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研究生(外文):Yi-Lung Wu
論文名稱(外文):An Object Tracking Algorithm for Computing Tibia Horizontal Displacement
指導教授(外文):Chiu-Ching Tuan
口試委員(外文):Chien-Chang HsuHaw-Yun ShinYen-Wen Chen
外文關鍵詞:Image trackingPivot shift testTibial horizontal displacementAnterior cruciate ligament
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本研究目的為檢測膝關節前十字韌帶受損狀況並以量化呈現,提供患者是否需進行膝關節韌帶重建手術之參考。本系統以非侵入式作檢測,採用網路攝影機進行標記點物件追蹤,並結合自製之模組固定於大腿正上方,受測者以軸移測試檢測方式進行檢查,以追蹤脛骨結節上標記點座標移動變化,進而計算脛骨水平位移量,藉此位移量評估前十字韌帶受損之狀態,有助於提供醫生作為診斷參考。因醫學研究上之位移量皆以毫米為單位,本系統經由驗證量測之誤差值可小於1 mm,故可量測出有效數據供醫生參考。
The knee-joint is an important joint to support the body weight in human structure and is indispensable in lower limb moving. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament, and lateral collateral ligament can keep knee swinging stable. The knee injuries are commonly caused by the external forces variation in ACL. Most patients of the serious ACL injure choose operation. If the symptom is slight, patient may consider the inflammation of tendon or muscle. Hence, delay the treatment time to cause other diseases. In clinical examination, doctor can not quantify the level of ACL injure for further diagnosis.
This study aimed to assess the situation of ACL injuries, and present the quantitative results. This research provided the basis for the patients to make a decision whether to do ACL reconstruction surgery. Apply a webcam to track marked objects., The webcam is combined with the homemade module and fixed above the femur to measure the shift. Subjects are thus examined by pivot shift test to tracking the changes of markers coordinates on the tibial tuberosity point for computing tibia horizontal displacement. The results could be for doctors as a diagnostic reference. In medical research, the amount of displacement is often measured in millimeters. Our system was verified by measurements and confirmed that the error value is less than 1 mm, it thus could effectively measure the data for reference by doctors.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 膝關節結構 6
2.1.1 膝關節相關病理探討 7
2.1.2 膝關節韌帶損傷與不穩定 9
2.2 影像追蹤偵測技術 10
2.2.1 物件顏色追蹤 10
2.2.2 物件邊緣追蹤 12
2.2.3 即時臉部追蹤 13
2.3 其他文獻檢測方式 15
2.3.1 韌帶術前檢測方式 15
2.3.2 PST相關量化技術 17
第三章 實驗材料與方法 21
3.1 感測訊號模組 22
3.1.1 影像偵測設備 22
3.1.2 微控制器 24
3.1.3 慣性感測模組 25
3.1.4 感測器固定方法與位置 26
3.2 影像訊號處理與分析 27
3.2.1 慣性感測訊號分析 30
3.2.2 顏色辨識與物件追蹤 32
3.2.3 影像初始校正 37
3.3 主要量測動作 39
第四章 實驗與討論 41
4.1 模擬驗證設計 41
4.1.1 模擬驗證比較基準 43
4.1.2 靜態模擬驗證 44
4.1.3 動態驗證波形分析 45
4.1.4 動態模擬驗證 46
4.1.5 動態脛骨位移推算 51
4.2 人體膝關節量測設計 53
4.2.1 實驗量測對象 53
4.2.2 量測方法設計 54
4.2.3 實驗量測參數表 56
4.3 人體膝關節量測結果分析 57
4.3.1 量測結果分析 57
4.3.2 量測結果差異性分析 59
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 65
附錄 70
A 參數對照表 70
B 中英文專有名詞對照表 72
C 操作介面簡介 74
D 作者簡歷 76
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