Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a development tool of Android platform, allows a developer to use a PC to control Android devices through USB ports, e.g., simulating touchscreen operations and loading/saving files from/to the PC. However, a limitation of ADB is that no more than 16 Android devices can be connected to a single machine. This thesis proposes a USB Master/Slave architecture to overcome this limitation so that a client machine can be used to control a large number of Android devices simultaneously. In the proposed architecture, the client machine connects to a master machine, which controls several slave machines, and each slave machine connects to a number of Android devices. In this way, the ADB limitation is resolved. We compare the performance of three different types of connections, namely USB Master/Slave, USB, and Wireless. The results showed that, when executing ADB commands, the proposed USB Master/Slave architecture introduced only a very small overhead. The proposed method was significantly faster than Wireless connections, and was very close to the speed of direct USB connections.