate (MDI) and 1, 4-butanediol (chain extender) through two-step and in situ methods with EDCNT, BDCNT and HDCNT.
FTIR and Boehm’s method identified the functional groups of three different kinds of modified carbon nanotubes. The diol-modified carbon nanotubes were also characterized by particle size analyzer and solubility tests. The hydrogen bonding index (HBI) obtain from FTIR for PU composites decreases with increasing EDCNT content in the material indicating the destruction of hydrogen bonding in the hard section. However, the HBI increases for composites (PUB5 or PUH5) with BDCNT or HDCNT suggestion that the hard segments of the polymer chains were more aggregate.
The increases of temperature of degradation (Td1 or Td2), glass transition temperature, static contact angle’s, tensile strength’s and Young’s moduli for the composites with increase the content of EDCNT were obtained, but the decreases were observed in tensile elongations at break and surface resistivities for the materials.
By introducing the longer linkers between carbon nanotubes and hard segments of the polymer chains, the composites (PUB5 and PUH5) gave higher Td2’s, tensile strength’s, Young’s moduli, tensile elongation’s at break and static contact angle’s due to the agglomeration of the hard segments of the polymer chain’s, but the Tg’s of the soft segments of the polymer chains of the above materials decreased.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究方法 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1聚胺酯 3
2.1.1聚胺酯之基本結構與性質 3
2.1.2聚胺酯之合成與應用 4
2.2奈米碳管 6
2.2.1奈米碳管之結構與種類 6
2.2.2奈米碳管之純化及改質 7
2.3聚胺酯/奈米碳管複合材料 8
第三章 實驗 12
3.1藥品及實驗器材 12
3.2實驗儀器及檢測方法 16
3.2.1傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectrometer, FT-IR) 16
3.2.2核磁共振儀(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, NMR) 16
3.2.3粒徑分析儀(Particle Size Analyzer) 17
3.2.4熱重量損失分析儀(Thermogravimetric Analyzer, TGA) 17
3.2.5示差掃描熱分析儀(Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC) 18
3.2.6萬能材料試驗機(Material Testing System) 18
3.2.7穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM) 19
3.2.8四點探針電阻測量儀(Four Points Probe Sheet Resistivity Measurement) 19
3.2.9凝膠滲透層析儀(Gel Permeation Chromatograph, GPC) 20
3.2.10接觸角測量儀(Contact-Angle Meter) 20
3.2.11反滴定法(Boehm titration method) 21
3.3實驗步驟 22
3.3.1奈米碳管純化 23
3.3.2奈米碳管酸化 23
3.3.3奈米碳管醯氯化 23
3.3.4奈米碳管二元醇化 24
3.3.5聚胺酯之合成 24
3.3.6聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管之製備 24
第四章 結果與討論 26
4.1改質奈米碳管 26
4.1.1 FTIR分析 26
4.1.2粒徑分析 28
4.1.3 Boehm官能基分析 29
4.1.4熱重量分析 30
4.1.5溶劑性分析 31
4.2聚胺酯及其改質奈米碳管複合材料 32
4.2.1 核磁共振光譜分析 32
4.2.2 GPC分析 33
4.2.3 FTIR分析 33
4.2.4熱重量分析 37
4.2.5 DSC分析 40
4.2.6接觸角分析 42
4.2.7 表面電阻分析 44
4.2.8 拉伸測試分析 46
4.2.9 TEM分析 51
第五章 結論 56
參考文獻 59
附錄A 改質奈米碳管之粒徑大小 65
附錄B 改質奈米碳管之FTIR 68
附錄C 改質奈米碳管之溶解性 71
附錄D 改質奈米碳管之TGA 74
附錄E 改質奈米碳管之TGA理論計算 77
附錄F PU之GPC 79
附錄G 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之FTIR 81
附錄H 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之TGA 86
附錄I 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之TGA微分 91
附錄J 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之DSC 96
附錄K 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之接觸角 101
附錄L 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之表面電阻 106
附錄M 聚胺酯/改質奈米碳管複合材料之拉伸測試 108
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