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研究生(外文):LIEN YUN FEI
論文名稱(外文):Implement the intelligent cloud management system of equipment in a printed circuit board plant
外文關鍵詞:Simulated Annealing、Equipment maintenance path、regression analysis、Equipment Maintenance Management、Health Diagnosis
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The concept of Industry 4.0 was first proposed in 2011 at the Hannover Fair in Germany and promoted: (1) extensive use of robotic production; (2) production process to be more automated using information technology and related equipment to interconnect production lines to exchange and process information and deal with the subsequent reaction. Therefore, it can be smarter to arrange production equipment, production lines and processes to achieve the goal of flexible manufacturing. Based on the fourth industrial revolution, the subsequent change will be factory equipment maintenance management, therefore, this paper presents three main proposals for the future equipment management of PCB factories: (1) how to apply communication technology to construct stable front-end sensor data acquisition and interconnect with IoT and interconnection network, (2) how to use the back-end data to process regression analysis, collect and integrate digital information to accurately predict device health conditions, (3) proposals of abnormal device maintenance planning and equipment maintenance management based on TSP algorithm; in addition, to make equipment maintenance more flexible through using mobile tablets.
By improving equipment management modes, it could avoid missing the necessary tools or accessories, to-and-fro labor and wasting time during maintenance. It also could enhance the integration of production process, operation and maintenance management and operation and maintenance automation, and reduce labor tracking to accelerate equipment maintenance efficiency and reduce stock costs, shipping costs, material procurement and labor costs.
摘 要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究步驟與方法 3
1.4 論文架構概述 4
第二章系統建置軟體 5
2.1 設備維運系統簡介 5
2.2 ASP程式語言介紹 6
2.3 MS SQL資料庫介紹 8
2.4 Modbus數據採集調試軟體介紹 10
2.4.1 Modbus ASCII 11
2.4.3 Modbus Ethernet 12
2.4.4 模組連線方式 12
2.5 OPC數據採集軟體介紹 13
2.6 WebAccess圖控軟體介紹 16
2.6.1客戶端節點WebAccess Client 17
2.6.2 監控端節點SCADA Node 18
2.6.3 工程端節點Project Node 19
2.6.4 集中資料伺服器 21
2.6.5 Web伺服器 22
第三章系統規劃 23
3.1個案公司背景及IT部門服務介紹 23
3.2設備機台數據流程分析 25
3.2.1 前端作業:機台端 26
3.2.2 後台作業:伺服器端 30
3.3圖控數據分析與健康診斷 42
3.3.1設備參數採集 43
3.3.2設備數據處理 43
3.3.3利用統計線性迴歸進行數據分析 44
3.4設備異常維護最佳路徑規劃 50
第四章系統實測與結果討論 52
4.1 雲端設備維運系統管理設計 53
4.1.1監控頁面 53
4.1.2登入頁面設計 54
4.1.3設備通訊狀態 55
4.1.4即時狀況頁面設計 56
4.1.5歷史曲線頁面設計 57
4.1.6異常報警頁面設計 58
4.1.7報表及查詢頁面設計 59
4.2 線性迴歸設備參數預測分析 60
4.2.1 數據分析的目標 60
4.2.2 可能之重要變數說明 60
4.2.3 數據量現況分析 63
4.2.4 重要變數的敘述性統計: 64
4.2.5 關鍵變數的篩選 65
4.2.6 關鍵變數的簡單迴歸分析 66
4.2.7 複迴歸分析-Backward演算法 69
4.3 旅行推銷員演算法分析 70
4.3.1 設備位置與坐標對應設計 71
4.3.2 最佳路徑程式運行 72
4.3.3 最佳路徑維修零件與工具查詢表 74
4.3.4 移動設備維護畫面 75
4.4 結果與討論 79
第五章結論與未來展望 80
5.1 結論 80
5.2 本論文之貢獻 81
5.3 未來研究方向 82
參考文獻 83
附錄 87
附錄(A) C32料號L3正面量測數據 87
附錄(B) MATLAB_TSP_程式執行數據 91
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