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論文名稱(外文):The Influence Habit and Belief on Brand Loyalty in Social Commerce
外文關鍵詞:HabitBehavior beliefsNormative beliefsControl beliefsBrand loyaltySocial commerce
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In Taiwan's social commerce, the relationship between habit and brand loyalty has always been a key issue. In previous studies, a great amount of studies discuss focus on trust and satisfaction. Past scholar seldom noticed behavior beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs influence the habit. Accordingly, analyzing how beliefs (behavior beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs) influence habit and brand loyalty is an important issue in social commerce. This study presents a research model which comprises four hypothesis with five constructs, including habit, behavior beliefs, normative beliefs, control beliefs and brand loyalty. This study develops a conceptual model that beliefs (behavior beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs) as a hinder construct to examine the interrelationship effects that affect brand loyalty and these relationship. The results need to add the consumers by the beliefs (behavior beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs) and reach the better brand loyalty. The findings of the study provide practical insights in understanding how seller should notice consumer's belief, in order to enhance brand loyalty for the social commerce as a whole.

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of figures
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
2.1 Habit
2.2 Belief
2.2.1 Behavior beliefs
2.2.2 Normative beliefs
2.2.3 Control beliefs
2.3 Brand loyalty
3. Research model
3.1 Research model
3.1.1 Habit
3.1.2 Behavioral Beliefs
3.1.3 Normative Beliefs
3.1.4 Control Beliefs
3.1.5 Control variables
4. Research methods
4.1 Content validity
4.2 Pre-text and Pilot-test
4.3 Data collection
5. Data analysis and results findings
5.1 Assessment of the measurement model
5.2 Assessment of the structural model
5.3 Comparison with alternative models
5.4 Common method bias
5.5 Hypotheses testing
5.6 Control variables
6. Discussion
6.1 Theoretical implications
6.2 Managerial and practical implications
7. Conclusions and future research
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