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研究生(外文):Ka-Hou Chong
論文名稱(外文):A Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem Featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chia Huang
口試委員(外文):Hsu-Chun YenSy-Yen KuoWei-Ho TsaiShih-Chia Huang
中文關鍵詞:多目標最佳化智慧型共乘系統 (ICS)共乘服務問題 (CSP)高乘載旅途規劃
外文關鍵詞:Multi-Objective OptimizationIntelligent Carpool SystemCarpool Service ProblemHigh-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries.
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智慧型共乘系統(Intelligent Carpool System, ICS),讓司機與乘客能輕鬆地存取共乘服務方便達成使用者間的車輛共乘,現今共乘的相關議題已經發展為共乘服務問題(Carpool Service Problem, CSP)。本論文承續了基礎的共乘服務問題,並更進一步定義高乘載旅途規劃之共乘服務問題(Carpool Services Problem Featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries, CSPHI),其中高乘載旅途規劃主要是利用多目標問題模型,考量車輛如何在共乘旅途之情況下,所行駛的每一條路徑都能夠使車輛內座位空間具有高效率的使用。因此,本論文是基於第二代非支配排序基因演算法(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, NSGA-II) 結合專為問題所設計的啟發操作子,提出了多目標最佳化演算法求解高乘載旅途規劃之共乘服務問題(HMO-CSPHI),其主要由兩個模組所構成:(1)啟發式搜尋操作和(2)多目標個體選擇。在本論文實驗中,我們將沒有加入啟發式操作的NSGA-II與本論文提出的HMO-CSPH演算法作為主要的比較對象,實驗結果證明本論文所提出的HMO-CSPHI演算法,針對多目標的量化評估和二維目標視覺化投影上都有顯著的帕雷托最優結果。
Intelligent carpool system makes both drivers and passengers even convenient to access carpool services to enjoy their ridesharing. The foundation of carpool-related issues has been developed as Carpool Service Problem. This thesis inherits from fundamental problem to further as Carpool Service Problem featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries which takes into consideration the enhancement of the vehicular space occupancy for each edge of ridesharing itinerary while multiple objectives is being involved. As such, the Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm to solve Carpool Service Problem featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries is proposed based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II and comprised of two modules: Heuristics Search Operation and Multi-objective Individual Selection. In the experimental section, the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II without the heuristics mechanism is taken as an important competitor to the proposed Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that HMO-CSPHI can generate the most outstanding performances in terms of quantitative analysis and visualization comparison on Pareto optimality.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract in English ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis Overview 3
2 Background 4
3 Proposed HMO-CSPHI algorithm 9
3.1 Heuristics Search Operation 9
3.1.1 Route Renewal Function (RRF) 11
3.1.2 Passenger Insertion Heuristics (HS1) 12
3.1.3 Passenger Mixture Heuristics (HS2) 13
3.1.4 Perimeter Exchange Heuristics (HS3) 15
3.1.5 Driver Route Heuristics (HS4) 17
3.2 Multi-objective Individual Selection 18
3.2.1 Non-dominated Sorting 18
3.2.2 Crowding Distance Sorting 20
4 Experimental Results 22
4.1 Performance Metrics in Multi-objective Optimization 23
4.1.1 Inverted Generational Distance (IGD) 24
4.1.2 Spacing Metric (SP) 24
4.1.3 Pareto Spread Metric (OS) 24
4.1.4 Distribution and Spread / Diversity Metric (△*) 25
4.1.5 Coverage Metric (C-metric) 25
4.2 Comparisons of our HMO-CSPHI and NSGA-II-CM 26
4.2.1 Quantitative Analysis on MOO Metrics 26
4.2.2 Visualization Analysis on 2D Projection 28
5 Conclusions 30
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