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研究生(外文):SHIUE, YU-CHI
論文名稱(外文):Lot Size Determination for Finite Horizon under the Effect of Productivity and Quality Learning Process
指導教授(外文):Jeang, Angus
外文關鍵詞:Learning effectLot sizingProcess planningCost and QualityFinite plan horizon
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Traditional models for determining the economic production quantity (EPQ) assume a constant production rate. One result of this assumption is that the number of units produced in a given period is constant. However, the constant production rate assumption is not valid whenever the operator begins production of a new product, changes to a new machine, and restarts after a long break, or implements a new production process. In such situations the learning effect on production planning and inventory management cannot be ignored. The most widely used and accepted form of the learning curve is the Wright’s Learning Curve (WLC). However, the conventional WLC is a curve that solely depicts productivity increasing at a constant percentage as a cumulative number of units are produced. In fact, other than productivity learning process, the quality learning process should also be considered. Additionally, there exists a dependency between productivity learning process and quality learning process. In this regard, with the recent development of learning curve for quality and productivity simultaneously, the modified production inventory model is built to determine the optimal lot size periodically for finite plan horizon. In this research, the productivity considered is the unit production time and the quality concerned is the unit standard deviation of produced quality level. The quality and productivity learning effects are cumulated from unit to unit and cycle to cycle for entire plan horizon. Consequently, unit production time, unit labor cost, unit cost, cycle time, average unit standard deviation per cycle and production quantity per cycle are varied along plan horizon under the effect of learning process. For the purpose of explanations and comparison, four Cases are introduced in this research. The examples are provided for demonstration.
誌  謝 ...............................................................................................................................ii
摘  要 ..............................................................................................................................iii
Abstract ..............................................................................................................................iv
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................1
2. Notations and Assumptions .............................................................................................4
3. Learning curve ..............................................................................................................7
3.1 Learning curve for productivity ......................................................................................7
3.2 Learning curve for productivity and quality ..................................................................8
3.3 Tolerance cost function and variance estimation .......................................................10
4. The model development ...........................................................................................12
4.1 Case 1 - Assume production quantity and unit cost is identical for all cycles ............13
4.2 Case 2 - Assume production quantity is identical for all cycles with unit cost varied for different units. ......................................................................................................................17
4.3 Case 3 - Assume production quantity is not identical for all cycles and unit cost is varied for different units ..............................................................................................................22
4.4 Case 4 - Assume production quantity is not identical for all cycles and unit cost is varied under learning curve for productivity and Quality .........................................................26
5. Numerical results ..............................................................................................................29
5.1 Cases 1 and 2: Assume production quantities for all cycles are identical ......................29
5.2 Cases 3 and 4:Assume production quantities are not identical for each cycle .............34
5.3 Quality level, production quantity, time span under various production rates for Case 4...38
6. Discussions .......................................................................................................................41
7. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................48
References .......................................................................................................................49

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