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研究生(外文):Yuan-Hao Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Relationship between Colors of Noise and Work Efficiency
外文關鍵詞:red noisepink noisewhite noiseComfortwork efficiency
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模擬白領工作場所的低分貝背景噪音暴露型態,並以頻譜分析儀對實驗背景確認。分別以單純背景暴露、分別附加紅噪音、粉紅噪音、白噪音等情境,在二十分鐘噪音適應暴露後開始實驗。比較認知試驗「簡單反應測試( Psychomotor speed )」、「注意力測試(Attention)」、「執行功能測試(Executive function)」、「工作記憶( Working memory )」等情況的差異,利用 SD 法( Semantic Differential Method )問卷調查受測者對主觀環境舒適度評價,再評估研究結果。

Young generation in Taiwan prefers careers as white-collar workers in recent years, in the pursuit of more comfortable working environment and better working efficiency. Thus, in order to enhance the efficiency of white-collar workers, experiments of three types of noise exposure were conducted. Previous studies have proven the pink noise can lead the brain wave to a lower potential. In this study, we utilized physical methods to understand impacts which three color noises have on the working efficiency in cognitive experiments.

During experiments, low-decibel background noise of white-collar workplace was simulated and measured by a spectrum analyzer. All of experiment participants were exposed to sound environment of quiet, red, pink and white noise respectively. Twenty minutes later, figures of psychomotor speed, attention, executive function and working memory were recorded. In this study, Semantic Difference method was used to test the subjective environmental comfort evaluation.

Red noise, pink noise and white noise were significantly more positive with regard to quiet environment in psychomotor speed test. As for attention test, pink noise was the only significantly positive compared with quiet environment. Red noise, pink noise and white noise resulted in better executive function test, in contrast to quiet environment. Red noise and pink noise were significantly more positive, while white noise was significantly positive with regard to quiet environment in working memory test. Lastly, the results of the comfort questionnaire, red and pink noise increase possibility of better judgment, implementation, and slightly better overall environmental exposure evaluation.

At present time, it is considered that the noise has negative effects on hearing, cardiovascular and emotional aspects of human body. However, experiment results showed that certain noise exposure can improve the environmental comfort. Hence, it is feasible to use the colors noise to improve productivity and good workplace in the future.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
目錄 4
表目錄 7
圖目錄 9
第一章 緒論 12
1 - 1 研究動機與目的 12
1 - 1 - 1 研究動機 12
1 - 1 - 2 研究目的 15
第二章 文獻回顧 17
2 - 1 白噪音相關研究 18
2 - 2 白噪音對於疼痛與焦慮研究 18
2 - 3 粉紅噪音相關研究 20
2 - 4 粉紅噪音與睡眠相關研究 21
2 - 5 紅噪音相關研究 21
2 - 6 舒適度評價相關研究 22
2 - 7 各項測試與工作效率相關研究 22
第三章 研究⽅法與步驟 24
3 - 1 研究對象與介紹 24
3 - 1 - 1 研究對象 24
3 - 1 - 2 顏色噪音介紹 25
3 - 2 研究方法 28
3 - 2 - 1 實驗場地與測量 28
3 - 2 - 2 實驗設計與測試方法 30
第四章 試驗結果分析 39
4 - 1 認知試驗結果 39
4 - 1 - 1 簡單反應時間測試( Psychomotor speed )結果 40
4 - 1 - 2 注意力測試(Attention)結果 45
4 - 1 - 3 執行功能測試(Executive function)結果 50
4 - 1 - 4 工作記憶測試( Working memory )結果 54
4 - 2 T 檢定分析 59
4 - 2 - 1 簡單反應時間測試成對樣本 T 檢定分析 60
4 - 2 - 2 注意力測試成對樣本 T 檢定分析 61
4 - 2 - 3 執行功能測試成對樣本 T 檢定分析 62
4 - 2 - 4 工作記憶測試成對樣本 T 檢定分析 63
4 - 2 - 5 不同聲場環境暴露情境研究組與對照組 T 檢定分析 64
第五章 聲場環境主觀舒適度問卷結果分析 65
5 - 1 聲場環境主觀舒適度問卷結果與聲場環境主觀舒適度評價統計 65
5 - 1 - 1 無噪音暴露情境試驗後主觀舒適度評價統計 67
5 - 1 - 2 紅噪音暴露情境試驗後主觀舒適度評價統計 74
5 - 1 - 3 粉紅噪音暴露情境試驗後主觀舒適度評價統計 81
5 - 1 - 4 白噪音暴露情境試驗後主觀舒適度評價統計 88
5 - 2 四種不同聲場環境主觀舒適度評價總和與比較 95
5 - 2 - 1 無噪音暴露情境中聲場環境主觀舒適度分數總和 95
5 - 2 - 2 紅噪音暴露情境中聲場環境主觀舒適度分數總和 96
5 - 2 - 3 粉紅噪音暴露情境中聲場環境主觀舒適度分數總和 97
5 - 2 - 4 白噪音暴露情境中聲場環境主觀舒適度分數總和 98
5 - 2 - 5 四種暴露情境中聲場環境主觀舒適度分數總和比較 99
第六章 討論與結論 100
6 - 1 討論 100
6 - 1 - 1 顏色噪音暴露確實能使相同作業提高效率 100
6 - 1 - 2 注意力測試唯獨一項有顯著提升 100
6 - 1 - 3 顏色噪音暴露對不同居住環境受試者影響 101
6 - 1 - 4 探討顏色噪音環境舒適度問卷結果 101
6 - 2 結論與建議 103
6 - 2 - 1 三種顏色噪音暴露對人體影響 103
6 - 2 - 2 未來展望與限制 104
參考文獻 105
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