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論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of Solar Terms of Taiwanese Food Experience and Attractiveness of Edible Landscape on Agri-tourist’ Behavioral Intentions
外文關鍵詞:diet experiencethe Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Dietagricultural nature tourismbehavioral intentionSeasonal/(Solar terms) Diet
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本研究目的在探討農業旅遊節氣飲食體驗內涵為何、農業旅遊可食地景吸引力內涵為何、節氣飲食體驗、可食地景吸引力對農業旅遊遊客行為意圖之影響,以苗栗縣通霄福興南和休閒農業區內飛牛牧場、及新設立紅蜻蜓民宿、藍鵲休閒農場遊客為主發放問卷對象, 抽樣時間為2017年05月20日至21日之周休二日期間,施測地點為通霄福興南和休閒農業區內飛牛牧場、及新設立紅蜻蜓民宿、藍鵲休閒農場,採便利性抽樣方式進行問卷調查,研究工具採用自填式問卷,問卷內容包括4個部份測量內容,分別為可食地景吸引力、節氣飲食體驗、遊客行為意圖、個人社經背景及旅遊特性資料,共發出 450份問卷,扣除漏答、拒答的廢卷,實得有效問卷為419份,無效問卷為31份,有效回收率為93%。研究結果發現:
(一)樣本背景分析中性別方面,以女性居多,年齡方面,以 31-40 歲居多,居住區域方面,以中部地區最多,旅遊次數以第一次佔多數,多數與親戚家人同遊此地。
(二) 可食地景吸引力在本研究可食地景問項中的11個問項,題號9讓我接近大自然其平均數最高,為4.32;題項1讓我認識食農教育次之,其平均數為4.24;題項5可實地景可做景觀造景再次之,平均數為4.21,平均數最低的則為題項7讓我結交志同道合朋友,其平均數為3.84。
(三) 節氣飲食體驗在本研究節氣飲食體驗量表共有14個題項,其中平均數最高的為題項1改變我對飲食認知,平均數為4.16,最低的則為題項14讓我產生好奇心,其平均數只有3.90。
(四) 遊客行為意圖在本研究之行為意圖量表共有6個題項,題項1我以後還會參加本區農業旅遊飲食體驗活動的平均數4.19最高,題項6若本區推出新的服務或活動,我會約親朋好友一同參與次之,其平均數為4.12,題項4我會向其他人分享本區農業旅遊飲食體驗再次之,其平均數為4.08。
本研究目的是在於利用現有環境打造出的節氣飲食及可食地景體驗,並探討其在農業旅遊行為意圖之影響,研究結果在理論上可以進一步 認識遊客在旅遊時是否注重健康及環境保護的認知;實務上可以提供 相關旅遊業者做為參考,打造各地民俗風情的節氣飲食增加遊客吸引力,並且讓遊客會因一年四季東西都有所不同而增加旅遊意願,也可以響應節能減碳、低碳飲食的理念,達到環保需求,減少不必要的資源輸出,達到永續經營理念。

The research purpose is to explore two connotation with the Seasonal/(Solar terms) Diet experience and Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Diet attraction of agricultural nature tourism; what is the effect / influences for visitor’s behavioral intention between the Seasonal/(solar terms) Diet experience and Edible & Decorative ( Edible Landscape)Diet. I made a research in leisure agricultural region at Fu-shing Village,Tonxiao Towan,Miaoli city,R.O.C, there are Fly Cow Pasture, new established Red Dragonfly guesthouse, Blue Magpie leisure farm, the interviewee were visiting the Fly Cow Pasture or new established Red Dragonfly guesthouse or Blue Magpie leisure farm. Used random to take sampling; research tools using self-filling questionnaire, and the questionnaire content—including four parts for checking the Seasonal/(Solar terms) Diet experience、the Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Diet、the tourism’s behavioral intention、personal social background and tourism characteristics of the information.
Issued a total of 450 questionnaires, the un-effective was net of missed、refused to refuse the volume total 31, effective questionnaire have 419. The effective recovery rate was 93%. The results show that:
a. Sample background analysis of gender—majority of women and the age between 31 to 40 years old, and their residential area were middle of Taiwan, and the number of travel to here was almost first time with their family.
b. There are eleven questions about the Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Diet attraction in the study, the question of number Nine 「let me close to the nature」got the 4.32 highest scores of average; the question of number One 「let me know the food education/(farming task and agricultural produce)」got the 4.24 second highest scores of average; the question of number Five 「let me know the Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Diet can do landscape again, the food not just be a food.」got the 4.24 third highest scores of average; the question of number Seven 「let me meet kindred spirit friends」got the 3.34 lowest scores of average.
c. About the Seasonal/(Solar terms) Diet experience in this study have fourteen questions, among them the number One question 「it was changed my former cognition for diet」got the 4.16 highest scores of average; the last question of all 「arousing my curiosity」got the 3.90 lowest scores of average.
d. Tourism’s behavioral intentions in this study have six questions, the first question of all 「I will participate the agricultural nature tourism for experience of the diet 」got the 4.19 highest scores of average; the second highest scores was question number sixth 「I will asking my families or friends to participate agricultural nature tour if the area have new services or activities. 」got the 4.12 scores of average; the question of number fourth 「I will share with others the agricultural nature tourism experience. 」got the 4.08 scores of average.
The purpose of this study is using the existing environment to create the Seasonal/(Solar terms) Diet and Edible & Decorative /( Edible Landscape)Diet experience and investigate the influences for visitor’s behavioral intention. The results of the study in theory can be more further understand the tourists in the tourism focus on Health and Environmental protection or not; for practice can provide relevant tourism industry as a reference, creating their own social custom for Seasonal/(Solar terms) Diet and increase attractiveness for tourists. Also raising the desire for tourism due to the different season has their special characteristics. It can respond to Energy saving, Low-carbon diet concept, and reaching environmental requirement, reducing unnecessary resource output. To achieve sustainable business philosophy.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題陳述 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 名詞解釋 3
第四節 研究流程 6
第五節 研究貢獻 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 農業旅遊 9
第二節 節氣飲食體驗 14
第三節 可食地景吸引力 20
第四節 遊客行為意圖 29
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究架構與假設 33
第二節 研究對象 34
第三節 資料收集 35
第四節 分析工具 37
第四章 資料分析與結果 39
第一節 樣本分析 39
第二節 可食地景吸引力、節氣飲食體驗探索性因素分析 45
第三節 可食地景吸引力與節氣飲食體驗對農業旅遊遊客行為意圖迴歸分析 55
第五章 結論與建議 59
第一節 結論 59
第二節 建議 60
參考文獻 62
中文參考文獻 62
英文參考文獻 64
附錄 67
附錄一、前測問卷 67
附錄二、正式問卷 71

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1. 李安娜、邱長光、陳瑩育 (2015)。鹿港老街飲食吸引力,知覺品質與遊客重遊行為意圖之研究,建國科大社會人文期刊,34(2),1-17。
2. 李明儒, & 陳雅捷. (2010). 島嶼遊客體驗價值, 滿意度以及重遊意願之研究-以澎湖吉貝嶼, 七美嶼爲例. 休閒產業管理學刊, 3(1), 1-18.
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4. 張正英. (1997). 農業產銷班組織整合與輔導策略. 臺中區農業專訊, (20), 10-15.
5. 張孝銘(2009)。遊客對海域運動觀光吸引力認知、旅遊體驗、知覺價值與行爲意向之研究,休閒產業管理學刊,2(3),31-51。
6. 許秀貞、鍾志強 (2011)。目的地意象,參與體驗,知覺價值與行為意圖關係之研究—以登山步道遊客為例,臺灣體育運動管理學報,11(3),233-253。
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9. 鄭健雄, & 陳昭郎. (1996). 休閒農場經營策略思考方向之研究. 農業經營管理, 2, 123-144.
10. 鄭健雄、劉家瑋、林劭潔(2011)。休閒農業深度旅遊市場與產品開發之研究,鄉村旅遊研究,5(1), 1-22。
11. 鄭健雄. "休閒農業旅遊市場區隔化之研究: 以宜蘭休閒農場為例." 農業經營管理年刊 8 (2002): 144-160.
12. 簡慈儀、鍾志強(2016)。遊客體驗與行為意圖關係之研究-以鹿港地區為例,休閒運動期刊,(15), 75-85。