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研究生(外文):Wan-Ting You
論文名稱:具穩定性分析之自適應分享控制架構 應用於輪椅機器人並考慮人為錯誤保護
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Shared Control Formation Synthesizing Stability Characteristics for a Robotic Wheelchair Considering Human Error
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Han ChiangJin-Shyan Lee
口試委員(外文):Yen-Lin ChenCheng-Ming HuangSendren Sheng-Dong Xu
外文關鍵詞:human error protectionhuman-robot collaborationrobotic wheelchairwheelchair stabilityconvex analysisShared control
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輪椅機器人可有效提供行動不便者有獨立移動性,減輕使用者負擔並維持自尊,但根據醫學報告指出全自動化操作的輔助並非適當的協助,因此,分享控制的概念被引入輪椅機器人。目前研究多依據使用者的生理訊號或場地的特徵來改變控制權重,然而這需要額外的感測器或在特定的環境執行,除了缺乏分享控制設計的穩定性分析,對於使用者人為操作失誤議題並無相關探討。因此本論文提出一個應用於輪椅機器人並可防止人為操作失誤的自適應分享控制系統。本系統採用雷射測距儀感測前方環境與輪椅機器人距離的變化,並分析控制系統之穩定性,以提高分享控制操作的可靠度與安全性。在理論發展部分,首先將輪椅機器人參考移動模型線性化,再利用林納德-奇帕特準則(Liénard-Chipart criterion)進行穩定性分析,以得到避障控制系統設計條件。接著整合機器人與使用者控制的分享控制設計,本論文使用凸集合分析法設計分享控制器的穩定性,使用者與機器人的控制命令各為凸集合,根據凸集合交集的穩定區間系統的控制權重作自適應的變化,系統經權重的分配後具安全並可靠的操作。
The robotic wheelchair can effectively provide the handicapped with independent mobility assistance. Although the operation burden can be reduced while respecting user’s self-esteem, the fully automated systems easily lead to loss of residual skills of user, and thus such systems are still questioned from the view of medical research. In decades, the concept of shared control is heavily raised in the human-wheelchair collaborative navigation.
Most studies currently adopt users physical characteristics and environmental characteristics to change the control weightings, that, however, requires additional sensors and limited applicable environments. In addition to the lack of stability analysis of shared control design, few studies are conducted to investigate about the users human error impact.
This thesis presents an adaptive shared controller on a robotic wheelchair robot which aims to enable the protection against human errors. In the proposed shared control system, a laser range finder is used to detect the distance data in the front of the robotic wheelchair. Further, the stability of the shared control system is analyzed to improve the system reliability and operation safety. In the developed method, the reference mobile model of robotic wheelchair is firstly linearized so that the stable characteristics in the obstacle avoidance behavior can be derived according to the Liénard-Chipart criterion. Next, by integrating the human input with robot control, the stability for the human-robot shared control is analyzed based on the convex analysis, in which the human input and the robot control are expressed as convex sets. Through the relationships among these two convex sets, the shared control system can self-adjust the control weightings between the human and the robot so that the safety and reliable operation can be guaranteed.
In summary, the adaptive shared control developed in this thesis is able to enhance the driving safety, reduce the operation burden, and get rid of the risk caused by human errors. Finally, the human errors including skill-based errors, decision errors, and violations are considered in the experimental conduction. To valid the proposed approach in an objective view, the assessment from the designed criteria with fluency, smoothness, and complete time efficiency are discussed.
摘 要 i
致謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.3.1 任務級分享控制 3
1.3.2 伺服級分享控制 4
1.4 問題陳述 6
1.5 研究方法 7
1.6 實驗場景設計 7
1.7 研究貢獻 10
1.8 論文架構 10
第2章 系統架構 11
2.1 硬體架構簡介 11
2.1.1 載具平台 12
2.1.2 嵌入式控制器 12
2.1.3 雷射測距儀 16
2.1.4 電控模組 19
2.1.5 電源供應系統 22
2.2 軟體架構 22
2.2.1 軟體簡介 22
2.2.2 軟體開發環境 24
2.2.3 LabVIEW 感測器訊號處理 26
第3章 控制系統設計 27
3.1 避障控制設計 27
3.1.1 系統穩定性分析 30
3.1.2 穩定性參數Cϕ 36
3.2 分享控制器 39
3.2.1 凸集合穩定性分析 39
3.2.2 計算控制權重的演算法 41
3.3 自適應分享控制器 44
第4章 實驗結果 45
4.1 實驗規劃 45
4.1.1 人機控制介面 45
4.1.2 參數設定 46
4.1.3 實驗場景 47
4.1.4 評價標準 48
4.1.5 行走軌跡 49
4.2 實驗結果分析 50
4.2.1 正常操作 51
4.2.2 技術失誤 55
4.2.3 決策失誤 59
4.2.4 違規情況 63
4.2.5 實驗結果討論 71
第5章 結論與未來工作 72
5.1 結論 72
5.2 未來工作 73
參考文獻 74
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