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研究生(外文):LIU, FANG-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):The Development of Sustainability and Business Performance in Family Firms
外文關鍵詞:Family FirmsSocial Emotional Wealth (SEW)Business PerformanceSustainable Development
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Family firms, the most common form of corporate organization in the West, have played an important role globally. The main goal of corporate governance for family firms is continual sustainability and business development. If corporate entities can strengthen the transparency and openness of their corporate governance, and focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable business objectives, besides government supervision, it could positively affect society as a whole and enhance public recognition of business. Determining how we can improve CSR and sustainability management besides the simple pursuit of economic progress in enterprises is an extremely important goal.
Social Emotional Wealth (SEW) is the theoretical basis which suggests that family firms have a high aspiration to look for methods that could be used to continue the family emotional attachments and values. While a large body of literature has explored CSR and family firms, few studies have examined the sustainability and SEW, and the development of sustainability also needs to be promoted. Differing significantly from prior research on CSR, this research is based on assumptions that family firms have strong motivations linked to heritage and accumulate SEW in the pursuit of close social relations, and not entirely in the pursuit of economic interests, thus the focus is on the exploration of the development of sustainability and business performance. We use family firms as the sample study since they occupy a high proportion in the economic market, and inferred that family firms will strongly pursue sustainable operation and social recognition, to further explore how the business performance of family firms is affected according to several characteristics of family firms in the case of sustainable development.
In this study, we regard the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) as the objective measurement indicator of the development of sustainability; it is based on SEW pursuit of close social relations, and we use return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and Market Value to Book Value (MTB) measurement indicators as the variables for business performance. Then, we could examine the relations between them. After controlling for firm characteristics and control variables, we detected several characteristics of family firms, i.e. ownership control, deviance of control and distribution, and single family directors board, and how they are related to business performance when firms received TCSA. The empirical results show that sustainability and business performance have a significant positive correlation; it would increase the incentive for other enterprises to pursue sustainable development. Consequently, it benefits society and the environment. With this study, we also suggest that in the case of developing sustainability, factors such as ownership control, seats control and direction by a single family are negatively correlated with the business performance in family firms according to the theoretical foundation of preferring SEW accumulation rather than profits.
The contribution of this study not only lies in increasing the empirical research on family firms and sustainability, but also in providing a reference for future research on sustainability issues and SEW. The contribution to management practices is that the results can reveal some perception about continuity operations of enterprises, and the prediction of business performance of enterprises induced by sustainable development as well as different characteristics of family firms for the public or stakeholders. We wish this study could make several contributions to the literature and the practice of management.

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Background
1.2 The Purpose of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Study
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1 Social Emotional Wealth (SEW)
2.2 Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
2.3 Business Performance of Family Firms
2.4 Hypotheses Development
2.4.1 Family Ownership and Controlling Shareholder
2.4.2 The Deviation from Family Control & Ownership
2.4.3 The Governance Centralization of Family Firms
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 The Framework of the Study
3.2 Sources and Sample Selection
3.3 Variables
3.4 The Research Model
Chapter 4 Empirical Results and Analysis
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
4.2 Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis
4.3 The Analysis of Empirical Results for the relation between the Business Performance and the Development of Sustainability in Family Firms
4.4 Analysis of the Empirical Results for the relation between Business Performance and the Characteristics of Family Firms Which Have Developed Sustainability
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Research Conclusions
5.2 Research Limitations and Recommendations

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