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論文名稱(外文):Study on The Transformation of School Funding Project Budget——A Case Study of The Renovation of The Old Toilet in The Primary and Middle Schools of The Public
外文關鍵詞:participatory observation methoddescriptive statisticscomparative analysistoilet fundstoilet renovation
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"Toilet" is indispensable to any public facilities, and "school toilet" is an extremely important part of the campus environment.The pros and cons of school toilet facilities, whether it is hardware, hardware maintenance or cleaning maintenance, etc., are deeply influence students' physical and mental health, and poor school toilet management, will make the teachers and students is the incidence of acute or chronic damage increase.In order to make students have a good toilet environment, the ministry of education to strengthen school toilet promotion of the whole project, and help the school build safe campus, so to promote the "national primary and secondary school buildings of old public toilet renovation project implementation plan", the ministry of education national and preschool education department planning from 104 to 104 annual subsidy related repair funds, used for toilet device reconfiguration and internal environment restoration improvement works.So plan for the first 104 implementation, for the subsidy school project planning and without the use of specific planning reference, this research with the national primary and secondary schools of the first get subsidies for 104 as the research object, explore the schools in the project of the old toilet renovation funds usage, to arrange, the comparative analysis to understand the spending proportion, continue to promote the establishment of a reference model for the project.
This study use participatory observation, descriptive statistics, and comparison analysis method, the preliminary construction of Taiwan's public schools old toilet environmental renovation project funds classification method, through different counties, different regions, different application amount of descriptive statistics and comparative analysis, and through "from after use assessment to explore" the ministry of education, 104 year old Taiwan public national primary and secondary schools the toilet renovation project implementation plan "productive" paper discusses the renovation project of the national primary and secondary schools of subsidies for 104 needed to respond to the campus old toilet renovation project planning, on the basis of the assessment results and the classification of blue-chip school, for the first batch of 104 won the national primary and secondary schools of subsidies to classify, using descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis, it is concluded that public national primary and secondary school buildings of old toilet renovation funds using the standard assumption, paint, mud to the construction engineering, lie between engineering, doors and Windows, ceiling, engineering, electrical engineering, sanitation, water supply and drainage engineering, labor safety and health costs, quality management, contractor management profit, engineering insurance, taxes, and other accounting for the overall engineering reference rate of 5.3%, 25% ~ 35%, 2.4%, 10% ~ 20%, 10%, 2.3%, 5.2%, 14% ~ 20% and 20% ~ 3%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 5.2%, 0.5%, 4.8%, 0.5%, let the spending more reasonable and better respond to the old school toilet renovation plan.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 研究範圍與限制 3
1-4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1 廁所的定位 5
2-1-1 世界公廁組織 5
2-1-2 公共廁所的定義 5
2-2 教育部經費現狀 6
2-2-1 教育經費 6
2-2-2 教育經費不足的現狀 7
2-3 公立國民中小學老舊廁所整修工程實施計畫 8
2-3-1 計畫推動歷程 8
2-3-2 計畫執行流程 9
2-3-3 計畫補助基準與原則 10
2-3-4 申請計畫概況 12
2-3-5 評選制度 13
2-3-6 104年度執行分析 16
2-4 廁所整修工程經費探討 20
2-4-1 廁所整修工程經費編列之統計 20
2-4-2 營造工程物價指數 24
2-5 廁所整修工程的相關概念 26
2-5-1 廁所整修工程原則 26
2-5-2 廁所整修工程實施計畫執行注意要點 30
第三章 研究方法 33
3-1 研究步驟 33
3-2 研究對象 34
3-3 敘述性統計 34
3-4 參與式觀察法 35
3-5 對比分析法 35
第四章 研究過程與討論 37
4-1 廁所整修工程經費敘述性統計 37
4-1-1 整體廁所整修工程經費敘述性統計 37
4-1-2 分縣市廁所整修工程經費敘述性統計 41
4-2 北中南東離島國立學校廁所整修工程經費比對分析 43
4-3 直轄市與非直轄市廁所整修工程經費比對分析 48
4-4 金額大小區分廁所整修工程經費比對分析 50
4-5 績優學校廁所整修工程經費比對分析 52
4-6 滿意度高學校廁所整修工程經費比對分析 55
4-7 探討美學設計對廁所整修工程經費的影響 56
4-8 經費申請自動申請神器 57
4-8 小結 60
第五章 結論與建議 61
5-1 研究結論 61
5-2 研究建議 62
參考文獻 65
附錄 67
1. 湯志民(1995)。學校的新天地-談現代化廁所的設計。臺北市立師院主辦落實國民中小學現代化廁所研討會。
2. 熊智銳(1981)。教育情境問題管窺臺北市,東大。
3. 教育部國教署(2014)。
4. 程振隆(2004)。當前臺灣教育經費問題的困境及其解決方案。
5. 陳麗珠(2002)。國民教育經費基本需求之探討。教育學刊,185-211。
6. 詹盛如(2007)。台灣教育經費的現況分析。教育資料集刊第四十輯。
7. 蔡惠如(2007)。全市公廁比一比。
8. 臺南市政府教育局補助國民中小學廁所空間環境整建施作規範。
9. 104年度教育部國民及學前教育署補助公立國民中小學老舊廁所整修工程實施計畫執行注意要點。
10. 吳偉舜(2004)。高山廁所永續設計評估-以玉山國家公園為例。逢甲大學建築學系碩士論文。
11. 李佳諭(2012)。台灣火車站公廁對乘客使用現況之研究-以台中、高雄運務段為例。逢甲大學建築系碩士論文。
12. 王蒙納(2010)。營造工程物價指數技術指標預測模式之研究。正修科技大學營建工程研究所碩士論文。
13. 劉國儀(2005)。日式木造歷史建築修復工程經費及工率調查之研究。樹德科技大學建築與古蹟維護研究所碩士論文。
14. Schultz, (1961)。Investment in human capital. American Economic Review, 51, 1-17。
1. 世界廁所組織:http://www.worldtoilet.org/
2. 全國法規資料庫:http://law.moj.gov.tw/
3. 行政院環境保護署:http://www.epa.gov.tw/
4. 教育部國民及學前教育署:http://www.k12ea.gov.tw/ap/index.aspx
5. 維基百科:http://zh.wikipedia.org/
6. 百度百科:http://www.baidu.com/
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