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研究生(外文):Sih-Wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):Chip Design of Gesture and Finger Interactive System under Big and Small Motion Ranges
指導教授(外文):Yu-Cheng Fan
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy Logic ControllerFuzzy TheoryDynamic Gesture RecognitionNatural User Interface
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With the human-machine interface and mid-air control have been developed in recent years, many people focus on related research, and create more and more convenient applications. The traditional user interface has been gradually transformed into more consistent with human intuitive operation manner.
In this thesis, the proposed method based on three-dimensional mid-air gesture and finger interactive interface, and more deep discussion the differences of tracking and actions recognition between gestures and fingers. We analyze their characteristics individually. The tracking and recognition of gesture is based on hand palm center changes. The analysis of finger movements is based on the position of the finger fingertip and finger skeleton. Then we integrate the two characteristics, and through the classification of big margin and small margin, to recognize gesture and finger movements on the user interface, to make more convenient for use about interact function of fingers and gestures, and realize more complete finger and gesture interactive technology.
In this thesis, we combine the depth and color cameras to capture objects in space, and use the color information and the depth information to analyze images. The process includes preprocessing through the hand segmentation, hand detection, hand tracking, and finger detection, to get the information of the hand, and add fuzzy control theory, establish fuzzy controller, define the fuzzy set and membership function of inputs and outputs. Through the design flow of algorithm, we can know the current hand position and hand moving direction information, and execute fuzzy inference in the fuzzy rule we have created. Finally, we can infer the current action belong with big margin or small margin after defuzzifier. In action recognition, it can determine the corresponding function such as finger clicking, image zooming by one hand/ two hands, image moving, image rotation depth distance-based zooming to operate with computer. The accuracy of finger clicking is 91.6%. The accuracy of image zooming is 92.4%. The accuracy of image zooming by one hand is 95.5%. The accuracy of image zooming by two hands and image rotation are both 100%, and the accuracy of depth distance-based zooming is 98.75%. Besides, we designed the hardware architecture design of the system we proposed, and implement a digital chip via the “Cell-based IC Design Flow.”
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiv
第一章 介紹 1
1.1. 簡介 1
1.2. 發展與重要性 1
1.3. 研究動機 4
1.4. 論文章節組成 4
第二章 相關研究與文獻探討 5
2.1. 手部追蹤 5
2.1.1. 「CAMSHIFT」追蹤演算法 5
2.1.2. 「卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman filter)」的手勢追蹤技術 6
2.1.3. 手掌重心掃描追蹤(Palm Center Scanning) 8
2.2. 手勢辨識 10
2.2.1. 手勢偵測 10
2.2.2. 手指偵測 14
2.3. 人工智慧 17
2.3.1 模糊理論與模糊控制系統 17
2.3.2 人工類神經網路 22
2.3.3 類神經模糊系統 24
2.4 結論 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 系統架構 28
3.2 前處理(Preprocessing) 29
3.2.1 手部切割 29
3.2.2 手部偵測 30
3.2.3 手部追蹤 31
3.2.4 手指偵測 31
3.3 模糊邏輯控制器(Fuzzy Logic Controller) 34
3.3.1 確定模糊控制器的架構 34
3.3.2 定義輸入、輸出模糊集合 35
3.3.3 定義輸入、輸出的歸屬函數 36
3.3.4 建立模糊控制規則 38
3.3.5 執行模糊推論 39
3.3.6 進行解模糊化 41
3.4 動作辨識(Action Recognition) 42
3.4.1 小幅度動作辨識 43
3.4.2 大幅度動作辨識 45
3.4.3 單輸入模糊控制器 48
3.5 結論 51
第四章 硬體架構設計 52
4.1 系統架構 52
4.2 模糊化機制 53
4.3 模糊推論引擎 57
4.4 解模糊化機制 60
4.5 資料流處理 62
4.6 結論 63
第五章 實驗方法與結果 64
5.1 實驗方法 64
5.2 實驗結果 71
5.3 實驗結果比較 80
5.3.1 手勢偵測準確率比較 80
5.3.2 動態手勢準確率比較 84
5.4 結論 88
第六章 晶片設計流程 89
6.1 數位電路設計流程 89
6.1.1 電路規格與輸出入腳位定義 89
6.1.2 RTL設計 91
6.1.3 邏輯合成設計 92
6.1.4 可測試性電路設計 93
6.1.5 自動佈局繞線 95
6.1.6 DRC與LVS驗證 95
6.1.7 實體佈局模擬驗證 96
6.2 晶片實體佈局與規格 97
6.3 數位晶片量測流程 99
6.4 結論 101
第七章 總結與未來展望 102
7.1 總結 102
7.2 未來展望 103
參考文獻 104
附錄A發表論文 109
附錄B獲獎榮譽 110
附錄C量測報告 111
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