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研究生(外文):Claudia Maria Miranda Pineda
論文名稱:The Analysis of Critical Success Factors for the Commercialization of the Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Technology
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis of Critical Success Factors for the Commercialization of the Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Technology
指導教授:蔡佩芳, PhD
指導教授(外文):Pei - Fang Tsai, PHD
口試委員:段葉芳 , PhD鄭辰仰, PhDShu-Jen Steven Tsai, PhD蔡佩芳, PhD
口試委員(外文):Yeh-Fand Duann, PhDChen Yang Cheng, PhDShu-Jen Steven Tsai, PhDPei - Fang Tsai, PhD
系所名稱:管理國際學生碩士專班 (IMBA)
中文關鍵詞:DSSCrenewable energySPSSsolar cell technologiesrenewable energies
外文關鍵詞:DSSCrenewable energySPSSsolar cell technologiesrenewable energies
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For a sustainable future it is important to use Earth’s resources efficiently. One way is by using renewable energy, and is referred to as the energy generated from natural resources that can be replenished naturally, such as sunlight, wind, rain, and geothermal heat.
Sun is one of the easiest accessible sources in the world, producing large amount of solar energy with abundant supply. Electricity can be produced through solar photovoltaic (PV), a phenomenon involving the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy via solar cell. This PV technology, or referred to as solar cell technology, has attracted attentions because of environmental friendliness, lower fabrication costs, and promising energy conversion efficiency.
Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) is the 3rd generation of solar cell technology from the group of thin film solar cells. Electricity is generated by illuminating photosensitive, organic dyes at oxide electrodes in electrochemical cells. In recent years, the development of DSSC, techniques have been studied extensively in laboratory researches with major improvement in the working electrodes, counter electrodes, dye types and experiment improvement. This study is to analyze factors towards the manufacture and future commercialization of DSSC solar cell in PV industry.
This research aims to analyze responses to identify the critical success factors for the solar cell industry to promote and commercialize DSSC, Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. Besides the interviews with investors and installers, a survey called “Solar Cell Technologies, Future Commercialization and Trends” is also conducted. Factors were selected and analyze towards efficiency, manufacturing, stability, cost and environment. Out of the response from individuals involved in this type of industry and research, success factors for future commercialization of DSSC were identified base on the average of response from the observers. Seven high ranked average factors were identified as to be more important and concluded that efficiency is critical. Efficiency should ranked between 20%-30% for future commercialization of DSSC. For a good efficiency in the cell, the quality of the material is important and the synthesize of the material in the cell is important, for manufacturing, the process technique is important and the simplicity in the manufacturing process is important, for the stability of the cell, the lifetime is important, and the environment temperature surrounding the cell is important. .
For a sustainable future it is important to use Earth’s resources efficiently. One way is by using renewable energy, and is referred to as the energy generated from natural resources that can be replenished naturally, such as sunlight, wind, rain, and geothermal heat.
Sun is one of the easiest accessible sources in the world, producing large amount of solar energy with abundant supply. Electricity can be produced through solar photovoltaic (PV), a phenomenon involving the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy via solar cell. This PV technology, or referred to as solar cell technology, has attracted attentions because of environmental friendliness, lower fabrication costs, and promising energy conversion efficiency.
Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) is the 3rd generation of solar cell technology from the group of thin film solar cells. Electricity is generated by illuminating photosensitive, organic dyes at oxide electrodes in electrochemical cells. In recent years, the development of DSSC, techniques have been studied extensively in laboratory researches with major improvement in the working electrodes, counter electrodes, dye types and experiment improvement. This study is to analyze factors towards the manufacture and future commercialization of DSSC solar cell in PV industry.
This research aims to analyze responses to identify the critical success factors for the solar cell industry to promote and commercialize DSSC, Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. Besides the interviews with investors and installers, a survey called “Solar Cell Technologies, Future Commercialization and Trends” is also conducted. Factors were selected and analyze towards efficiency, manufacturing, stability, cost and environment. Out of the response from individuals involved in this type of industry and research, success factors for future commercialization of DSSC were identified base on the average of response from the observers. Seven high ranked average factors were identified as to be more important and concluded that efficiency is critical. Efficiency should ranked between 20%-30% for future commercialization of DSSC. For a good efficiency in the cell, the quality of the material is important and the synthesize of the material in the cell is important, for manufacturing, the process technique is important and the simplicity in the manufacturing process is important, for the stability of the cell, the lifetime is important, and the environment temperature surrounding the cell is important. .
Table of Contents i
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iv
Abstract vi
Acknowledgments viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Energy 1
1.2. Types of Renewable Energy 3
1.3. Solar Energy Growth and Investment 4
1.4. Problem Statement 6
1.5. Research Objectives 9
1.6. Thesis Outline 10
Chapter 2. Literature Review 12
2.1. Photovoltaic Technology 12
2.2. Dye Sensitive Solar Cells 16
2.3. Dye Sensitive Solar Cells Structure 17
2.4. Dye Sensitive Solar Cells experimental Process Technique 19
2.5. DSSC Commercial Market 20
2.6. Manufacturing and Supply Chain 23
Chapter 3. Research Methodology 25
3.1. Factor Selection 27
3.1.1. Factors based on Literature Review 27
3.1.2. Factors Based on Interviews 28
3.2. Questionnaire Survey 30
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 34
4.1. Analysis of the Survey 35
4.2. Analyzing Factors 38
4.3. Chi-Square test for association 46
4.4. SWOT Analysis 48
Chapter 5. Conclusions 50
5.1. Summary of Analysis 50
5.2. Future Research of DSSC 52
References 54
Appendix: Survey 57
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