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論文名稱:應用橋墩微振量測進行影響斜張橋沖刷監測之各項環 境因素評估
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Several Environmental Effects in ScourMonitoring of a Cable-stayed Bridge Based on PierVibration Measurements
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hwa Wu
口試委員(外文):Chien-chou ChenChun-Ming Huang
外文關鍵詞:cable-stayed bridgeambient vibration measurementmodal frequenciesenvironmental factorswater levelair temperaturetraffic loadimprovedstochastic subspace identification techniquesempirical mode decomposition
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  With the recent work by this research group to demonstrate a successful scour evaluation for Kao-Ping-Hsi Cable-Stayed Bridge simply based on ambient vibration measurements, the current thesis further attempts to clarify the variation in the modal frequencies of this bridge induced by several possible environmental factors. Different sets of pier vibration measurements were taken for a longer duration under various environmental conditions including the season of plum rains, regular summer days without rain, and the typhoon period. These signals are first analyzed with an improved stochastic subspace identification techniques where the alternative stabilization diagram and the hierarchical sifting process are newly proposed by this group to more conveniently identify reliable modal parameters. After obtaining the time variation of each identified modal frequency from the continuous pier measurements of several days, a modified empirical mode decomposition algorithm also developed by this group is utilized for systematically extracting the time-varying baselines of different modal frequencies. Finally, the variations of modal parameters identified from each measurement are extensively compared with those of the corresponding traffic load, air temperature, and water level to investigate the environmental effects on the vibration-based approach for scour monitoring.
  Comparison of the analyzed results in this study elucidates a few important environmental effects on the modal frequencies of Kao-Ping-Hsi Cable-Stayed Bridge. First, it is found that the traffic load is a more dominant factor to alternate the modal frequencies of the bridge than the environmental temperature. Considering that Kao-Ping-Hsi Bridge locates in a super highway and its main span is made by steel box girders, it is not surprising that the high passing traffic would cause substantial bridge vibrations and become the most crucial environmental factor. More specifically, the heavy passing traffic in the day time would increase the effective mass of the bridge deck and consequently decrease its modal frequencies. On the other hand, the light passing traffic around midnight clearly has the reverse effect. It can be further noted that the pier modes are also affected by the passing traffic on the bridge deck, but with a milder correspondence. In addition, the variation of environmental temperature follows a similar trend as that of the traffic, but its effect on changing the frequencies of bridge deck or pier is obviously not as significant for the case of Kao-Ping-Hsi Bridge. As for the effect from the alternation of water level typically associated with the occurrence of bridge scour, it is observed in this study that the modal frequency baselines of the pier modes are very likely to increase with the increasing water level during the season of plum rains and the typhoon period. In contrast, the modal frequency baselines of the pier modes are basically kept constant during summer days without any change in the water level. This observation leads to a possible deduction that the pier frequencies would increase with the increasing water level under heavy rainfalls before serious scour is induced to reduce the height of soil surrounding the foundation. Finally, the evaluation for the current scour status of this bridge is also conducted with the measurement not affected by the fluctuation of water level. The most probable scour depth estimated is the same as that obtained four years ago to indicate that the scour situation does not deteriorate in such a length of time.

中文摘要        i
Abstract     iii
目錄          v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論      1
 1.1 研究背景及動機 1
 1.2 研究目的與範圍 1
 1.3 文獻回顧 3
 1.4 研究方法與內容 4
 1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 高屏溪斜張橋概述 6
 2.1 橋塔 6
 2.2 主梁 7
 2.3 斜張鋼纜系統 7
 2.4 主梁支承系統 8
 2.5 P2橋墩 9
第三章 高屏溪斜張橋之沖刷評估回顧 10
 3.1 高屏溪斜張橋之主要振態頻率 10
 3.2 有限元素分析模型 11
 3.3 P2橋墩之沖刷評估 12
 3.4 P2橋墩沖刷驗證 13
第四章 隨機子空間識別法 15
 4.1 協方差型隨機子空間識別法 15
 4.2 傳統穩定圖與改良式穩定圖 18
 4.3 分段篩分法之應用 19
 4.3.1 第一階段篩選 20
 4.3.2 第二階段篩選 20
第五章 經驗模態分解法 21
 5.1 篩分程序 21
 5.2 停止標準 23
 5.3 邊界處理 24
第六章 橋墩振態參數識別與環境因素影響評估 28
 6.1 使用儀器及量測配置 28
 6.2 各次現場微振量測說明及結果 29
 6.3 各次橋墩量測之振態頻率與阻尼比識別 30
  6.3.1 隨機子空間識別法分析流程 30
  6.3.2 四次量測之各振態頻率與阻尼比識別結果 32
第七章 結論與建議                  37
 7.1 結論                  37
 7.2 建議                  38
參考文獻                       39

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