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研究生(外文):CHIU, WEI-JING
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Cantilever Beam Sizes on Pull-In Voltage
指導教授(外文):Lin, Meng-Ju
口試委員(外文):Lin, Meng-JuHwan, Chung-LiLo, Chih-Ching
外文關鍵詞:pull-in phenomenonelectrostatically actuatedCOMSOL Multiphysics
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對靜電驅動的微機電系統而言,暴衝現象將會明顯影響元件的性能與良率。本論文針對懸臂樑結構之暴衝現象作探討。懸臂樑結構的尺寸對暴衝電壓的影響在本論文中有完整分析。本文的分析方法是採用有限元素法之軟體COMSOL Multiphysics做數值模擬。由結果顯示,暴衝電壓將隨著懸臂樑和接地電極的間距、懸臂樑厚度、以及懸臂樑寬度的增加而近似直線式的增加。其中,懸臂樑寬度的影響最不明顯。而懸臂樑和接地電極的間距以及懸臂樑厚度對暴衝電壓的影響則差異不大。懸臂樑長度對暴衝電壓的影響則是非線性的影響。暴衝電壓會隨著懸臂樑長度的增加而非線性變小。當懸臂樑長度暴衝電壓夠長,則暴衝電壓會趨近一個固定值。
For electrostatically actuated MEMS, pull-in phenomena will significantly affect the performance and yielding ratio of device. Pull-in phenomena of electrostatically actuated cantilever beam are investigated in this work. Effects of cantilever beam sizes on pull-in voltages are analyzed. Numerical simulation by using finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics is provided to analyze the pull-in phenomena. The results show that pull-in voltages will increase linearly like as gap between cantilever beam and ground electrode, beam thickness, and beam width increasing. The beam width has the tiniest effect on pull-in voltage comparing with the other parameters. Gap and beam thickness have almost the same effect on pull-in voltage. However, pull-in voltage decreases nonlinearly as beam length increasing. For the longer beam length, the pull-in voltage will reaches a limit values.
誌  謝 i
摘  要 ii
Abstract iii
Catalog iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Research Purpose 2
1.3 Literature Review 2
Chapter II Theoretical basis 5
2.1 Introduction to MEMS 5
2.2 Electrostatic driving 6
2.3 Pull-in phenomenon 8
Chapter III Numerical model 10
3.1 Basic Assumptions of the model 10
3.2 COMSOL Multiphysics Analysis Process 11
3.3 Theoretical model 13
Chapter IV Results and Discussions 16
4.1 Deformation relationship 16
Chapter V Conclusion 19
5.1 Conclusion 19
5.2 Future Perspectives 19
References 20
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