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研究生(外文):Hui-Wen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):To investigate diet and weight change during festival and weekend holidays by using mobile device
外文關鍵詞:mobile deviceholiday meight gainholiday dieteating behavior
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Studies suggest that eating behavior is different on festivals or holidays (weekends or national holidays). It usually caused an unhealthy diet pattern, which can lead to health problems, such as obesity and chronic diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate diet and weight change during festivals and weekend holidays. 158 adults, includes 19 males and 139 females aged 20-64yr were recruited. During the experiment, the subjects were asked to take photograph for recording their daily diets by the mobile devices and their anthropometric data were collected regularly. The results showed that the intake of plant products and egg products were significantly increased during Chinese New Year. During Dragon Boat festival, the intake of glutinous rice and its products were significantly increased. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole liquid milk intake was significantly increased. During Christmas, the intake of protein, lipid and total calories were significantly increased, while the intake of fruit was significantly decreased. The section of Weekdays and weekends, the subjects were divided into different group by BMI, age, students or occupation. In general, the subjects prefered noodles or wheat food on weekend holidays. The intake of protein and lipid would increase and vegetable decreased on weekend holidays. This study found that different festivals would have different dietary patterns and the intake proportions of proteins, lipid and carbohydrates would be altered accordingly. The dietary patterns of different groups would also be affected by weekdays or weekend holidays. Using mobile device to record diet and learn about changes in diet between the festivals and the weekend holidays can strengthen the dietician''s personal nutrition advisory skill. Based on different timing, BMI, age or economic states, dieticians can give optimal diet recommendations for each individual. This study results will also be benefit for health-related industries in the futures.
第一章 前言1
第二章 文獻探討2
第一節 飲食行為定義之探討2
第二節 假期對歐美國家之飲食行為及體位變化之探討4
第三節 假期對台灣之飲食行為及體位變化之探討7
第四節 傳統飲食紀錄法與行動裝置飲食紀錄之探討8
第五節 行動裝置普及率及健康管理之應用9
第三章 材料方法13
第一節 受試者招募條件及方法13
第二節 試驗設計與流程14
第三節 體組成及生理測量15
第四節 新食記運動健康管理平台16
第五節 營養師教育訓練及飲食分析工具18
第六節 資料整理及統計分析20
第四章 結果22
第一節 受試者之基本資料22
第二節 節慶前、中、後對飲食之影響23
第三節 節慶前後之體位及飲食相關性24
第四節 平日及週末對飲食之變化25
第五節 平日及週末與飲食相關性28
第五章 討論30
第一節 節慶對飲食及體位影響之探討30
第二節 節慶前後飲食及體位變化相關性之探討32
第三節 平日與週末對飲食影響之綜合探討34
第四節 平日與週末對不同BMI飲食影響之探討36
第五節 平日與週末對不同年齡層飲食影響之探討38
第六節 平日與週末對在學或就業者飲食影響之探討39
第七節 未來展望與研究限制40
第六章 結論41
第七章 參考文獻85
第八章 附錄91
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