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研究生(外文):Shen Ssu Ling
論文名稱(外文):Decoration of ZnO nanostructures with Au nanoparticles for antibacterial applications under visible light
指導教授(外文):Wan-Chin Yu
外文關鍵詞:antibacterialBacillus subtilisEscherichia coliAu nanoparticleZnO nanostructures
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本研究探討氧化鋅聚集體與金/氧化鋅奈米複合結構,在室內可見光源下的抗菌特性。首先以環境友善的水溶液法,利用硝酸鋅與氫氧化鈉的水溶液於80°C下反應,合成兩種結構不同的氧化鋅奈米聚集體,並以孔洞擴散法(agar-well diffusion method) 評估奈米聚集體對大腸桿菌和枯草桿菌的抗菌效果。結果顯示,抑菌圈的尺寸隨奈米氧化鋅濃度的上升而增加,而且相較於市售奈米氧化鋅顆粒及奈米花狀聚集體,橄欖球狀聚集體產生較大的抑菌圈,顯示後者有較高的抗菌活性。此外,大腸桿菌的抑菌圈並不明顯,顯示大腸桿菌對氧化鋅奈米聚集體有較高的耐受度。為了增加抗菌效果,續以檸檬酸還原法於奈米橄欖球狀聚集體上生長奈米金,並利用液體培養生長曲線及殺菌曲線測試其抗菌效果。實驗結果顯示,含有奈米金的複合結構具有較佳的抗菌效果,顯示沉積奈米金於聚集體上可提升其抗菌活性。
Two different shapes of zinc oxide nanocrystallite aggregates were synthesized using a green aqueous solution method, and their antibacterial properties were investigated under indoor visible light. The antibacterial activity of the nanocrystallite aggregates against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis were first tested using the agar-well diffusion method. The size of the inhibition zone increased with the concentration of the nanocrystallite aggregates, and the olive-shaped aggregates showed larger inhibition zone than the flower-shaped aggregates and the commercial ZnO nanoparticles, indicating the olive-shaped aggregates possess higher antibacterial activity. In addition, the Gram negative E. coli appeared to be more resistant to the ZnO nanomaterials than the Gram positive B. subtilis, as the inhibition zones for E. coli were not obvious. To enhance the antibacterial efficacy of the olive-shaped aggregates, Au nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of the aggregates via the citrate reduction method. The presence of Au nanoparticles was confirmed by electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. From the liquid culture tests, the olive-shaped aggregates exhibited strong bactericidal activity against both E. coli and B. subtilis, and the decoration of Au nanoparticles significantly enhanced the bactericidal activity of the olive-shaped aggregates.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 半導體光催化原理 4
2.2氧化鋅的構造及特性 7
2.3氧化鋅應用 9
2.4 氧化鋅製備方法 10
2.4.1 化學氣相沉積法 (Chemical Vapor Deposition) 11
2.4.2 水熱法 (Hydrothermal Method) 11
2.4.3 電化學沉積法 (Electrodeposition) 12
2.4.4溶膠-凝膠法 (Sol-Gel Method) 13
2.5 影響抗菌的因素 13
2.5.1 不同形貌 13
2.5.2 貴金屬/氧化鋅複合材料 16
2.6 氧化鋅光降解微生物的種類 19
2.6.1 細菌(bacteria) 19
2.6.2 真菌 (fungi) 22
2.6.3 原生動物(protozoa) 23
2.6.4 藻類(algae) 24
2.6.5 病毒(virus) 25
2.7 氧化鋅抗菌 28
2.7.1氧化鋅抗菌測試菌株 28大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli) 28枯草桿菌(Bacillus subtilis) 29
2.7.2氧化鋅抗菌機制 30
2.7.3氧化鋅抗菌測試方法 35
2.7.4影響氧化鋅抗菌的因素 36
第三章 材料與方法 37
3.1 實驗藥品與材料 37
3.2 實驗儀器與測量設備 38
3.2.1實驗儀器 38
3.2.2測量設備及操作方式 39
3.3 實驗方法 41
3.3.1實驗架構 41
3.3.2氧化鋅聚集體製備 42
3.3.3菌種前培養 45
3.3.4抑菌圈測試(Agar-well diffussion method) 46
3.3.5抗菌生長曲線測試 46
3.3.6殺菌曲線測試 47
第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)測試 48
4.1.1不同形貌奈米氧化鋅 48
4.1.2奈米橄欖球狀氧化鋅還原金 50
4.2 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)分析 54
4.3 光繞射儀(XRD)分析 57
4.4 抗菌實驗測試 58
4.4.1 抑菌圈測試 58
4.4.2 抗菌生長曲線測試 61
4.4.3 殺菌曲線測試 65
第五章 結論 68
參考文獻 70
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