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研究生(外文):Wu, Yen-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Plant Species Recognition Using Deep Learning:Deep Belief Net
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Chun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Plant RecognitionDeep LearningDeep Belief NetworksSVMBag of Word
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本研究透過GrabCut將背景濾除,接著擷取葉子所在的區域,再分別利用深度信念網路(Deep Belief Net,DBN)對圖像自動學習特徵,以及人工提取詞袋特徵(Bag of Words,BoW)結合支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM)來進行植物的辨識。根據特徵提取實驗的比較,我們先擷取葉子所在的區域再取特徵,確實能夠縮短特徵提取的計算時間。另外辨識率的部份,以人工提取Bag of Words特徵最高的辨識率可達95.31%,而利用DBN學習特徵所得到的辨識率則為75%。

Traditional plant recognition researches use whole-plant images as source of feature extraction, and the extracted features are mostly morphologically based. Using whole-plant images means more unrelated background noises and computation time; besides, morphologically based features may easily be influenced by biological variations and environmental factors, which means the extracted features are not stable.
In this research, we filter out the background by using GrabCut, then extract bounding rectangle of the plant. Two machine learning methods are then used to construct the plant recognition model. The first method directly uses the above extracted images as training input for Deep Belief Net to automatically learn the features; as for the second method, Bag-of-Word features are further extracted and applied to Support Vector Machine. According to the experimental results, we can see the extraction of specific plant area can really improve the computation time of feature extraction. As for the recognition experiments, when SVM along with Bag-of-Word features is used, the best accuracy we can get is 95.31% while the other approach using DBN can give an accuracy of 75%.

謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 IV
圖目次 VI
表目次 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
1-3論文結構 3
第二章 相關研究 4
2-1 GrabCut 4
2-1-1顏色模型 5
2-1-2迭代能量最小化 6
2-1-2交互式操作與不完全的標註 7
2-2 二值化 8
2-3 輪廓表示 11
2-4 尺度不變特徵轉換 12
2-4-1尺度空間極值點的偵測 12
2-4-2關鍵點定位 14
2-4-3關鍵點之方向定位 14
2-4-4關鍵點描述 15
2-5 K-means 分群演算法 16
2-6 Bag-of-Words模型 17
2-7 支持向量機 19
2-7-1 線性可分 19
2-7-2 線性不可分 20
2-7-3 非線性支持向量機 22
2-8 深度學習 24
2-8-1 限制性波茲曼機 24
2-8-2 深度信念網路 28
2-9 植物辨識文獻探討 29
第三章 研究方法 30
3-1 影像前處理 31
3-1-1 RGB轉換灰階 31
3-1-2 GrabCut濾除背景 32
3-1-3 擷取感興趣的區域 35
3-2 特徵提取 37
3-2-1 Bag of SIFT特徵 37
3-3 DBN學習特徵 39
3-4 支持向量機進行分類 41
第四章 實驗結果與分析 42
4-1 實驗環境與資料庫 42
4-2 Bag of Word結合SVM實驗結果 46
4-3 DBN實驗結果 49
4-4 分析與比較 51
第五章 結論與展望 53
參考文獻 54

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