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研究生(外文):Chieh-Ju Chan
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Visual Effect and Evaluation on Scanning Projection Applied with Kinetic Art
指導教授(外文):Guang-Dah Chen
口試委員(外文):Te LingChao-Ming Wang
外文關鍵詞:AnorthoscopeMophovisionKinetic ArtScanning ProjectionKansei EnergizingSemantic Differential
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立體造形的應用隨著投影裝置的研發而有了突破性的開展,但也限制了投影內容、立體造形本身之結構相關的視覺效果,而無法有更進一步的發展。本研究的重心在於分析如何從動景鏡(Anorthoscope)原理,延伸至掃描式投影效果,利用掃描式投影在動力學造形體所呈現的視覺變化效果,使得實驗數據及相關資料,可以作為未來相關研究和創作者的參考依據。研究方法藉由文獻分析法、實驗室實驗法以及問卷調查法,來進行兩項實驗:(一)前置實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡柱之轉速實驗、(二)正式實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡柱之效果評價。前置實驗主要以心理物理法進行測驗,以速度閾值(Velocity Threshold)及描述性統計進行比較,並挑選合適的正式實驗之樣本以及轉速的依據,再進行正式實驗。從前置實驗中得到的實驗結果後,選定五角鏡柱進行正式實驗;並在正式實驗中,以感性工學三類的模式進行實驗,以形容詞語意的意象(image),來表現對象物的感性造形,並用語意差異法來量測掃描式投影中所蘊含的意象,最後再使用因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森相關係數進行比較,描繪出掃描式投影的意象雛形。目的如下:(1)探討動景鏡(Anorthoscope)與幻象視覺(Morphovision)中掃描式投影應用在其中的原理。(2)探討曲線圖像來進行掃描式投影於動力學造形外觀之變化。(3)利用掃描式投影來建立新的動力學形態模式,作為提升相關造形開發之能力。(4)將造形進行語意差異評測,分析各變項與造形之間的關連性以便作為之後造形研究的參考依據。從研究中發現:
Form applied with projection equipment not only carry out the breakthrough in the development, but also limit the development of visual effect related in structure of projection content and form. This study focused on how the principle of anorthoscope extended to scanning projection, to investigated the experiment data and related data could be the reference for related studies and creators in the future, by performance of visual effect through scanning projection applied with form in kinetic art. The methods of the thesis included literature review, laboratory experiment and questionnaire survey, that laboratory experiment conducted two experiments: (1) Pre-experiment: The rotational speed of the column with mirror of scanning projection. (2) Formal experiment: The evaluation of scanning projection on the column with mirror. the pre-experiment investigated the best sample for formal experiment and reference of rotational speed, and compared the velocity threshold and descriptive statistics through by psychophysical methods. The study selected the pentagon column with mirror for the formal experiment from results of pre-experiment; the study using the image of adjectives vocabulary in Kansei engineering, to expressed objects’ Kansei form and evaluated the image in scanning projection by Semantic Differential (SD) method. At last through factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample T-test, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, to describe the form of scanning projection preliminary image. Results are as follows: (1) To investigated the principle of scanning projection by Anorthoscope and Morphovision. (2) To investigated the image of projecting the curve pattern by using scanning projection. (3) To created a new type of kinetic art by suing scanning projection, and to enhance the ability of form development. (4) To evaluated the form of Semantic Differential, and analyzed the relationship between variable and form for the reference in related studies. The study found are follows:
1.In pre-experiment discovered that when the column with mirror of rotational speed are fixed at 100 rpm, with increase the surface of column with mirror, the lower absolute threshold gradually downward trend, and we could perceive sooner. In experiment data, pentagon column with mirror have the minimum standard deviation, that has consistency of evaluation in descriptive statistics.
2. In formal experiment, found two types of factors, one is visual factor include dynamic, fantastic, extraordinary, intense. and two is evaluative factor include personality, avant-garde. In part of independent samples T-test, gender have the statistical significance, and female have consistency evaluation. In part of descriptive statistics with different background of subject, the design background subjects could clear analyzing the difference, and evaluation is consistency. Through pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, we could understood the scanning projection combined with visual factor and evaluative factor, with strongly visual effect when we feel, the evaluative factor - sense of avant-garde, personalized are bring out the better scanning projection visual effect.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究架構 4
1-4 研究流程 6
1-5 研究名詞釋義 7
1-6 研究限制 7
二、文獻探討 9
2-1 投影原理 9
2-1.1平面投影 14
2-1.2 非平面投影 14
2-1.3 對位投影(Projection Mapping) 15
2-1.4 掃描式投影(Scanning Projection) 17
2-1.5 投影的藝術延伸 17
2-1.6 小結 21
2-2 動景鏡(Anorthoscope)原理和掃描式投影之關聯 22
2-2.1 幻象視覺(Morphovision)與掃描式投影的關聯 23
2-2.2 小結 24
2-3 運動知覺 25
2-3.1 真實運動 25
2-3.2 運動殘像 25
2-3.3 似動運動 26
2-3.4 動力學造形體的結合 27
2-3.5 小結 27
2-4 感性工學 27
2-4.1 感性工學的定義和沿革 28
2-4.2 感性工學的應用範疇 28
2-4.3 語意差別法(Semantic Differential) 29
2-4.4 小結 29

三、研究方法 30
3-1 前置實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡之轉速實驗 31
3-1.1 施測方法 31
3-1.2 受試者 32
3-1.3 實驗設備 33
3-1.4 實驗樣本 33
3-1.5 實驗設計與程序 34
3-2 正式實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡之效果評價 36
3-2.1 施測方法 36
3-2.2 詞彙蒐集 36
3-2.3 受試者 37
3-2.4 實驗設計及程序 37
3-2.5 意象語彙與造形要素間關係之探討 38
四、實驗結果與綜合討論 40
4-1 前置實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡柱之轉速實驗之實驗分析 40
4-2 正式實驗:掃描式投影折射鏡柱之效果評價之實驗分析 42
4-3 研究成果與實驗性創作 76
五、結論與建議 80
5-1 結論 80
5-1.1 文獻及理論基礎方面 80
5-1.2 實驗方面 80
1.掃描式投影折射鏡柱轉速實驗 80
2.掃描式投影折射鏡柱之效果評價 81
5-2 建議 82
5-2.1 實驗方面 82
5-2.2 實務應用及創作方面 83
參考文獻 84
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