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研究生(外文):Yao Chen Li
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Interleaved Power Factor Corrector with Current Sharing Control and Universal Input Voltage
外文關鍵詞:universal input voltagecurrent sharingInterleaved power factor correction
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本文所研製的交錯式功率因數修正器的規格包含:輸出功率720 W,輸入電壓90至264 Vac/60 Hz,輸出電壓400 Vdc,切換頻率65 kHz。經實驗結果證實,當輸入電壓為115 Vac時,滿載下且電感誤差量達50%時,功率分配與主僕式的電流誤差量分別為4.03%及2.47%,而本文所提出之均流控制法的電流誤差量為0.73%;當輸入電壓為230 Vac時,滿載下且電感誤差量達50%時,功率分配法與主僕式法的電流誤差量分別為4.19%及2.49%,而本文所提出之均流控制法的電流誤差量為1.07%。因此,由實驗結果能夠證明本文所提出新型均流法,確實可以減少交錯式功率因數修正器,因為電感值變異所引起電感電流不平衡等問題,達到均流之成效。
The objective of this thesis is to design and implement an interleaved power factor corrector with current sharing control and universal input voltage. The current sharing issue caused by inductance variation of interleaved PFC can be released by the proposed new current sharing control method. The proposed method is developed to feed back the inductor current error between two PFC modules to the input of current controller of the related counter module to compensate the current error and thereby achieving the current sharing control. Moreover, comparison results of the proposed method with those derived from power distribution and master-slave approaches are also investigated in this thesis.
The design specifications include: input AC voltage from 90 V to 264 V, output DC voltage of 400 V, total power rating of 720 W, switching frequency of 65 kHz. When the input voltage of 115 Vac, under full load condition, and with 50% inductance variation, the inductor current errors for power distribution and master-slave approaches are 2.88% and 2.02%, respectively. In contrast, the proposed current sharing control method can reduce the inductor current error to 0.43%. As the input voltage of 230 Vac, under full load condition, and with 50% inductance variation, the inductor current errors for power distribution and master-slave approaches are 4.19% and 2.49%, respectively. The proposed current sharing control method can reduce the inductor current error to 1.07%. The experimental results confirmed that the proposed current sharing control method indeed reduces the inductor current errors caused by inductance variation of interleaved PFC and achieve current sharing.
摘 要...i
誌 謝..iv
目 錄... v
圖目錄.. viii
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究背景與動機...1
1.2 研究目的...2
1.3 內容大綱...3
第二章 功率因數修正器之分析與設計..4
2.1 功率因數修正器電路...4
2.2 主動式功率因數修正器控制...6
2.3 交錯式功率因數修正器之動作原理...7
2.4 昇壓型轉換器小訊號推導...12
2.5 數位控制器之分析與設計...20
第三章 交錯式功率因數修正器均流控制與設計...31
3.1 均流控制法則之分析...31
3.1.1 功率分配均流法...31
3.1.2 主僕式均流法...32
3.1.3 龍門控制均流法...36
3.2 元件設計...39
3.2.1 電感設計...39
3.2.2 輸出電容設計...42
3.2.3 其他元件之設計...43
3.3 軟體程式設計...45
第四章 模擬與實驗結果...46
4.1 交錯式功率因數修正器模擬...46
4.2 實驗規格...55
4.3 實驗平台...56
4.4 實驗結果...57
第五章 結論與未來展望...96
5.1 結論 ...96
5.2 未來展望...96
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