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研究生(外文):Hong-Yuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of the Direct Torque Control ASIC with seven-stage fuzzy hysteresis and PID speed controller
指導教授(外文):Guo-Ming Sung
口試委員(外文):Guo-Ming SungGuo-Ming SungGuo-Ming Sung
外文關鍵詞:application-specific integrated circuithardware description languagediscrete multiple vector voltagefuzzy speed feedbackseven-step fuzzy hysteresis controllerfuzzy hysteresisdirect torque controlInduction motor
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This thesis presents a modified Direct Torque Control (DTC), which includes fuzzy PID and seven-stage hysteresis controller, to improve the ripple problem induced with a limited vector voltages and slow response of speed in traditional DTC. To have a stable control system, one needs to increase the response on torque, flux, current and speed. This work not only proposes a fuzzy PID for speed response but also promoted a seven-stage hysteresis controller. Both flux and torque errors pass through the modified discrete multiple vector voltages (MDMVV) to obtain the required vector voltage; and the speed error is converted into a torque command after passing the fuzzy PID controller. According to the proposed MDMVV switching table, two hundred and ninety four combination vectors are available for selecting suitable vector voltage to be sent to the inverter. Note that four voltage vectors of stator are generated in a cycle for the proposed MDMVV, whereas a vector voltage for traditional DTC. The proposed modified DTC not only reduces the ripples in torque and flux but also enhances the stability of control system.
In this thesis, the hardware description language is used to write the source code of the control system; and that the programmable logic gate array (FPGA) device is considered to verify the function and syntax. Then the TSMC (0.18um CMOS) process is adopted to simulate the designed function. By using the component libraries in Synopsys and Cadence software, the source code is completed with circuit synthesis, automatic layout winding and functional testing process. Finally, the direct torque control ASIC is implemented with fuzzy hysteresis and discrete multiple vector voltages. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed DTC ASIC is implemented in 0.18m CMOS technology with the chip area of 1.1931.190 mm2 at the operating frequency of 10 MHz, the supplied voltage of 1.8 V and the power consumption of 5.014 mW.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究方法 3
1.3研究目的 4
第二章 直接轉矩控制系統 6
2.1前言 6
2.2變頻器架構原理介紹 7
2.3感應馬達原理 11
2.4感應馬達數學模型 12
2.5電動機狀態方程式 18
2.6定子磁通量計算 22
2.6.1計算d-q 軸磁通量 22
2.6.2計算d-q 軸合成磁通量 23
2.7轉矩計算 23
2.8磁通角度計算 24
2.9回授速度計算 26
第三章 模糊控制與預測控制系統 27
3.1前言 27
3.2 模糊控制理論 27
3.3模糊控制系統 29
3.3.1模糊化 30
3.3.2規則庫 31
3.3.3模糊推論引擎 32
3.3.4解模糊化 35
3.4模糊磁滯控制器 36
3.4.1定義輸入及輸出變數 36
3.4.2模糊化與歸屬函數 36
3.4.3模糊控制規則 39
3.4.4模糊推論 44
3.4.5解模糊化 48
3.5 Fuzzy PID 控制系統設計 48
3.5.1 簡述 48
3.5.2 PID控制器 49
3.5.3 Fuzzy PID控制器 53
3.6改良型離散多重向量電壓切換表 56
3.7預測控制系統 65
第四章 直接轉矩控制系統實作 66
4.1系統架構介紹 66
4.2電壓估測計算 69
4.3電流估測計算 69
4.4電流ADC轉換 70
4.5 ds–qs磁通計算 72
4.6合成磁通計算 72
4.7轉矩計算 72
4.8角度區間選擇 73
4.9模糊磁滯控制器 73
4.10 改良型離散多重向量電壓切換表 75
4.11預測型控制法則 77
4.12速度回授電路 77
4.13 Fuzzy PID 控制器 78
第五章 晶片設計與驗證 80
5.1簡介 80
5.2標準單元基礎設計流程 80
5.3暫存器轉換階層(RTL)設計 81
5.4合成電路 81
5.5閘階層模擬(Gate-Level Simulation) 83
5.6電路佈局與繞線 84
5.6.1 初始佈局(floorplan) 85
5.6.2時序分析 86
5.6.3繞線(routing) 86
5.7晶片打線 87
5.8製程電路驗證(DRC&LVS) 88
第六章 模擬與驗證 89
6.1軟體模擬與驗證 89
6.2 文獻比較 96
第七章 結論與未來研究 99
7.1 結論 99
7.2 未來研究工作 100
參考文獻 101
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