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研究生(外文):Phra Suchin Sukitpaneenit
論文名稱(外文):The Theory and Practice of the Propagation of Dhutaṅga Practice in Contemporary Thai Buddhism-A Case Study on “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” Organized by Wat Phra Dhammakāya
指導教授(外文):Yu-Wen Yang
外文關鍵詞:Dhammachai DhutaṅgaDhutaṅgaBuddhism in ThailandDhammakāya TempleTemporary Ordination
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The thesis examines the “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” activities held by Dhammakāya Temple from 2012 to 2015. With reference from and comparison amongst the “Aṇguttara-nikāya”, “Majjhima-nikāya”, “Visuddhimagga”, “Ekottara Āgama” “Madhyama Āgama”, other suttas and commentaries, the thesis aims to provide an in-depth record of the “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” activities, and subsequently review the impact and prospect of these activities on Thai Buddhism.
The first chapter provides the origins and motivations behind the research, the scope and purpose of the study, literature review and research methodology, as well as an understanding of the issues underlying the subject matter. For example: the impact of these activities on Thai society, and the use of evidence to explain the various issues pertaining to the event.
The second chapter discusses the definition, the origin and the suttas studies of Dhutaṅga, from Pāli Theravada scriptures “Vinaya”, “Majjhima-nikāya” “Khuddaka-nikāya” and “Visuddhimagga”, as well as the Chinese translation of Āgama, such as “Ekottara Āgama”, “Madhyama Āgama”. The chapter also provides a summary of the thirteen Dhutaṅga practices in each sutta.
The third chapter provides a brief history and the current situation of Dhutaṅga in Thailand, as well as the crisis that Buddhism and Dhutaṅga have been facing in Thailand. The topics of discussion include: (a) the rapid urbanization of society and the transformation of forests into nature reserves, (b) the decline of morality in society, (c) the methods of training and practice for the monks, (d) inadequate Buddhist education and practices, (5) inadequate knowledge and practice of Buddhism within mass media, and the negative attitude exemplified, (6) the impact of terrorists on Buddhism. The chapter also delves into the historical background of Dhammakāya temple and the solutions that the temple has implemented to address the crisis, allowing readers to have a better understanding towards the Thai Buddhist society. The chapter wishes to demonstrate how Thai people recognize, relate to, are influenced by, or interact with Dhutaṅga.
The fourth chapter introduces the origin of “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” activities organized by Dhammakāya Temple, including the purpose and significance of the event title, the route of the journey, the observing of Dhutaṅga, the coordination of the various departments, and an archive of past activities.
The fifth chapter examines the different views and interpretations of “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” by the participants, as well as the influence and prospects of “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” on contemporary Buddhism in Thailand. The textual evidence and the practice of“Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” includes: (a) The Dhutaṅga practices of participating monks, and their basic obligations to the monastic practice, (b) the Dhutaṅga monks walking into society, the community or the forest, (c) the restoration of the Buddhist tradition of offering flowers to the monks, (d) the restoration of the Buddhist traditions of cleaning the monk’s feet, (e) to establish the path of the Great Master “Phramonkolthepmuni (Sodh Cantasaro)” , (f) the Dhutaṅga event taking responsibility for the cleanliness as well as environmental concerns, (g) cooperation with various sectors of the community, (h) the responsibility and attitude which the media and news should have when reporting to the public.
The sixth chapter concludes that according to the Buddhist textual study, the “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga” organized by Dhammakāya Temple, along with the ascetic practices of “Eating in one session”(ekāsanikaṅga)and “Dwelling in that as distributed” (yathāsanthatikaṅga), conformed to the practice in the Buddhist textual discussion on Dhutaṅga tradition. This means that the majority of the community can benefit from participation in the event. That said, methods of management and implementation can be improved. According to the field survey statistics on “Dhammachai Dhutaṅga”, 89.88% of the respondents welcomed the event. People''s negative evaluation could be adjusted through better implementation in the future. I believe that this activity can be relaunched in the contemporary Thai Buddhist society.
摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
一、研究緣起與動機 1
二、研究範圍及目的 2
三、前人研究成果 3
四、研究方法與步驟 5
第二章 頭陀支的定義、起源與經典考察 7
一、頭陀支(DHUTAṄGA)的定義 7
二、頭陀行的起源 8
三、從南傳巴利經典與北傳漢譯阿含經考察頭陀支 12
(一)從南傳巴利經典考察頭陀支 12
1. 從《律藏》中考察頭陀支 12
2. 從《中部》中考察頭陀支 15
3. 從《小部》中考察頭陀支 18
4. 從《清淨道論》中頭考察陀支 19
(二)從北傳漢譯阿含經考察頭陀支 22
1. 從《增一阿含經》考察頭陀支 22
2. 從《中阿含經》考察頭陀支 24
第三章 泰國佛教及頭陀行的歷史與現況 27
一、泰國頭陀行的歷史發展 27
二、泰國佛教及頭陀行所面臨危機 31
(一)社會迅速都市化,森林變成保護區 31
(二)社會道德沒落的問題 34
(三)僧人培訓與弘法的方式 36
(四)佛法教育與實踐不足 40
(五)多數媒體缺少佛法知識與實踐,並態度消極 41
(六)恐怖分子對佛教的影響 41
三、法身寺之背景及對所面臨危機提出的解決方案 43
(一)法身寺之歷史背景說明 43
(二)法身寺對所面臨危機提出的解決方案 46
第四章 法身寺「法勝頭陀行」活動之起源及舉辦情況 54
一、法身寺「法勝頭陀行」之起緣 54
二、法勝頭陀行活動籌劃 56
(一)法勝頭陀行之宗旨 56
(二)活動名稱之涵義 56
(三)「法勝頭陀行」之遊行路線 57
1. 資訊和通訊技術(Information and Communications Technology, ICT)採用於宣傳、集會討論、路線設計與歷史回顧。 58
2. 透過Google地圖進行規劃遊行路線、指定地標、停留及就寢的地點等重 58
(四)頭陀支的受持 59
(五)活動負責部門與協助部門 59
三、法勝頭陀行歷次活動舉辦 60
2012年:通向導師聖地之路──法勝頭陀行(第一年) 60
2013年:通向導師聖地之路──法勝頭陀行(第二年) 61
2014年:通向導師聖地之路──法勝頭陀行(第三年) 61
2015年:通向導師聖地之路──法勝頭陀行(第四年) 61
第五章 「法勝頭陀行」與社會參與的不同議論、觀點與詮釋 63
一、探討「法勝頭陀行」的議論、經證與實踐 63
(一)頭陀行者之頭陀、及僧人之修行義務 63
1. 法勝頭陀行者頭陀支之守持 63
2. 修行於遊行中 66
3. 對四資具的省思 69
(二)團體頭陀僧走入社會、社區或森林 71
(三)以花瓣布施迎接僧團的傳統 72
(四)恢復迎僧洗足的佛教傳統 75
(五)啟蒙降魔比丘──帕蒙坤貼牟尼導師聖地之修行路線 77
(六)頭陀行活動對實踐清潔環保的責任 81
1. 清潔頭陀行路線 83
2. 環保科技之應用 84
(七)活動配合社會各部門團體合作與互助 85
(八)新聞媒體對公眾報導應該有的責任與態度 88
二、「法勝頭陀行」對當代泰國佛教的影響及展望 90
(一)「法勝頭陀行」對當代泰國佛教影響 90
1. 復興社會道德 90
2. 培養正僧和社會善人 90
3. 續佛慧命 91
4. 有助於全世界佛教徒的團結 91
5. 法勝頭陀行之研究計劃 92
(二)「法勝頭陀行」對當代泰國佛教展望 93
第六章 結論 94
參考文獻 95
一、佛教藏經或原典文獻 95
(一)巴利原典﹝P.T.S.﹞ 95
(二)泰文佛典 95
(三)巴利漢譯﹝NAN.﹞ 95
(四)巴利英譯 95
二、中日文專書、論文或網路資源等 96
三、西文專書、論文或網路資源等 99
四、泰文專書、論文或網路資源等 99
(二)泰文文獻 100
五、工具書 101
(一)中文文獻 101
(二)英文文獻 101
(三)泰文文獻 101
六、網路資料 102
附錄一 103
附錄二 105
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