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論文名稱(外文):The Fundamental Atudy Of Lightweight Aggregates Derived From CIGS Thin Film Aolar Cells
外文關鍵詞:lightweight aggregateCIGSwaste glass substratesolar cell
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體密度(g/cm3):1.464、吸水率(%):0.089、視孔隙率(%):0.130、健性(%):0.063、抗壓強度(kgf/cm2): 820.045。
體密度(g/cm3):1.380、吸水率(%):0.739、視孔隙率(%):1.016、健性(%):0.069、抗壓強度(kgf/cm2): 383.153。

In this study, the waste film CIGS thin film solar cell glass as preparing a lightweight aggregate material, related research shows that sintering waste glass of preparing a lightweight aggregate at a temperature of more than 1000 ℃. This study attempts to H3BO3 and Na2CO3 as flux below 1000 ℃ sintered lightweight aggregate formation, and test the water absorption of aggregate, depending on the porosity, bulk density, compressive strength, health and toxicity dissolution test (TCLP) and other properties. Since H3BO3 and Na2CO3 can promote the gas phase and the viscous glass coated internally generated waste glass powder formed in the low temperature formation of lightweight aggregate, but the viscous glass phase barrier to oxygen diffusion into the interior of the test may cause binder during sintering is not completely burned to produce aggregate so sinister phenomenon, according to the experimental results show that, under the premise of maintaining the molding result dose reduction PVA binder can help reduce or eliminate the sinister phenomenon.
Research is divided in two flux for preparing a lightweight aggregate respectively as boric acid and sodium carbonate as a flux, preparation of porous lightweight aggregate in a different amount of additives, sintering temperature and time, when the dose amount of borate fluxes reach more than 10% lightweight aggregate nature at 700℃ baking 1 hour generated as follows:
(bulk density (g / cm3): 1.464, water absorption (%): 0.089, depending on the porosity (%): 0.130, sexual health (%): 0.063, compressive strength (kgf / cm2): 820.045.
In addition, when the amount of sodium carbonate added dose of flux reach more than 17.5%, fired for 1.5 hours at 810 ℃ arising lightweight aggregate characteristics are as follows: (bulk density (g / cm3): 1.380, water absorption (%): 0.739, depending on the porosity (%): 1.016, sexual health (%)::0.069, Compressive strength (kgf / cm2) : 383.153).
And through the scanning electron microscope image analysis can be learned within the hole with the distribution of bone, it was confirmed that the four properties of bulk density, apparent porosity, soundness and water absorption were in accordance with the requirements of CNS-3691, in addition the compressive strength is also in line with CNS-3036 specification, displayed CIGS solar thin-film battery glass by low-temperature co-firing technology, at 1000℃ below firing high compression and low water absorption, low-density lightweight aggregate.


中文摘要 ..……………………………………………………….… I
英文摘要 ..………………………………………………………… III
目錄 …………………………………………………………… VI
圖目錄 …………………………………………………………… IX
表目錄 ………………………………...………………………… XII
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究背景 …………………………………………………. 1
1-2 研究動機 …………………………………………………. 7
1-3 研究目的 …………………………………………………. 9
1-4 研究架構 …………………………………………………. 10
第二章 理論基礎
2-1廢棄物玻璃化安定技術 …………………...….…………… 12
2-2低溫共燒技術 …………...………………….……………… 13
第三章 研究方法
3-1 實驗材料藥品及設備 …………………...……………….. 17
3-1-1 樣品來源 ...……………………………………..….. 17
3-1-2 實驗藥品 ……………………………………..……. 18
3-1-3實驗設備 …………………………………………... 18
3-2 試體成型操作 …………………………………...……….. 20
3-3 毒性溶出試驗(TCLP) ………………………………….. 20
3-4 吸水率試驗 …………………………...………………….. 23
3-5 體密度試驗 ……………………………...……………….. 23
3-6 視孔隙率試驗 …………………………...……………….. 23
3-7 健性試驗 …………………………………...…………….. 24
3-8 抗壓試驗 …………………………………...…………….. 24
3-9 XRF分析 …………………………………………………. 25
3-10 SEM影像分析 ……………………………...…………... 25
3-11 熱差分析 ……………………………………………...… 25
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 樣品特性分析 ………………………………………...….. 26
4-2 CIGS廢玻璃熱差分析 ………………………………...… 27
4-3 黑心樣品的探討 …………………………………………. 29
4-4 助熔劑添加量對輕質骨材特性的影響 …………………. 30
4-4-1硼酸助熔劑的影響 ……………………………...…... 30
4-4-2碳酸鈉助熔劑的影響 ……………………………...... 35
4-5 燒結溫度對骨材特性之影響 ………………………......... 39
4-5-1硼酸助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 …………...... 39
4-5-2碳酸鈉助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 …………… 42
4-6 燒結時間對骨材特性之影響 ……………………………. 45
4-6-1硼酸助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 …………...... 45
4-6-2碳酸鈉助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 ………...... 49
4-7 低溫共燒製備輕質骨材之TCLP試驗 ………………..... 53
4-7-1硼酸助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 …………..… 53
4-7-2碳酸鈉助熔劑製備輕質骨材之特性分析 ……...…... 53

第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論 ………………………………………………...…….. 54
5-2 建議 ……………………………………………...……….. 55

參考文獻 ………………………………………………………….... 56

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