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研究生(外文):Hao-Gang Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Modeling and characteristics of PM2.5 inorganic aerosol system in suburban and industrial areas
指導教授(外文):Li-Hao Young
外文關鍵詞:PM2.5spatiotemporalthermodynamic equilibrium modelinorganic aerosol systemaerosol water contentaerosol acidity
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本研究旨在探討郊區與工業區之PM2.5無機氣膠系統特性與不同時空之差異。研究方法係利用於台中沙鹿郊區與高雄林園工業區為期一年之逐日手動及逐時半自動PM2.5水溶性鹽類與酸鹼氣體之採樣數據,並結合熱力平衡模式ISORROPIA II進行無機氣膠系統之模擬。結果顯示,沙鹿郊區與林園工業區採樣期間所測得之逐日PM2.5 平均濃度分別為37.3與54.2 µg/m3,且工業區PM2.5、NO3-與酸鹼氣體濃度皆高於郊區。針對PM2.5高濃度污染事件,沙鹿郊區主要可歸因於台中都會區與當地交通排放產生之其他未分析物質(例如有機物質),林園工業區則主要歸因於西部地區與高雄都會區交通或當地工業排放衍生之NO3-與其他未分析物質。模式模擬比對結果顯示,兩區以正演法亞穩態模擬一致性較好、差異較小。兩區之無機氣膠幾乎都以液相離子的形式存在。沙鹿郊區之逐日與逐時之無機氣膠含水量平均濃度為15.3與23.0 µg/m3,林園工業區之平均濃度為54.2與74.0 µg/m3。氣膠含水量會隨著相對濕度或無機氣膠濃度上升而增加。氣膠pH值會隨著無機氣膠含水量的下降或液相氣膠中H+濃度的增加而降低。
The objective of this study was to characterize the spatiotemporal distribution of PM2.5 inorganic aerosol system at a suburban site and an industrial site. Both daily and hourly measurements of PM2.5 water-soluble ions and acid/basic gases were taken over a year at both sites, with which the measured data were used in an inorganic aerosol thermodynamic equilibrium model, ISORROPIA II, to model the inorganic aerosol system. The results show that the average PM2.5 at the suburban and industrial site were 37.3 and 54.2 µg/m3, respectively, between which the industrial site had higher concentrations of PM2.5, NO3- and acid/basic gases. During high PM2.5 episodes, the increase of PM2.5 at the suburban site was likely related to unresolved chemical components (likely organics) associated with urban and traffic emissions. On the other hand, the increase of PM2.5 at the industrial site was likely related to NO3- and also unresolved chemical components from upwind traffic emissions and local industrial emissions. Forward-metastable modeling results showed the best agreement with the observations at both sites. The inorganic aerosol systems were predominantly presented in the liquid phase. The daily and hourly average concentrations of inorganic aerosol water content were 15.3 and 23.0 µg/m3 at the suburban site and 54.2 and 74.0 µg/m3 at the industrial site, respectively. The aerosol water content increased with increasing inorganic aerosol concentration or ambient relative humidity. The daily and hourly average aerosol pH were 2.67 and 2.31 at the suburban site and 3.09 and 3.12 at the industrial site, respectively. The aerosol pH decreased with decreasing aerosol water content or increasing liquid phase H+ concentration.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 PM2.5之定義與來源特性 3
2.2 PM2.5對人類健康的影響 4
2.3 PM2.5之化學組成 5
2.4 水溶性鹽類形成機制與其前趨物來源 8
2.5 PM2.5水溶性鹽類之含水量 10
2.6 PM2.5水溶性鹽類之酸鹼特性 13
2.7 無機氣膠之熱力平衡模式 14
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1 研究架構 22
3.2 採樣地點與時間 24
3.3 PM2.5水溶性鹽類與酸鹼氣體逐日手動採樣系統 26
3.3.1系統組成與原理 26
3.3.2 採樣方法 28
3.3.3 採樣後處理與水溶性鹽類之分析 30
3.3.4品保品管 32
3.4 PM2.5水溶性鹽類與酸鹼氣體逐時半自動採樣系統 39
3.4.1系統組成與原理 39
3.4.3 品保品管 41
3.5 氣象儀 43
3.6 無機氣膠之熱力平衡模式 44
3.7 資料統計與繪圖 46
第四章 結果與討論 74
4.1 田野驗證 74
4.1.1 沙鹿郊區數據之田野驗證 74
4.1.2 林園工業區數據之田野驗證 75
4.2 採樣期間兩地區之氣象條件與空污狀況 77
4.2.1 沙鹿郊區與林園工業區之氣象條件 77
4.2.2 郊區與工業區之空污狀況 79
4.3 兩地區PM2.5之水溶性鹽類與酸鹼氣體特性與時間變異 82
4.3.1 兩區特性、不同時間解析度採樣與區域間之差異 82
4.3.2 兩區之四季變異 86
4.3.3 兩區之逐時變異 90
4.3.4 兩區與國內其他PM2.5水溶性鹽類研究比較 92
4.4 兩區PM2.5高濃度污染事件之水溶性鹽類與酸鹼氣體特性 94
4.4.1 沙鹿郊區高污染事件日之特性 94
4.4.2 林園工業區高污染事件日之特性 96
4.4.3 沙鹿郊區PM2.5高濃度污染事件日之PM2.5可能來源分析 98
4.4.4 林園工業區PM2.5高濃度污染事件日之PM2.5可能來源分析 102
4.5 兩區PM2.5無機氣膠系統模擬之特性與比對 106
4.5.1 沙鹿郊區逐日採樣實測值與模式預測值之比對 106
4.5.2 沙鹿郊區逐時採樣實測值與模式預測值之比對 111
4.5.3 林園工業區逐日採樣實測值與模式預測值之比對 113
4.5.4 林園工業區逐時採樣實測值與模式預測值之比對 115
4.5.5 兩區逐日與逐時液與固相無機氣膠之模擬與特性 118
4.5.6兩區逐日與逐時氣膠含水量之模擬與特性 121
4.5.7 兩區逐日與逐時氣膠pH值之模擬與特性 125
第五章 結論與建議 198
5.1 結論 198
5.2 研究限制 203
5.3 建議 204
文獻參考 206
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