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研究生(外文):Guan ShiXian
論文名稱(外文):Carriers transport behavior in perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 transistor
指導教授(外文):(Zhong, Yuan-Liang
中文關鍵詞:鈣鈦礦 甲胺碘鉛 場效電晶體 有機半導體
外文關鍵詞:Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 transistor organic semiconductor
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從實驗數據中可以發現,不同電場方向之閘極電壓皆能對通道材料的電性產生調控的作用,這也表示有機鈣鈦礦的確具有雙載子特性。施加1V汲極電壓,當閘極為正,我們可以算出元件的電子遷移率為1.412×10-2 (cm2 V-1s-1);而當閘極為負時,元件的電洞遷移率則是9.126×10-4 (cm2 V-1s-1)。其具有不對稱,但確實存在的雙極性載子。此外在不同的掃描方向,例如從負到正的汲極電壓與從正到負的汲極電壓,兩相比較,其有時會出現不同的曲線。這代表有機鈣鈦礦材料在電性上具有某程度遲滯效應,於越大的汲極電壓就會有越明顯的差異,且在大的掃瞄間隔時間(1秒)是依然存在的,表示並非因量測間隔時間過短致使電荷滯留於通道材料當中。
現階段中我們確認了有機鈣鈦礦於常溫條件下具有雙載子特性,令人好奇的是當有機鈣鈦礦處於低溫環境中會有什麼特性出現。有文章說明當有機鈣鈦礦置於低溫環境時,電壓-電流曲線會比較像場效電晶體的特徵曲線,因此閘極的場效應會開始變的明顯。但由於只有量測到78 (K),有機鈣鈦礦在於更低溫時的表現值得繼續探討,是否會出現更有趣的行為,這問題是令人感興趣的。另外, 最近在Science 雜誌也報道有機鈣鈦礦的自旋電晶體特性, 所以此材料的發展, 未來將不止局制在太陽能電池的應用。
For the issue of environment and renewable energy development, solar cells become significance of energy vision in next generation. It is undoubtedly one of the most popular materials is organic perovskite. Normally, solar cells produce photocurrent by separation of electron-hole pairs in p-n junction. Perovskite has special properties, which has p-n junction without doping impurities into intrinsic material. It''s different from silicon solar cells. In order to find the electrical properties of perovskite''s carrier transport, we measured the characteristic of the field-effect transistor. In field-effect transistor, t the channel carriers can be modulated by Gate voltage. It''s means that the behavior of the carriers in the channel will change when the electric field of the gate is changed. Therefore, the bipolar carrier behavior can be observed by controlling gate voltage. With two direction field of gate, FET present different electrical curve severally.
When the organic perovskite is used as the channel material of the field effect transistor, It is expected that the number of carriers in the channel can be regulated by the electric field of gate. It''s could be observed the changes of carrier transport. Because it is usually as the active layer of solar cell which produce electron-hole pairs, it have bipolar carrier transport. Ideally, it would observe the field effect in the organic perovskite channels by different direction gate voltages. We grow organic perovskite thin film on silicon wafer which have already grown silicon dioxide layer and gold electrodes. And gate electrode is highly doped silicon layer at wafer bottom. Finally, it fixed the glass on perovskite film to separate the water and oxygen. It can avoid the reaction between water and sample.
From the experimental data, it can be observed that the gate voltage with different direction can both regulate the carrier in the channel. This also means that organic perovskites have bipolar carrier transport. Applying 1 (V) between drain and source, when the gate voltage is positive, we can calculate that the carrier mobility of device is 1.412×10-2 (cm2 V-1s-1). And when the gate is negative, the carrier mobility of device is 9.126×10-4 (cm2 V-1s-1). It had an asymmetric order of magnitude, but indeed bipolar carrier. In addition, in different scanning directions of drain-source voltage, such as from negative to positive and from positive to negative, it has different curve between two sometimes. It has some hysteresis effect when it applied a larger drain-source voltage. And it still showed at a large scanning interval time 1 sec, indicating that it is not the reason of scanning interval time.
At this stage, we have confirmed that organic perovskites have bipolar carrier transport at room temperature, and it is curious that device performance of organic perovskite in low-temperature environments. It had report that when the organic perovskite in a low temperature environment, the voltage-current curve close to field-effect transistor, the field-effect by gate voltage will start to become obvious. But the problem is the report only measure down to 78 K, the device performance at lower temperature is a question.
摘要 ....................................................................................... I
Abstract ...................................................................................... II
誌謝 ......................................................................................IV
目錄 .......................................................................................V
圖目錄 ......................................................................................VI
表目錄 ...................................................................................VIII
第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................... 01
1-1 鈣鈦礦歷史 ...................................................................................... 02
1-2 鈣鈦礦結構 ...................................................................................... 03
1-3 物理性質 ...................................................................................... 04
1-4 目前的發展 ...................................................................................... 05
1-5 研究動機 ...................................................................................... 05
第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................................................................... 06
2-1 鈣鈦礦薄膜製程 ...................................................................................... 07
2-2 元件結構 ...................................................................................... 08
第三章 實驗方法 ..................................................................................... 09
3-1 薄膜製程 ...................................................................................... 10
3-2 樣品元件結構 ...................................................................................... 11
3-3 電性量測 ...................................................................................... 12
3-4 X-射線繞射分析 ..................................................................................... 13
第四章 結果與討論 ..................................................................................... 14
4-1 樣品元件的實際晶片................................................................................ 14
4-2 環境對電性的作用.................................................................................... 16
4-3 元件的場效應 ..................................................................................... .17
4-4 遲滯行為 ..................................................................................... .19
4-5 降溫量測 ...................................................................................... 20
4-6 X-射線繞射圖譜 ..................................................................................... 24
4-7 數據總覽 ...................................................................................... 26
第五章 結論 ..................................................................................... 27
參考資料 ..................................................................................... 28
附錄 ..................................................................................... 31
圖1-1為美國國家再生能源實驗室(NREL)所整理之歷年太陽能電池效率發展。 2
圖1-2為鈣鈦礦ABO3結構之示意圖。 3
圖1-3為時間對PbI2的強度圖。 6
圖2-1 為不同文章所設計之元件。 8
圖3-1 為場效電晶體示意圖,其中通道材料可以為p型或是n型半導體。 9
圖3-2 是鈣鈦礦薄膜合成之流程圖。 10
圖3-3 為元件示意圖。 11
圖3-4 為量測示意圖。 12
圖3-5 為過去論文的元件X光繞射圖譜,用以參考薄膜品質。 13
圖4-1為樣品晶片於大氣環境中之變化。 14
圖4-2為樣品分解狀況之光學影像圖。 15
圖4-3 為不同時間的Ids - Vds 曲線。 16
圖4-4 為不同閘電壓時的Ids - Vds 曲線。 17
圖4-5 為元件的Ids-Vgs 曲線圖。 18
圖4-6 為各電壓時不同掃描方向的Ids - Vds 曲線,紅色為電壓從負到正遞增,藍色為電壓從正到負遞減。 19
圖4-7 為不同溫度下的Ids - Vds 曲線。 21
圖4-8 為其他已發表文章附錄中的降溫量測圖形,從298 K至198 K,間隔為20 K。 22
圖4-9 為溫度-遷移率的分布圖及曲線圖。 23
圖4-10 為有機鈣鈦礦CH3NH3PbI3薄膜之XRD原始圖譜與擬和圖譜。 25
圖4-11 為其他文章中所附之有機鈣鈦礦CH3NH3PbI3的XRD圖譜。 25
圖S01 為源極-汲極的電流電壓曲線(Ids-Vds) 圖。 31
圖S02 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 31
圖S03 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 32
圖S04 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 32
圖S05 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 33
圖S06 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 33
圖S07 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 34
圖S08 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 35
圖S09 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 35
圖S10 為不同源-汲極電壓(Vds)以及閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 36
圖S11 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 37
圖S12 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 38
圖S13 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 39
圖S14 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線以及其他特性圖。 40
圖S15 為0Vg的Ids-Vds曲線。 40
圖S16 為不同閘極電壓(Vg)時的Ids-Vds曲線。 41
圖S17 為XRD圖譜。 42
圖S16 為不同溫度時的Ids-Vds曲線。 43
表4-1 為元件數據總覽。 26
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