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警察工作繁重、高壓且充滿風紀誘因,如果發生相關違紀案件,則容易登上新聞,成為眾失之的,而警察機關的風紀防制策略(包含考核及後續列管措施)對於警察人員的預防成效仍有其不足之處,對於違紀個案而言,相關的列管措施所帶來的影響及效果則是帶來標籤化的結果,但以另一方面觀察,列管後的個案均無再犯的紀錄,因此威嚇主義仍有其一定的效果存在。本研究係透過文獻探討法及質化訪談法進行探討,分析桃園市政府警察局近5年來違紀及違法案件及人數探討違紀趨勢與類型;除此之外,另訪談督察工作者3人及違紀個案 4人,以分析不同違紀類型之影響因素及防制成效在雙方彼此間的體認差異為何。
本研究建議如下:(1) 加強風紀探訪及情報之蒐集,發掘並扼止員警違紀狀況 (2) 應自養成訓練開始,即強化法治觀念教育 (3) 應重視考核機制,預防工作應有效落實 (4) 主官(管)應以身作則,改變組織風紀文化 (5) 落實家庭訪問措施,提升家庭監控功能 (6) 修正獎懲標準,建立明確懲處規定 (7) 應明確界定合理的解除列管時間 (8) 主官(管)應主動關心同仁,並加強彼此互動 (9)落實風紀資料表單之填具並提升其功能(10) 應即時製作案例教育,加強在職員警法紀機會教育。
The job of police is heavy-load, highly pressurized as well as full of temptation against discipline. If any matter arises against discipline, it tends to be reported by media and become a focus of criticism. In police department, however, the disciplinary control strategy (including evaluations and subsequent control measures) is still incomplete in the effectiveness of prevention for policemen. For disciplinary cases, the effects the control measures cause are labeling results. But, on the other hand, it is observed that there are no recidivisms in the controlled cases, which suggests the concept of intimidation still works to an extent. This study analyzed, by documentary review and qualitative interviews, the tendency and categorization of the number of persons and that of cases in disciplinary and legal cases at Taoyuan Police Department for the last five years. Also, interviews were conducted with three inspectors and four persons involved in disciplinary cases for analysis of what differences are felt between the two sides in the influence of different types of disciplinary violation and the effectiveness of control.
This study does tendency analysis of policemen disciplinary (and legal) cases at Taoyuan Police Department based on the data on such cases arising in the period from 2012 to 2016. Analytic results are: (1) In the category of violation of the law, drunk driving, disclosure of official confidential information, and gambling were predominant, where gambling ceased to appear since 2015; (2) In the category of violation of disciplinary violation, pre-service drinking, violation of regulation on contact with specific persons, going to improper places and undue dating were predominant, where the numbers of cases in both categories decreased significantly.
From the interview results, this study analyzed the effects of provisions of disciplinary control and evaluation and found: (1) Policemen were aware of the severity of the punishment but they intended to take chances; (2) Offenders knew the rules and penalties, but they lost rationality; (3) The implication of the provisions being “compromising the reputation of police” is too vague and lacks specific standards of punishment; (4) The provisions and the extents of disposal were not well understood; (5) Violators disagreed at the provisions of police discipline; (6) The provisions of police discipline are still partly intimidating; and (7) Intimidation and control cause negative attitude toward working.
From the interview results, this study analyzed the effectiveness of disciplinary control and evaluation bodies and found: (1) Policemen did care about supervisors’ evaluations; (2) Anti-disciplinary conducts cease to happen after controls are exercised; (3) There needs specific standard for lifting controls; and (4) Preventions were not performed thoroughly.
From the interview results, this study analyzed the effects of disciplinary control and evaluation on policemen and found: (1) Performance ratings were affected; (2) Transfer to farther parts of the island affects life; (3) The concept of law enforcement was affected; (4) Became negative about work and life; (5) The control is intimidating; (6) Have been constantly questioned and labeled; (7) The mood was affected; and (8) Pressures have followed ever since.
This study recommends: (1) Reinforce interview and intelligence in respect of discipline to discover and stop policeman violations of discipline. (2) It is necessary to strengthen the education of lawful concept since the period of cadet training. (3) Attention should be paid to the evaluation mechanism and preventions should be done thoroughly. (4) Leaders and supervisors should set good example by themselves to change the organizational culture. (5) Really carry out home visits to enhance family monitoring. (6) Modify the standards for reward and punishment, setting out specific penal provisions. (7) It is necessary to specifically define reasonable time to lift controls. (8) Leaders and supervisors should be active in concerning the colleagues and intensify interactions. (9) Really carry out the use of disciplinary information forms and upgrade their functionality. (10) It is necessary to educate using cases as example in a timely manner, reinforcing disciplinary education by opportunity for on-job policemen.

Keywords: policemen, disciplinary conduct, inspection and evaluation system, disciplinary control strategy
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究問題重要性 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 員警違法(紀)狀況分析 10
第二節 內在因素與警察違紀 15
第三節 外部規範與警察違紀 24
第四節 文獻綜合評述 34
第三章 研究設計與實施 37
第一節 研究取向與架構 37
第二節 研究流程與方法 39
第三節 研究範圍與研究對象 40
第四節 研究工具 45
第五節 資料處理及分析 46
第六節 研究倫理 48
第四章 員警違紀影響因素及監控成效分析 53
第一節 個人因素對違紀行為之影響與分析 53
第二節 監控因素與違紀行為之影響與分析 63
第三節 緊張因素對違紀行為之影響與分析 71
第四節 環境機會因素對違紀行為之影響與分析 75
第五節 警察督考系統監控成效分析 79
第六節 綜合討論 96
第五章 結論與建議 109
第一節 結論 109
第二節 建議 116
第三節 研究限制 123
參考文獻 127
一、中文部分 127
二、英文部分 129
附件一 訪談同意書 134
附件二 執法者訪談大綱 135
附件三 違紀個案訪談大綱 137
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