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研究生(外文):Yi-Han Wu
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing Health Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight Infants
指導教授(外文):Che-Ming Yang
外文關鍵詞:Very low birth weight infantsComplicationsResults of careSurvival rateMedical expenditures
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研究結果: 在350名極低體重新生兒中,男性新生兒佔187人(53.43%),女性則佔163人(46.57%),另外在追蹤研究一年期間,活存新生兒佔344人(98.29%),死亡新生兒佔6人(1.71%)。在首次住院醫療費用方面,平均醫療費用為353,444元(標準差為432,968),在第一年住院醫療費用方面,平均醫療費用為652,101元(標準差為498,960)。複迴歸分析的結果顯示,在極低體重新生兒特質方面,研究結果顯示首次住院醫療費用,新生兒出生體重等級愈重,醫療費用花費就愈低,達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.05);在第一年住院醫療費用方面,新生兒出生體重等級愈重,醫療費用花費就愈低,達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.0001);在使用呼吸器治療天數方面,首次住院的醫療費用,新生兒使用呼吸器治療天數愈多,醫療費用花費就愈高,達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.05);在第一年住院醫療費用方面,新生兒使用呼吸器治療天數愈多,醫療費用花費亦愈高,達到統計上的顯著意義(P<0.0001)。在極低體重新生兒併發症方面,第一年住院的醫療費用,新生兒罹患常見併發症像是呼吸窘迫症候群、新生兒敗血症、早產兒視網膜病變、慢性肺疾病、腦室出血及壞死性腸炎等,其醫療費用花費亦越高,除了新生兒敗血症及壞死性腸炎未達到統計上的顯著意義,其它併發症均達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.05)。
在主要照護醫師特質方面,研究結果顯示在首次住院醫療費用,醫師的年齡越大者,新生兒醫療費用花費就越低,達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.05);醫師的小兒專科年資越高者,新生兒醫療費用花費就越高,達到統計上的顯著意義(P < 0.05)。

Backgrounds: According to Statistics of birth reporting system by Ministry of Health and Welfare, there is a downward trend in the annual number of live births from 2004 to 2014. The proportions of newborns born before 37 weeks has risen from 8.92% in 2004 to 8.95% in 2014, indicating a high proportion of preterm infants, and the birth rates of very low birth weight infants (VLBW) also increased with year.
Among newborns of live births from the recent three-year birth reporting data, the rates of premature infants were 8.95% -9.05%, and the rates of VLBW infants were 0.82% -0.86%. The VLBW infants are subject to have high mortality and morbidity rates. Therefore, in addition to prevent preterm births, it is essential to improve newborn survival rate by reducing high mortality rate of VLBW infants.
Objectives: The study aimed to identify factors influencing health outcomes of VLBW infants. We adopted information from Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2010 of Taiwan (LHID2010) and examined the properties of neonatal factors, medical institutions and physicians’ characteristics that may influence health outcomes of VLBW infants.
Methods: In this retrospective study, we adopted the information from Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2010 of Taiwan (LHID2010) and merged the following Registration files: Inpatient Expenditures by Admissions (DD), Details of inpatient orders(DO) , Registry for Contracted Medical Facilities (HOSB), Registry for Medical Personnel (PER) , Registry for Board-certified Specialists (DOC), and Registry for beneficiaries (ID) . The subjects of the study are VLBW infants (birth weight less than 1500 grams) and we tracked health care outcomes after its first hospitalization. We employed multiple regression analyses to detect significant factors.

Results: In 350 VLBW infants of the study, 187 were males (53.43%) and 163 were females (46.57%). 344 (98.29%) survived after the study period. The means of the first time and the first year hospital costs were NT 353,444 (SD = 432,968) and NT 652,101 (SD = 498,960), respectively. With respect to characteristics of VLBW infants, that expenses of the first time hospitalization were lower when birth weight were heavier (P <0.05). The expenses of the first year hospitalization were lower when birth weight were heavier (P <0.0001). The days on ventilator are positively associated with both the first time (P <0.05) and the first year (P <0.0001) hospitalization expenses. The occurrence of neonatal complications was also a significant variable. The first year hospitalization costs were higher as newborns suffering from complications such as respiratory distress syndrome, retinopathy of prematurity, chronic lung disease and intraventricular hemorrhage (P <0.05).
Regarding characteristics of medical care organizations, the expenses of hospitalization in the first year in medical centers were higher than that in regional hospitals (P <0.05). The hospitalization expenses in private medical care institutions were higher than that in public ones in the first time and first year hospitalization (P <0.05). In terms of characteristics of medical institutions branches, hospitalization expenses the first year in medical institutions in the Taipei branch tend to be high, compared with that in the North, Central and Southern District (P <0.05).
About primary care physicians’ characteristics, the age and the seniority in pediatric speciality are significantly correlated with hospitalization expenses. Older physicians are related to a low cost (P <0.05) and more senior specialist are related to a high cost (P <0.05).

Conclusions: The study had demonstrated that factors of VLBW infants such as birth weight, days of ventilator treatment and complications were significantly associated with hospitalization expenses. In addition, characteristics of medical care organizations and physicians were significantly associated with hospitalization expenses. Our study result suggested that the government should develop health policies to enhance the utilization of the prenatal services and improve medical referral system to reduce the incidence of premature birth and subsequent complications.

致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄 VI
表目次 VIII
圖目次 IX
附錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究重要性 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 孕婦早產的危險因子 6
第二節 極低體重新生兒的流行病學現況 8
第三節 影響極低體重新生兒發展因素的探討 10
第四節 極低體重新生兒常見併發症以及併發症對其照護結果之影響 13
第五節 醫療機構屬性與醫師特質對極低體重新生兒照護結果之相關文獻探討 17
第六節 醫院及醫師服務量與照護結果相關文獻探討 23
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 研究架構 30
第二節 研究變項及其操作型定義 32
第三節 研究假說 39
第四節 資料來源與研究對象 40
第五節 資料處理與統計分析方法 42
第四章 結果 45
第一節 極低體重新生兒特質的描述性統計分析結果 45
第二節 極低體重新生兒照護結果的描述性統計分析結果 51
第三節 極低體重新生兒的特質與其照護結果關聯性 73
第五章 討論 83
第一節 主要研究發現之討論 83
第二節 本研究假說之驗證 87
第三節 研究限制 90
第四節 結論與建議 91
參考文獻 93
中文文獻 93
英文文獻 96
附錄 100
附件一 國際疾病分類碼ICD-9-CM 100

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