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論文名稱(外文):Analysis on Essential Oils of Four Basil Varieties in Taiwan (Ocimum basillicum L., Ocimum basilicum L. cv. green, Ocimum basilicum L. var. purpurascens , Ocimum gratissimum L.) and the Preliminary Study of Their Aroma Theropeutic Sensation
外文關鍵詞:Ocimum basilicum L.Ocimum basilicum L. cv. GreenOcimum basilicum L. var. purpurascensOcimum gratissimum L.Essential Oils
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甜羅勒(Ocimum basillicum L.)、青莖種羅勒(Ocimum basilicum L. cv. green)、紫莖種羅勒(Ocimum basilicum L. var. purpurascens)、丁香羅勒(Ocimum gratissimum L.)四種植物在民間俗名相似,氣味相近,型態略有不同(Hussain, Anwar et al. 2008);長久以來被民間認為是相同的物種,功用相同,但是其精油成分差異(Patel, Singh et al. 2016)與功能的不同是本研究的主要目的。經由文獻的蒐集,以預實驗蒸餾來選取最佳萃取條件,依據預實驗選取的最佳條件對栽種於相同產地的四種植物進行第二次蒸餾萃取,並利用氣相層析-質譜儀(GC-Mass)分析四種植物精油成分。然後以芳香療法界對精油化學成分常用的分類法,例如蛋型圖(簡稱茹絲的蛋)、精油四象限圖、雷達圖比較精油成分差異。最後由化學成分分析結果提出五點香氣味道與療效的關聯性假設,藉由三十位資深芳香療癒從業人員進行香氣問卷評估,印證五點假設:1.台灣產紫莖種、青莖種羅勒兩種植物精油成分相同、含量接近;2.甜羅勒與羅勒和丁香羅勒是三種香氣成分完全不同的植物;3.丁香羅勒主要精油成分是丁香酚(Eugenol),含量是四種植物裡最高,吸聞其香氣時專家們都認為最能達到舒緩肺部的效果;4.甜羅勒精油含有沉香醇(Linalool)精油化學成分,專家評估結果也都認為聞起來最能促進心神安寧、身心放鬆;5.甜羅勒的桉油醇(Eucalyptol)成分聞起來給人清新活潑之感受,沉香醇氣味有木質調沉穩且芬芳宜人,這兩種主要成分混和出來的氣味與羅勒和丁香羅勒氣味相比較,在專家評分結果中是最討人喜歡。
Ocimum basillicum L., Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Green, Ocimum basilicum L. var. Purpurascens, Ocimum gratissimum L., smell similarly, but the types are slightly different (Hussain, Anwar et al. 2008); The four plants had been considered by the people of the same species and the same function for a long time. However, the essential oils were different between the four plants (Patel, Singh et al. 2016). The main purpose of the study was to identify the difference between the four plants and the aroma functions. Through the background of the literature, five-point hypothesis were proposed to carry out in this research.
The four plants were extracted by distillation to harvest the crude extracts. And the crude extracts were analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-Mass) for the difference between the essential oil components to compare with the results of the five-point hypothesis. Sent the four kinds of plant crude extract spray and questionnaire assessment to aromatherapy experts to evaluate the fragrance and ease of mind on the points. Collected the points result to further statistical analysis and confirmed the proposed five-point hypothesis.
The result of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-Mass) Analysis of Ocimum basilicum L. var. Purpurascens and Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Green crude extracts showed that the same essential oil components. And the content were close. Through the expert evaluation results also believe that aroma ingredients of the two plants are almost the same. From the results of GC-Mass analysis of four plant extracts (Crude Extract), it was determined that sweet basil and Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Green and Ocimum gratissimum L. were completely different from the three aroma components. The results of the assessment are consistent. Eucalyptol was smelled fresh and lively feeling, Linalool was smelled like wood calm and fragrant and pleasant. The two main ingredients mixed with the smell of the Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Green and Ocimum gratissimum L. odor phase Comparison, in the expert score results were the most pleasing. The result of Eugenol in the gas chromatography - mass spectrometer (GC-Mass) analysis showed that it was the main essential oil component of Ocimum gratissimum L., the highest of the four plants. So, experts believe that the aroma of Ocimum gratissimum L. was the best to achieve the effect of soothing the lungs. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-Mass) analysis of the sweet basil crude extract showed that it contained Linalool, essential oil ingredients. In Expert evaluation results, sweet basil was also thought that the most likely to promote peace of mind, physical and mental relaxation. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-Mass) analysis of the essential oil compositions of the results were fully confirmed with the proposed five-point hypothesis. The statistical analysis of the expert scores was also fully confirmed with the proposed five-point hypothesis, and matched the results of the GC-Mass analysis.
目 錄

摘 要 I
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
表 目 錄 VII
圖 目 錄 VIII

第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與限制 2
第四節 研究架構 2

第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 甜羅勒簡介 4
第二節 青莖種羅勒與紫莖種羅勒簡介 5
第三節 丁香羅勒簡介 7
第四節 其他分類方法的羅勒 7
第五節 常見的精油萃取方法 8
第六節 芳香療癒 9
第七節 香氣成分探討 10
第八節 不同羅勒品種的差異性研究 13

第三章 實驗方法與材料、設備 15
第一節 栽種與採收 15
第二節 實驗儀器與設備 16
第三節 第二次蒸餾的萃取步驟 18
第四節 GC-MS分析條件 18
第五節 香氣療癒評估 18

第四章 研究結果與討論 20
第一節 栽種與採收 20
第二節 第一次萃取:最適萃取條件選取 21
第三節 第二次蒸餾GC-MS分析與香氣療癒假設 24
第四節 四種羅勒與國際ISO比較 27
第五節 四種羅勒的茹絲蛋型圖與精油四象限圖 32
第六節 香氣評估統計結果 39
第七節 網路謠傳台灣九層塔 39

第五章 結 論 40

參考文獻 41

附錄一 44


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