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論文名稱:廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯經磺酸化程序後 之離子交換性能分析
論文名稱(外文):Analysis the properties of Expanded Polystyrene as Ion-exchange by sulfonation progress
指導教授(外文):HO, CHIH-HSUAN
外文關鍵詞:deserted StyrofoamPolystyreneion exchangeSulfonation
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(1) 市售離子交換樹脂之吸附與再生特性。
(2) 經磺酸化程序後之聚苯乙烯與廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯,分析其磺化試劑對磺化率之影響。
(3) 經磺酸化程序後之聚苯乙烯與廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯,分析其粒徑對離子交換能力之影響。
(4) 經磺酸化程序後之聚苯乙烯與廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯,分析其吸附與再生特性。

Because of cushioning and insulating properties, Styrofoam is widely used in one-time packaging of a variety of goods. A considerable amount of waste is, as a result, produced, which makes it difficult to be recycled and transported. Recent studies have shown that up to 90% of floating oceanic debris is Styrofoam and it has posed a serious threat to the ecology.
In this research, CH3COOSO3H is used as sulfonatingagent. After the Sulfonation of deserted Styrofoam, it then has highly economic ion exchange capacity. By comparing it with the same type of ion exchange resin on the market, an analysis of sulfonation of the deserted Styrofoam is conducted to see if Sulfonation could induce ion exchange capacity and thus increase the possibilities of recycling and reusing of Styrofoam.
In the following is the research method. First, Divinylbenzene is used as the main solvent to dissolve Polystyrene and deserted Styrofoam. Next, different amounts of CH3COOSO3H (20ml, 50ml, and 80ml respectively) are added for Sulfonation in order for SO3H- to make bond with experimental materials. Finally, degree of Sulfonation and ion exchange capacity are adopted for criteria to see if there is a distinction between Polystyrene and Styrofoam and ion exchange resin on the market.
The experiment aims to find out
(1) The properties of absorption and regeneration of ion exchange resin on the market.
(2) How Sulfonatingagent would affect degree of Sulfonation after the Sulfonation of Polystyrene and deserted Styrofoam
(3) How grain size would affect ion exchange capacity after the Sulfonation of Polystyrene and deserted Styrofoam.
(4) The properties of absorption and regeneration of the Sulfonation of Polystyrene and deserted Styrofoam.
In the following are the results of the experiment. As for Polystyrene, the sulfonation of Polystyrene could induce ion exchange capacity. Degree of Sulfonation is approximately 90% of theoretical degree of Sulfonation, while its ion exchange capacity could barely have 58% of that of ion exchange resin on the market. As for the deserted Styrofoam, the Sulfonation of Styrofoam could induce ion exchange capacity. Degree of Sulfonation is 70% of theoretical degree of Sulfonation, whereas its ion exchange capacity could barely have 30% of that of ion exchange resin on the market. It is found that the foaming agent and dyes in the deserted Styrofoam are the factors in affecting the degree of Sulfonation. Also, because the Sulfonation of Polystyrene and Styrofoam does not cross link with Divinylbenzene, its structure is looser than that of ion exchange resin on the market. This property, however, turns out to help accelerate ion exchange.

致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究起源 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯再利用現況 4
2-1-1 再生原料 4
2-1-2 熱裂解及油化利用 5
2-1-3 能源回收 6
2-1-4 磺化處理 7
2-1-5 營建工程 7
2-2 磺酸化程序(Sulfonation) 7
2-2-1 磺化劑種類 9
2-2-2 磺酸化原理與方法 9
2-2-3 磺化度 10
2-3 離子交換樹脂(Ion-exchange Polymer) 11
2-3-1 離子交換技術 12
2-3-2 架橋作用(Cross Linking): 12
2-3-3 離子交換樹脂特性: 14
2-3-4 離子交換樹脂應用 16
第三章 實驗材料與方法 18
3-1 實驗儀器 18
3-2 實驗藥品與材料 23
3-3 實驗流程與方法 29
3-3-1 廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯與聚苯乙烯之磺酸化 29
3-3-2 交換與再生實驗 33
3-3-3 磺化度檢測實驗 37
第四章 結果與討論 45
4-1 離子交換樹脂特性 45
4-1-1 浸泡時間影響吸附量 45
4-1-2 離子交換樹脂交換率 48
4-2 磺化率 50
4-2-1 磺酸化聚苯乙烯之磺化率 50
4-2-2 磺酸化廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯之磺化率 53
4-2-3 磺化聚苯乙烯與磺化廢棄聚苯乙烯之磺化率比較 55
4-3 粒徑對離子交換能力之影響 57
4-3-1 磺化聚苯乙烯於不同粒徑之離子交換能力 58
4-3-2 磺化廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯於不同粒徑之離子交換能力 60
4-4 磺酸化聚苯乙烯 63
4-4-1 浸泡時間影響吸附量 63
4-4-2 磺酸化聚苯乙烯之離子交換率 65
4-5 磺酸化廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯 67
4-5-1 浸泡時間影響吸附量 67
4-5-2 磺酸化廢棄發泡聚苯乙烯之離子交換率 70
4-6 性能比對 71
4-6-1不同材料之首次吸附離子交換能力比對 72
4-6-2不同材料之再生次數影響離子交換能力 74
第五章 結論與建議 77
5-1 結論 77
5-2 建議 78
參考文獻 79

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