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論文名稱(外文):Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to investigate people's behavior of Four-Cancers Screening
外文關鍵詞:CancerFour kinds of cancer screeningsTheory of Planning BehaviorDeath of statistical annual report
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結論:研究結果顯示:(1)「人口學變項」的「婚姻」、「職業」變項在「行動行為」有顯著差異,單身者較高。(2)「態度」構面下的「結果信念」變項為「行動行為」的正向顯著影響因子;「態度」構面下的「結果評價」變項為「行動行為」的負向顯著影響因子。(3)「主觀規範」構面下的「依從動機」變項為「行動行為」的正向顯著影響因子。(4)「行為控制知覺」構面變項為「行動行為」的正向顯著影響因子;「行為控制知覺」構面下的「知覺便利性」變項為「行動行為」的正向顯著影響因子。(5) 「人口學變項」的「性別」在題項「3-1-3」的負向顯著影響因子。

Background and purpose: Malignant neoplasm, is commonly known as cancer, has been the first cause of death in Taiwan since 1982. Especially, four kinds of cancers as below, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer and oral cancer. Because people have lack of concept about" Prevention is better than cure", they often too late to get medical treatment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore how to enhance the people’s desire for four kinds of cancer screenings, it can not only help hospitals and health bureau to improve the screening rate of these four cancers that I had mentioned above, but prevent people suffering from these four kinds of cancers.
Research method: This is a cross-sectional study for about 2 weeks, from April 29th to May 12th in 2017, people had to answer the question one-on-one during the questionnaires. Moreover, the grand total provides 300 questionnaires, and the effective questionnaire recovery rate is 100%. This study presents a total of 14 hypotheses with statistical hypothesis test method, and the survey data analyzed through the SPSS statistical software.
(1) "Marriage" and "Occupation" of "demographic changes"There is a significant difference in "behavioral behavior".(2) The "behavioral beliefs" under the "attitude" structure is a significant positive impact factor of the "action"; the "behavioral assessment" under the "attitude" Impact factor. (3) The "compliance motive" under the "subjective norm" is a significant positive impact factor for "action".(4) The "perceived behavior" of the "behavior control perception" is a positive effect of "action behavior"; the "perceived convenience" of "behavior control perception" is a positive effect of "action behavior" factor. (5) Negative effects of "sex" in "demographic variables" in question "3-1-3".
Suggestion:1.Community development personnel can promote patient instructions of four kinds of cancer screenings for people in hospital waiting area, or held four kinds of cancer screenings activities regularly to improve the screening rate and increase the awareness of four kinds of cancer screenings for people. 2.At the end of the consultation, the doctor or the people who are related to the hospital can inform the patient that government have been providing free four kinds of cancer screenings for the sake of strengthening people's attitude to do the screenings. 3.People need to have a concept about" Prevention is better than cure", for reducing the possibility of cancer death rate and improve cancer screening rate at the same time. 4.In order to make people being willing to do the four kinds of cancer screenings and improve the convenience of cancer screenings, there are screenings provided for people during the night and weekends or even home screening program can be choose. 5.Foe improving female physiology feelings and psychology feelings about cancer screening environment, such as vision, sense of touch, sense of hearing, somatosensory, anxiety, respect, fear, security and so on. It is necessary to plan a secure, private and comfortable inspection space for female.

第壹章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第貳章、文獻探討 4
第一節、國人癌症(惡性腫瘤)現況 4
第二節、關於四癌篩檢 5
第三節、台灣癌症防治歷程及計畫 7
一、第一期國家癌症防治計畫(國家癌症防治五年計畫) 8
二、第二期國家癌症防治計畫-癌症篩檢(2010-2013年) 8
三、第三期國家癌症防治計畫-報院核定版(2014~2018) 9
第四節、計畫行為理論 12
第五節、計畫行為理論的組成 13
第叁章、研究方法 15
第一節 研究架構 15
第二節 研究假設 15
第三節 問卷設計 19
第四節 研究工具與對象 24
第五節 資料分析方法 24
第肆章、研究結果 29
第一節 描述性統計 29
第二節 推論性統計分析 33
第三節 迴歸分析 67
一、態度對行動行為之影響 67
二、主觀規範對行動行為之影響 69
三、行為控制知覺對行動行為之影響 71
第四節 總結 73
第伍章、研究討論 74
一、人口學變項對態度、主觀規範、行為控制知覺、行動行為 74
二、「態度」對「行動行為」有顯著影響。 78
三、「主觀規範」對「行動行為」有正、顯著影響。 79
四、「行為控制知覺」對「行動行為」有顯著影響。 80
五、題項3-1-3. 對性別之討論 81
第陸章、結論與建議 82
第一節 研究結論 82
二、態度對行動行為之影響 84
四、行為控制知覺對行動行為之影響 85
第二節 實務意涵 86
第三節 未來研究建議與限制 89
參考文獻 90
一、英文部分 90
二、中文部份 92

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