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研究生(外文):Ting-Yuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Characteristics of Microtremors Surrounding Slope with Deep-seated Gravitational Deformation
指導教授(外文):Tai-Tien Wang
外文關鍵詞:HVSR、HHT、deep-seated gravitational deformation
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本研究案例邊坡有一公路隧道穿越,根據確認的滑動邊界於滑動體與隧道內外不同位置,進行一系列微地動測量作業,採用快速傅立葉轉換 (FFT)分析微地動不同方向頻譜,比較單站及雙站水平垂直頻譜比(HVSR)的放大頻段,並使用希爾伯特黃轉換(HHT)獲取頻譜中不同頻段的能量比例。
Deep-seated gravitational deformation range is huge, the magnitude of deformation of the short term is not obvious that the investigation is not easy; however such acceleration slope, once in motion, is likely to lead to rapid change in the formula landslides, causing a major disaster. How to investigate the existence and scope of deep-seated gravitational deformation are the key projects of slope disaster prevention. In this study in Southeast Taiwan after a detailed investigation and d deep-seated gravitational deformation as a case study, measurement and analysis of its micro-earthquake characteristic amplitude and energy of different frequencies to provide a survey of potential sliding Interpretable boundary of reference for many years to monitor confirmed .
The case study of slope has a road tunnel crossing, according to the confirmation slip boundary at different locations inside and outside the tunnel and the sliding body, a series of microtremors measuring operation, using Fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum analysis of microtremors in different directions, and compare with single station horizontal and vertical spectral ratio (HVSR);dual horizontal spectral ratio amplification band and using Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) to obtain the proportion of the energy spectrum in different bands.
The results show, the outer boundary slope slip case, single station HVSR amplification band was significantly higher than inside sliding body height of about 7Hz, sliding inside HVSR amplification band easily change with the case different. At the lower abdomen with the slide body junction is relatively stable in the following 6Hz substantially located on the slope is most difficult to focus on a particular band. The dual station HVSR amplification band is about the same results with a single station HVSR.
Vertical to the spectral energy ratio of each band regardless of the slide both inside and are similar, 2Hz the following ratio of about 20%, 2 to 3Hz accounts for about 40%, 5Hz above about 40%, while the level in the spectrum within the boundaries of the sliding body, the proportion of low frequency increased significantly, 2Hz or less up to 25% of the most even up to 40% higher than the frequency band in which the slide has been improved. HVSR with the composition ratio of the energy bands cross comparison results can be learned, and the resulting analytical test slide inside the tunnel amount similar to the results of the surface, but the sliding body, inside the tunnel and the surface slightly different results
摘 要 I
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
1.2 研究方法與流程 1
1.3 研究架構與主要內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 深層重力變形 4
2.1.1 深層重力變形地表產狀與變形特徵 4
2.1.2 調查方法 8
2.2 深層重力變形微地動量測技術應用 10
2.2.1 微地動量測技術之背景 10
2.2.2頻譜比法 11
2.2.3 微地動量測之應用 12
第三章 案例邊坡及微地動資料收集 23
3.1 案例邊坡 23
3.1.1 歷年航照判釋與現地查核 24
3.1.2 既有邊坡監測資料及結果 25
3.1.3 既有隧道監測及結果 25
3.2 微地動測量 27
3.2.1 儀器設備 28
3.2.2 現地作業流程 28
3.2.3 測站分佈 29
3.2.4 資料處理流程 29
第四章 微地動資料處理結果與討論 56
4.1 不同測點的微地動特性 58
4.1.1 FFT頻譜 58
4.1.2 頻譜比 59
4.1.3 能量比 61
4.1.4 HHT圖 64
4.2 案例邊坡崩塌地內外量測結果 65
4.2.1 滑動體地表外 66
4.2.2 滑動體地表內 67
4.2.3 公路沿線 69
4.3 案例邊坡隧道內外量測結果 70
4.4 討論 72
4.4.1 HVSR與經驗模態分解(EMD)處理目的差異 72
4.4.2 案例邊坡主要頻段 73
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 建議 75
參考文獻 76
附錄A 80
附錄 Q&A 231
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