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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Air Pollutants Emission and Thermal Analysis from Burning Incense
外文關鍵詞:Incense smokeThermal anylsisParticlesPAHsCNS standard
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研究結果顯示,市售拜香燃燒溫度、熱值及熱流愈高,灰分排放係數趨勢下降,懸浮微粒與固相多環芳香烴(S-PAHs)排放係數趨勢上升,推測係因市售拜香為使燃燒特性更加穩定而添加助燃物,以致拜香中適燃物質增加,提高拜香燃燒能量,懸浮微粒與固相多環芳香烴排放趨勢隨之上升。此外,民眾在一般居家佛堂,且高通風換氣率下燃燒三支拜香,將造成室內懸浮微粒濃度為 113±22.5 μg/m3,已超出室內空氣品質標準3倍以上。而在數據統計分析後發現燃燒市售拜香之排放濃度遠低於CNS標準(四項PAHs為0.2mg/m3)之規範,可見目前CNS標準應有修改之必要,以維護民眾健康。

Burning incense was the primary air pollutants in Taiwan, that`s why we talking about the effective way to prevent the pollution of the burning incense, it was such important issue. This study was using some ordinary incense which sold in Tainan city and burn it for lab, before sampling have to put the incense in to the conditioning box, after that sampling it in to the burning room which made by ourselves, the last we analysis and discuss the ash particle and 16 PAHs with the temperature and calorie value. And the discharge rate to estimate the general home indoors caused by burning incense caused by the concentration of suspended particulates, and finally statistical analysis to discuss whether the market can meet the national standard (CNS).
The results showed that the higher the burning temperature, calorific value and heat flow, the gray emission coefficient decreased, the emission coefficient of particulates, and the emission coefficient of S-PAHs, it is suggested that the combustion characteristics of the suspended particulates and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are increased with the increase of the combustible material and the combustion energy. In addition, the public in the general home Buddha, and high ventilation rate of combustion under the three incense, will cause indoor suspended particles concentration of 113 ± 22.5 μg / m3, has exceeded the indoor air quality standards more than 3 times. In the statistical analysis of the data found that the burning of the sale of commercial incense emissions concentration is much lower than the CNS standard (four PAHs 0.2 mg / m3) of the specification, we can see the current CNS standards should be modified to maintain public health.
Key word: Incense smoke、Thermal analysis、Particles、PAHs、CNS standard

摘要 1
謝誌 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章、前言 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的及內容 2
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2-1 拜香之介紹 3
2-1-1 拜香的種類 3
2-1-2 拜香的製作 4
2-2 拜香之成分分析 5
2-3 燃燒拜香之粒狀污染物排放與分佈 6
2-3-1 粒狀污染物排放 6
2-3-2 粒狀污染物分佈 7
2-4 拜香燃煙多環芳香化合物(PAHS)排放 8
2-5 拜香燃煙之揮發性有機物質 10
2-6 拜香燃煙之毒性測試 11
2-7 熱分析 12
2-8 木材與燃燒之要件 12
2-8-1 木材之燃燒 12
2-8-2 木材主成份之影響 14
2-8-3 木材燃燒之影響因素 16
2-9 CNS國家標準 17
2-10 室內空氣污染物濃度 19
第三章、實驗方法與步驟 20
3-1 研究流程 20
3-2 拜香調理與採樣 21
3-3 PAHS/毒性當量分析 25
3-3-1 萃取 27
3-3-2 淨化 27
3-3-3 濃縮 28
3-3-4 GC/MS 分析 28
3-4 熱分析 30
3-4-1 溫度 30
3-4-2 熱值 31
3-5 室內情境暴露量評估 32
3-5-1 情境模擬操作執行方式 32
3-5-2 暴露量與計算方式 33
第四章、數據分析之品質保證與控制 34
4-1 PAHS空白試驗 34
4-1-1 溶劑空白試驗 34
4-1-2 程序空白試驗 34
4-2 標準品檢量線之建立 35
4-2-1 建立檢量線 35
4-2-2 線性關係之確認 36
4-2-3 濃度可適用之範圍 36
4-2-4 檢量線的確認及使用 36
4-3 PAHS標準品重複分析 36
第五章、研究結果與討論 40
5-1 拜香外觀及熱分析 40
5-1-1 拜香尺寸特徵 40
5-1-2 燃燒溫度 41
5-1-3 熱值與熱流 41
5-2 拜香燃燒排放污染物特徵 42
5-2-1 灰分 42
5-2-2 懸浮微粒 42
5-2-3 多環芳香烴化合物 (PAHs) 43
5-2-4 室內燃燒拜香懸浮微粒濃度推估 50
5-2-5 國家標準(CNS)之通用性探討 51
5-3 燃燒特徵之相關性 53
5-3-1 灰分與燃燒溫度 53
5-3-2 懸浮微粒與燃燒溫度 54
5-3-3 固相多環芳香烴與燃燒溫度 55
5-3-4 灰分與熱值 56
5-3-5 懸浮微粒與熱值 57
5-3-6 固相多環芳香烴與熱值 58
5-3-7 灰分與熱流 59
5-3-8 懸浮微粒與熱流 60
5-3-9 固相多環芳香烴與熱流 61
5-3-10 小結 62
第六章、結論與建議 63
6-1 結論 63
6-2 建議 65
參考文獻 66

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