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研究生(外文):Shao-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Development of Hybrid Manufacturing Systems for Skeleton Surface Object
外文關鍵詞:Subtractive and Additive Manufacturing
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The hybrid manufacturing systems in the market are based on the Direct Energy Deposition (DED) and Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing process, to integrate the CNC subtractive manufacturing process. For example, the DED and CNC hybrid system using DED to form the green shape and using CNC to milling the outer surface. The PBF and CNC hybrid system using PBF to from the green shape with strong support structure followed by the CNC to cut the outer surface of the green shape. These two hybrid systems are not able to manufacturing parts with smooth inner surface and with elasticity hollow structures.
The current project of “The development of subtractive and additive manufacturing for thin shell with hollow structure object” [34] proposes a new concept of the manufacturing process by changing the sequence of “additive first and subtractive later” to “subtractive first and additive later”. The progress of the above project has construct the concept machine, the CAD/CAM software, and is going to use solvent based TPU as the material to extrusion from a nozzle. Different from that project, the thermal plastic elastic material will be used and the thermal extrusion nozzle is going to be designed and used. Moreover, the designing software of the hollow structure object will be designed. And, the CAD/CAM system to generate the tooling path of the extrusion nozzle will be developed. The working volume of the new system is 100mm (diameter) x 200mm(length). The resulting parts are able to manufacturing parts with smooth inner surface and with elasticity hollow structures. The results of the system will bring the possibility to design and manufacture personal assistive device like kneepad brace.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.2.1 積層製造之背景 2
1.2.2 複合式製造之背景 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 國內外積層製造之相關探討 6
2.2 材料擠製積層製造之系統回顧 9
2.2.1 熔線擠製技術 9
2.2.2 氣壓式擠製技術 11
2.2.3 活塞式擠製技術 13
2.2.4 螺旋式擠製技術 15
2.3 複合式製造技術 18
2.3.1 SDM技術 18
2.3.2 加減複合系統探討 19
2.4 薄殼鏤空結構相關文獻 23
2.5 各成型系統之分析 26
第三章 加減法製造系統介紹 28
3.1 加減複合製程原理 28
3.2 加減複合製造設備 30
3.2.1 主軸端機構分析 31 刀具主軸 32
3.2.2 切削端機構分析 33
3.3 熔融擠製技術系統設計 35
3.3.1 加熱夾治具設計 36
3.3.2 加熱套設計 37
3.3.3 高溫陶瓷加熱片介紹 39
3.3.4 微阻礙馬達自轉設計 40
3.4 溫度控制系統 41
3.4.1 溫度控制器與溫度感測線 41
3.4.2 固態繼電器介紹 42
3.4.3 溫度控制系統組合 44
3.5 結論 45
第四章 加工控制與軟體技術 46
4.1 系統控制架構 46
4.1.1 加工控制設置 47
4.1.2 擠製軸控制分析 47 直線步進馬達介紹 48 擠製R軸之控制 49 擠製A軸之控制 51
4.2 軟體設置 52
4.2.1 切削參數分析 52
4.2.2 座標轉換 53
4.2.3 客製化輔具分析 54
4.2.4 切削路徑規劃 55
4.2.5 CAD/CAM軟體模擬 56
4.2.6 加工分析 57
4.2.7 程式轉換軟體分析 58
4.3 結論 62
第五章 複合式加工結果與討論 63
5.1 減法製造成型 63
5.1.1 切削材料介紹 63
5.1.2 切削加工分析 64
5.2 加法製造成型 68
5.2.1 擠製材料介紹 68
5.2.2 材料選用 69
5.2.3 成型實驗 70
5.3 活塞擠製排氣探討 73
5.4 鏤空結構工件之材料實驗 74
5.4.1 不同材料成品之拉伸試驗 74
5.4.2 不同密度薄厚成品之拉伸試驗 78
5.4.3 拉伸試驗討論 80
5.5 加工結果討論 82
第六章 結論與未來展望 84
6.1 結論 84
6.2 未來展望 85
參考文獻 86
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