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研究生(外文):CHEN BO-REN
論文名稱:應用模糊邏輯於捷運車站空調 系統之室內舒適度控制
論文名稱(外文):Application of Fuzzy Logic on Thermal Comfort Control of Mass Rapid Transit Air-Conditioning System
外文關鍵詞:Thermal ComfortThermal Comfort IndexFuzzy ControlCenter Air Condition SystemPredicted Mean Vote
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本研究利用丹麥學者P.O. Fanger教授於1972年提出用以評估室內環境熱舒適感受的指標Predicted Mean Vote(PMV),針對進出捷運車站旅客們的舒適感受設計出一套智慧型監控系統,建立具室內與室外環境監測功能與智慧型控制功能之系統,透過控制中心環境監控系統之氣象電腦,將中央氣象局台北氣象站溫溼度資料擷取至本研究智慧型控制系統,利用Digital Direct Control(DDC)控制器計算室外舒適度指數Temperature-Humidity Index(THI),設定旅客們之衣著量參數,再透過Automatic Fare Collection(AFC)自動收費系統截取車站進出人數,分析與統計營運時間內進站旅客人數高峰之時刻,將尖峰時刻參數帶入本研究車站PMV舒適度系統,透過各項感測器測得室內、室外環境狀態,最後以模糊邏輯演算計算目前捷運車站中央空調模式,以控制車站中央空調系統。
The thesis designed a smart monitoring system regarding passengers’ comfort perceptions when getting in/out of MRT stations, based on the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model proposed by Danish scholar P. O. Fanger in 1972, which was used as an indicator for thermal comfort perceptions in an indoor environment. The system was equipped with functions of indoor and outdoor environmental monitoring and smart controls. Through the weather computer within the environmental monitoring system at the control center, the temperature and humidity information from the Taipei Weather Station, of the Taiwans Central Weather Bureau were retrieved. Then, the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) was calculated by the Digital Direct Control (DDC) and passengers’ clothing parameters were setup. The maximum number of people accessing MRT station can be retrieved through the data computation come from the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) system. By introducing the obtained data about peak hours into the PMV system at stations and through various sensors to obtain indoor and outdoor environmental conditions, then the MRT stations’ current central air-conditioning mode was eventually calculated based on Fuzzy Logic, in order to control the central air-conditioning system.
The system developed in this thesis was able to effectively maintain indoor comfort at the users’ set target values. For the same station to achieve the target indoor temperature under two different outdoor air environments, the PMV Fuzzy Logic system at an average power consumption of 177 kw, in comparison to the LEE system at 180 kw.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 冰水主機與空調系統 7
2.1 冰水主機功用與構造 7
2.2 中央空調系統 9
2.2.1 水系統 10
2.2.2 風系統 11
2.3 捷運車站空調系統 12
第三章 監控系統介紹與模糊邏輯 15
3.1 PXC 模組式控制器概述 15
3.1.1 PXC 模組控制器硬體說明 16
3.1.2 PXC模組控制器功能介紹 18
3.2 Insight介面與功能介紹 20
3.3 人機監控系統介面 25
3.4 模糊控制 26
3.4.1 模糊理論簡介 26
3.4.2 模糊集合 27
3.4.3 模糊集合運算 29
3.4.4 歸屬函數 31
3.4.5 模糊控制架構 32
第四章 環境熱舒適 37
4.1 熱舒適概述 37
4.2 影響舒適感受之因素 37
4.2.1 人體因素 37
4.2.2 環境因素 41
4.3 熱舒適之評估 42
4.3.1 有效溫度 42
4.3.2 新有效溫度 43
4.3.3 人類居住環境評估 45
4.3.4 PMV與PPD 48
4.4 國內室內環境溫度評估 50
第五章 實驗與結果分析 53
5.1 實驗介紹 53
5.2 實驗方法 60
5.3 結果分析 66
第六章 結論與未來展望 80
6.1 結論 80
6.2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 82
符號彙編 85
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