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研究生(外文):Hsu, Shang- Ru
論文名稱(外文):Boost DC-DC Converter with Self-Regulated Output Voltage and Transient Enhancement for Parallel-String Dimmable LED Driver
外文關鍵詞:LED driverboost converterminimum voltage detectorself-regulated output voltagefast transient response
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晶片以TSMC 0.35 μm 2P4M CMOS製程來實現。實驗結果顯示所提之LED驅動器可依不同之LED順向導通電壓提供對應之輸出電壓。輸出電壓由高電位降至低電位之暫態響應時間為50 μs。功率消耗較傳統LED驅動器效率提升6.66%,LED燈串間電流誤差率僅0.71%。
This thesis proposes a boost dc-dc converter with self-regulated output voltage (SROV) and transient enhancement (TE) schemes for parallel-string dimmable LED driver. Because the voltages across LED strings are different, the LED driver generates additional power losses and the LED currents are unbalance. The SROV control can make the dc-dc converter offer an appropriate level of output voltage corresponding to the voltage across each LED string. The SROV control can not only decrease the power consumptions of current regulators but also enhance current balance effect. The transient response of the boost converter is slow when the output voltage of the boost converter decreases from high level to low level. Thus, the TE scheme is used to turn on all LED strings to accelerate transient response of the boost converter.
The chip is implemented with TSMC 0.35 μm 2P4M CMOS process. The experimental results show the proposed LED driver can supply different output voltage based on the different voltage across the corresponding LED string. The recovery time of the output voltage from high level to low level is 50 μs. Compared with conventional LED driver, the efficiency of the proposed LED driver can be increased 6.66% and the current mismatch rate is only 0.71%.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文概述 5
第二章 LED發展史與驅動方式介紹 6
2.1 LED簡介 6
2.2 LED驅動方式 8
2.2.1 定電壓驅動 8
2.2.2 定電流驅動 9
2.3 LED驅動模式原理 10
2.3.1 振幅驅動模式 10
2.3.2 脈波寬度調變驅動模式 11
2.3.3 脈衝電流調變驅動模式 12
第三章 輸出電壓自我調節技術 13
3.1 LED驅動電路比較 13
3.2 輸出電壓自我調節原理 20
3.3 循序調光控制 22
第四章 所提之LED驅動電路設計與實現 26
4.1 系統架構簡介 26
4.2 升壓型直流-直流轉換器 29
4.2.1 工作原理 29
4.2.2 脈波寬度調變控制 31
4.2.3 補償設計與穩定度分析 32
4.3 輸出電壓自我調節電路 45
4.4 暫態響應加速機制 54
4.5 LED電流驅動器 55
4.6 疊接轉導放大器 56
4.6 鋸齒波產生器 57
4.7 遲滯比較器 58
第五章 模擬結果 60
5.1 升壓型轉換器之模擬結果 60
5.1.1 負載調節率(Load Regulation) 60
5.1.2線調節率(Line Regulation) 63
5.1.3參考電壓追隨(Reference Tracking) 65
5.2 整體電路之模擬結果 68
5.3 效率分析結果 72
5.3.1 升壓型轉換器效率分析 72
5.3.2 LED驅動電路效率分析 74
第六章 晶片量測結果 82
6.1 晶片佈局圖 82
6.2 量測結果 85
第七章 結論與未來展望 87
參考文獻 89
[2]泰谷光電科技股份有限公司 ,LED產品應用端發展說明。
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