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研究生(外文):Wu. Wei-Xuan
論文名稱(外文):Development of Apparatus of Surface Plasmon Resonance by Radially Polarized Light
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jing-Heng
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jing-HengYeh, Chien-HungLiu, Jung-PingHan, Chien-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Surface Plasmon Resonancequasi-radially polarized lightcompound lenseselliptical mirror.
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In the thesis, a method was proposed to generate a quasi-radially polarized light. With the quasi-radially polarized light, two specially designed apparatuses of compound lenses and elliptical mirror were proposed to excite surface plasmon resonance. To show the feasibility of the designs, prototypes were assembled, test, and discussed, successfully. The proposed designs provide cost-effect methods for the excitation of surface plasmon resonance. With the apparatus of elliptical mirror, the measurable range of refractive index can reach 1.38, broken the limit value of 1.2 by immersion micro-objective. Because the apparatus belongs to a reflection type element without dispersion, the proposed apparatus should have high application potential in white-light surface plasmon resonance and in relevant applications.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2章節簡介 3
第二章 表面電漿共振簡介 4
2.1前言 4
2.2表面電漿共振介紹 4
2.2.1表面電漿共振原理 4
2.2.2表面電漿共振架構 9
2.3小結 12
第三章 徑向偏極光簡介 13
3.1前言 13
3.2柱狀向量光介紹 13
3.2.1普通向量光 13
3.2.2柱狀向量光 14
3.3 準徑向偏極光 18
3.4小結 19
第四章 使用準徑向偏極光共面電漿共振 20
4.1前言 20
4.2實驗架構設計與原理 20
4.2.1實驗架構設計與原理(一) 20
4.2.1實驗架構設計與原理(二) 23
4.3小結 25
第五章 實驗結果與討論 27
5.1前言 27
5.2實驗結果 27
5.3實驗討論 29
5.4小結 32
第六章 結論 35

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