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研究生(外文):Mu-Cun, Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Feature Point Filtering and Choosing Method for the Visually Impaired Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Chueh-Wei, Chang
口試委員(外文):Chueh-Wei, ChangChueh-Wei, Chang
外文關鍵詞:SURFImage recognitionVisually impaired assistanceFeature point reduction
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根據過去本研究團隊,曾對視障者日常生活等不便問題,提出一套穿戴式視覺輔助系統,提供視障者「路標提醒」、「路況警示」與「日用品識別」的視覺輔具。其中「日用品識別」功能,則是透過尺度及旋轉不變特徵SURF(Speeded-Up Robust Features)演算法進行辨識物品資訊。然而在抽取物品上特徵時,將無法得知該物品是否適合做為辨識物品,而一味將特徵點儲存到資料庫,導致某些物品在辨識時不易識別,或無法識別的情況。另外,當隨著物品數量增加,將會造成特徵點資料庫太過於龐大,而且其中也包含著重複性的特徵點,而影響辨識的效能。
In our previous work, we presented a wearable system for visually impaired’s inconvenient in their daily life. The system can recognize signboard, daily commodities and detect obstacle. The feature of daily commodities identification recognize object by SURF(Speeded-Up Robust Features) algorithm which has scale and rotation invariant. However, when the system extract feature points from the object, it doesn’t know if the object is suitable for recognition, but store the feature points straightly to the database. The situation cause some of objects can’t be recognized easily or unrecognized. Furthermore, when the number of objects increase, the database of the feature points is getting larger. The database include repeated feature point which will influence the performance of recognition.
Therefore, this paper propose a mechanism of feature point filter aim to reduce the number of feature points efficiently. The system is divided into four steps: (1) using the density of feature points exclude the objects which is unsuitable for recognition objects, (2) using feature matching method exclude inter and intra of similar feature points, (3) using the scale of feature points to select the representative feature points, (4) using position distribution of feature points to get more uniform result, also more stable matching result. According to the experimental results, the number of feature points can exclude more than 50% and the feature matching performance can improve 30% without sacrifice recall and precision rate. Finally, we design the system of feature point filter that provide the normal sighted person build object information for visually impaired. The system can get message feedback when we build object information.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 相關研究與文獻探討 4
2.1 視障輔具相關研究 4
2.2 特徵點過濾 6
2.3 尺度不變特徵 9
第三章 系統架構 12
3.1 系統概述 12
3.2 特徵點篩選系統流程 14
3.3 特徵點辨識系統流程 15
第四章 特徵點篩選 16
4.1 特徵點密度 16
4.2 特徵點過濾-物品間相似特徵點 18
4.3 特徵點過濾-物品內相似特徵點 20
4.4 特徵點挑選-尺度大小 22
4.5 特徵點挑選-位置分布 26
第五章 特徵點辨識 30
5.1 建立特徵索引 30
5.2 特徵點比對 32
5.3 比對結果除錯 34
第六章 實驗結果 35
6.1 實驗與系統環境 35
6.2 實驗結果-特徵點密度 35
6.3 實驗結果-物品間特徵點過濾 37
6.4 實驗結果-物品內特徵點過濾 39
6.5 實驗結果-特徵點尺度大小挑選 41
6.6 實驗結果-特徵點尺度大小與位置分布挑選 43
6.7 實驗結果-整體效能分析 45
6.8 實驗結果-失敗案例 55
6.9 實驗結果-系統介面介紹 56
第七章 結論與未來展望 64
7.1 結論 64
7.2 未來展望 65
參考文獻 66
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