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論文名稱(外文):Construction of Security Monitoring System with Arduino Yún
外文關鍵詞:Home securityPassive infrared sensor arrayMonitoring system
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In recent years, the technology of home security system is become mature, but in common family, a camera is usually only installed in the outer wall, if there are in-vaders want to incursion house, the probability of the device being destroyed is very high. In this study, we propose a home security system, combined with an Arduino Yún control board, a passive infrared sensor array, a GSM/GPRS gateway, and the webcam mounted on the servo motors. The disadvantage of the blind area have been improved by the passive infrared sensor array, and the optimum effect can be achieved with a minimum number of the sensors to be used, thereby reduce the cost of the system. When the PIR array detect human movement, it can determine the lo-cation of human using outputs of the PIR sensors. Arduino control board can trans-mits signals to the servo motor immediately, drive the webcam to the correct location of the intruder. We can watch the instant video streaming with network, and send the warning message to the user by email, and upload images to Dropbox. At the same time, send a text message (SMS) to the user by GSM/GPRS gateway, when user de-termines the home is under invasion by the invaders, he can informed and transfer the image to the police immediately, to arrest trespassers in time. In the future, this home security system can also be used in the mobile applications, to achieve the effect of integration, and cooperation with the police, to gain more prime time.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2文獻探討 2
1.3研究動機與目的 6
1.4論文架構 6
第二章 系統架構 8
2.1系統架構圖 8
2.2硬體介紹 9
2.2.1 Arduino Yún控制板 10
2.2.2 紅外線感測器 14
2.2.3 視訊感測器 15
2.2.4 GSM/GPRS模組 17
2.3軟體環境 18
2.3.1 Arduino開發平台 18
2.3.2 PuTTY終端模擬器 20
2.3.3 Python 21
第三章、研究設計與實施 22
3.1程式流程圖 22
3.2 PIR陣列 23
3.3監控系統 25
3.4 Temboo 28
3.4.1 Dropbox 29
3.4.2 Gmail 36
3.5 簡訊通知(SMS) 41
第四章 實驗結果 43
第五章 結論與未來展望 47
5.1結論 47
5.2未來展望 49
參考文獻 50

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