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研究生(外文):Tai-Yi Li
論文名稱(外文):Development of Auxiliary Sliders with Dual Stiffness and Loading Compensation for Anti-Friction on Guideways
指導教授(外文):Wen-Lung Li
外文關鍵詞:Machine ToolsLinear GuidewayCutting VibrationPiezoelectric Actuator
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本實驗室已成功開發具被動式的剛性輔助滑塊(編號Ⅰ),並於本研究接續完成實際機台安裝與測試,包括實機靜剛性、快送振動測試、切削測試,以訊號處理之方法分析量測結果,證實輔助滑塊Ⅰ於實機中確實達到抑制振動之效果,並依照討論結果歸納出新型滑塊的設計目標,包括: (1)須具備彈性調整安裝、(2)可調式剛性區間(適用多種機型)、(3)負載補償機制及,並且以可調式剛性輔助滑塊(編號Ⅲ)為雛形,開發新型輔助滑塊。
Although advances in science and technology, the machine tools manufacturing still focus on the improvement of machining precision and efficiency today. However, the whole machine is a complicated structural system. With the study objective of improving the stiffness and damping of linear guideway, the system develops a rigid auxiliary slider that can be installed on the existing linear guideway to provide additional stiffness, and can further improve the cutting vibration generated during the machining process.
Our laboratory has developed an auxiliary slider with passive stiffness successfully (No. I). Moreover, it has completed practical machine installation and test in the study, including the static stiffness test of the actual machine, fast-feeding vibration test, and cutting test. The measurement results are analyzed by the method of signal processing. It verifies the auxiliary sliderⅠ can achieve the effect of vibration suppression on the actual machine. Moreover, it summarizes the design objectives of new slider based on the discussion results, include: (1) Flexible and adjustable installation, (2) Adjustable stiffness section (Applicable to various model types), (3) Load compensation mechanism. Furthermore, it develops a new type auxiliary slider by taking the adjustable stiffness auxiliary slider (No. III) as the prototype.
This study examine five design cases and select the best one as a preliminary verification the function of auxiliary slider IV through CAE simulation, and completes sampling of auxiliary slider IV. Moreover, it inspects the key dimensions before conducting the related functional tests, so as to make it consistent with that required in the original design. Through MTS monomer static stiffness experiment and load compensation experiment, it verifies the auxiliary slider IV developed in the study has 3 stages of adjustable stiffness section. In addition, the piezoelectric actuator is driven by control of different voltages to achieve proactive inching load compensation function. This makes the effect of stiffness auxiliary slider get less the restrictions of the weight of workpiece and the load of cutting force.This study also provide the verification for automatic compensation in the future.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 工具機介紹 2
1.2.1 工具機結構 4
1.2.2 導軌 7
1.3 文獻回顧 11
1.4 研究動機與構想 16
1.5 研究方法流程 19
第二章 實機測試與分析 23
2.1 輔助滑塊設計分析 23
2.1.1 被動式剛性輔助滑塊 23
2.2剛性輔助滑塊實機測試 26
2.2.1 下滑塊剛性削弱 26
2.2.2 實機靜剛性檢測 29
2.2.3 快送振動量測 34
2.2.4 切削實驗 41 流程與架構 41 測試結果與分析 47
2.3本章小結 55
第三章 滑塊Ⅳ設計與CAE模擬 59
3.1 設計概念與目標 59
3.2 壓電致動器介紹 62
3.2.1 壓電材料特性 63
3.2.2 壓電致動器選用 64
3.3 幾何設計與電腦輔助模擬分析 65
3.3.1 螺絲螺帽概念 66
3.3.2 凸輪概念應用 67
3.3.3 輔助滑塊Ⅳ-楔型塊應用 73 CAE模擬分析 74
3.4 本章小結 83
第四章 滑塊Ⅳ製作與量測 84
4.1 滑塊Ⅳ尺寸檢視 85
4.2 實驗測試 93
4.2.1 靜剛性實驗 93 實驗流程與結果 94
4.2.2 致動器負載補償實驗 99
4.2.3 實驗流程與結果 100
第五章 研究結果與建議 105
5.1 結果與討論 105
5.2 建議與未來展望 107
參考文獻 109
附 錄A 111
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