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研究生(外文):CHEN, YI-CYUN
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Adaptation Learning of Interpersonal Communication for College Students Based on Mobile Learning System Combining with Facial Expression Recognition
外文關鍵詞:Interpersonal RelationshipAdaptive LearningAugmented RealityMobile Learning SystemFacial Expression Recognition
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本研究的人臉辨識系統是採用Microsoft Azure所提供的服務,擴增實境則利用Unity 3D開發環境與C#作為開發語言於行動載具上的擴增實境,擴增實境提供大學生促進情境學習及互動,人臉表情辨識則提供系統學習者的學習狀態以及行為紀錄,有利於系統選擇呈現適性教材的呈現。

The study of this paper use mobile learning system combining with facial expression recognition in interpersonal learning. This system explores the learning effect of interpersonal learning for college students who take life education course. There’re two purposes of the study. Firstly, college students use facial expression recognition system whether the system will help the effect of adaptation learning of interpersonal communication. Secondly, satisfaction of using facial expression recognition system to support adaptation learning is also evaluated. We adopted two methods of the study. Firstly, we have developed facial expression recognition for mobile learning system. Secondly, we design experimental method to understand the interpersonal learning effectiveness.
The facial expression recognition system is based on the services provided by Microsoft Azure, and the Augmented Reality (AR) system makes use of the Unity 3D development environment. We can use C# language to develop AR learning system on the mobile vehicles. The AR system provide students to facilitate situational learning and interaction. The facial expression recognition is to provide learning status and behavior records of systematic learners that is conducive to the system for choosing adaptive teaching materials.
In addition to the traditional classroom teaching, the students through the Moodle E-learning platform can use mobile vehicles for self-learning to improve learning outcomes. The results of this study show that the college students are generally satisfied with the help of interpersonal communication based on learning system. From education statistical model, college students in the interpersonal communication show the learning performance that has a significant difference.
The results also show that the learning system can help the students to improve the interpersonal communication learning efficiency. We have found college students are generally satisfied with the function of mobile learning system.
According to the results of the questionnaire, we have found drawbacks that will influence the overall learning effect. We recommend future development is needed for focusing on the following research issues:
1. Improving the accuracy of facial expression recognition, maintaining system stability and reducing the impact of mobile environmental factors
2. Establishing evaluation system for teaching materials, providing adaptive learning system to evaluate the teaching materials; the purpose of evaluation is to reflect when the teaching materials is lower than the threshold, the system can automatically replace the teaching materials to increase the diversity and relevance of teaching materials.

致謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 背景知識與文獻探討 4
2.1.1 源起與發展 4
2.1.2 人際溝通相關研究 5
2.1.3 正向思考應用於人際溝通之相關研究 11
2.2.1 源起與發展 12
2.2.2 適性學習相關研究 13
2.3.1 源起與發展 19
2.3.2 擴增實境應用於學習之相關研究 20
2.3.3 擴增實境的相關技術與應用 23
2.3.4 擴增實境開發工具 25
2.4 人臉情緒辨識 26
2.4.1 源起與介紹 26
2.4.2 人臉表情辨識的技術與應用 27
2.4.3 人臉表情辨識應用之相關研究 29
第三章 系統設計與實作 37
3.1 系統環境與架構 37
3.1.1 系統環境 37
3.1.2 系統架構 38
3.2 系統平台與功能實作 39
3.2.1 無所不在行動學習教學平台 39
3.2.2 網路教學平台 42
3.2.3 Moodle平台設備介紹 43
3.2.4 行動學習載具設備介紹 43
3.3 系統設計與流程 44
3.3.1 系統使用案例 44
3.3.2 臉部表情資料庫的收集. 44
3.3.3 系統流程 45
第四章 教學設計與實作 48
4.1 教學流程 48
4.2 環境設計 49
4.3 教學實驗 50
4.3.1 網路學習系統之學習內容 50
4.3.2 擴增實境結合人臉表情辨識學習系統之學習內容 51
4.4 大學生運用行動學習系統進行人際溝通學習成效分析 62
4.4.1 問卷統計規劃 62
4.4.2 大學生正向思考學習主題成效調查問卷 62
4.4.3 結合人臉表情辨識行動學習系統使用滿意度調查 62
4.4.4 統計方法 63
第五章 研究結果分析與討論 65
5.1 結合人臉表情辨識行動學習系統使用滿意度調查問卷結果分析與討論 65
5.2 大學生正向思考主題學習成效調查問卷分析與討論 71
5.2.1 同儕溝通 71
5.2.2 兩性溝通 74
5.2.3 家人溝通 78
5.3 臉部表情辨識系統分析與討論 82
5.3.1 測試平台簡介 82
5.3.2 辨識數據簡介 83
5.3.3 辨識結果 84
第六章 研究結論與建議 86
6.1 研究結論 86
6.2 研究建議 86
參考文獻 88
附錄 94

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