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論文名稱:臺灣地區文化藝術活動參與及消費之影響因素及效益分析-Two-Stage Tobit估計法之應用
論文名稱(外文):The Impact Factors and Benefit Analysis of the Participation and Consumption of Cultural and Art Activities in Taiwan- An Application of Two-Stage Tobit Model
外文關鍵詞:Two-Stage Tobitculturaleconomic
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隨著經濟成長、平均教育水準提昇、追求多元化與優質化的生活品質,使得國人的消費型態隨之改變,以文化藝術活動來說,現代國人對文化藝術的型態變得相當多元與細緻,而探討國人文化藝術活動的參與程度及消費行為及支出變成了重要的議題。因此觀察個人文化藝術活動參與率及消費型態有助於了解個人在文化藝術需求及消費支出結構。本研究係利用2013年文化部「文化參與及消費調查」問卷資料,研究之有效樣本數為2305人,其中樣本於一整年中有參與文化藝術活動者佔整體樣本之51.72%,另外,樣本於一整年中參與各相關文化藝術活動者佔整體樣本的比例介於38.09%~74.92%之間。當樣本中有很高的比例為受限於零的觀察值時,樣本將明顯地不服從常態分配,且消費者消費商品與否及消費支出是兩種相關但性質不同的決策。因此,我們將以two-stage Tobit模型探討影響文化藝術活動參與者之各項活動消費支出之影響因素。
為了解決傳統上文獻探討消費支出多以迴歸分析法 OLS 及使用Tobit模式驗證兩種研究方法,惟無法避免在支出為「零」的情況發生偏頗與不一致的情形或只能在不考慮樣本選擇(是否支出)時進行分析,而忽略其對各項文化藝術活動支出的影響,我們利用 Two-Stage Tobit 估計法模型,針對個人是否有參與文化藝術支出行為進行第一階段之修正,就個人社會經濟因素及文化技藝與文創產業之認知兩類因素對參與文化藝術活動支出行為的影響進行分析,而樣本在經在經過第一階段的調整後所估計到的係數與未調整前之係數是有差異的,若未經過調整,所估計到之係數會出現因樣本選擇失誤而造成的誤差,再來利用第一階段所產生的解釋變數,做為第二階段 Tobit 估計法的調整項,進一步來估計影響個人各項不同型態文化藝術支出的因素。

With the economic growth, the average level of education to enhance, the pursuit of diversification and better life quality, people's consumption patterns change. In terms of cultural and artistic activities, modern people have become quite diverse and meticulous in the form of culture and art, so the observation of personal cultural and artistic activities participation rate and consumption patterns, that can help us to understand the individual in arts and cultural needs and consumer spending structure. Based on data collected from the Cultural participation and consumption survey of 2013 by Ministry of Culture, this study focused on a sample of about 2,305 Taiwanese residents, when a high proportion of the sample is limited to zero observations. The sample will obviously disagree with the normal distribution, so we use Two-Stage Tobit estimation model to explore the impact of cultural and artistic activities of the participants in the activities of consumer spending factors.
  To address the traditional literature and more to consumer spending and the use of OLS regression analysis of two Tobit model validation methods, but cannot avoid the expenditure of "zero" biased and inconsistent happens only in the case or not considering sample selection (whether the expenditure), the analysis of the neglect of their cultural and artistic activities expenses impact, we use Two-Stage Tobit estimation model. For the individual, whether there are cultural and artistic activities expenses in the first stage amendment, personal socio-economic factors and cultural skills and the cognitive factors of cultural and cultural industries to participate in cultural and artistic activities of the impact analysis, and the coefficients estimated by the samples after the first stage are different from those of the unadjusted coefficients. If not through the adjustment, the estimated coefficient to sample selection errors occur due to errors caused by, and then we produced the first phase of the explanatory variables, as the second stage Tobit estimation of the adjustments, and further to estimate the impact of the different types of personal factors on cultural and artistic activities expenditure.
  This study found that when people's cultural and creative industry awareness of the higher or more performance experience, for cultural and artistic activities of the higher participation rate. We found that participants in the arts and cultural activities are in the central and northern districts, with younger age and more women. High level of education and high income is the obvious characteristics of these participants. This study also found that some of the socio-economic factors with a high participation in cultural and artistic activities, but not necessarily converted into the corresponding consumer spending.
  According to the results of this study, when the public's awareness of the cultural and creative industries is higher, the more spending on the arts and cultural activities related expenses. We estimate that can be increased per-participant's performance arts expenditure 48.55%, expenditure on visual arts activities 60.11%, museum Activities Expenditure 58.76% and Cultural and creative goods expenditure 55.77%. But also enhance the cultural and artistic quality.

摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 文化休閒型態 5
第二節 文化藝術活動參與 8
第三節 兩階段選擇模型的相關研究 10
第四節 小結 13
第三章 資料來源說明及內容分析 14
第一節 資料來源說明 14
第二節 資料分析 15
第三節 本章結論 30
第四章 實證模型與結果分析 31
第一節 理論的架構與模型的建立 31
第三節 消費者決策模式估計結果 36
第四節 經濟效益 42
第五節 本章結論 44
第五章 結論與建議 47
第一節 主要研究結果 47
第二節 建議 48
參考文獻 49

圖1- 1 2004年至2013年每人平均分配之中央與地方政府文化支出預算金額 2
圖1- 2研究架構圖 4
圖3-1( a )全部樣本文化藝術活動支出平均值〈區域〉 18
圖3-1( b)全部樣本文化藝術活動支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 18
圖3-2( a )全部樣本表演藝術活動支出平均值〈區域〉 19
圖3-2( b )全部樣本表演藝術活動支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 19
圖3-3( a )全部樣本視覺藝術活動支出平均值〈區域〉 20
圖3-3( b )全部樣本視覺藝術活動支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 20
圖3-4( a )全部樣本博物館參與支出平均值〈區域〉 21
圖3-4( b)全部樣本博物館參與支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 21
圖3-5( a )全部樣本文創商品購買支出平均值〈區域〉 22
圖3-5( b )全部樣本文創商品購買支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 22
圖3-6( a )全部樣本文化創意產業認知平均值〈區域〉 23
圖3-6( b )全部樣本文化創意產業認知平均值〈年齡層別〉 23
圖3-7( a )參與樣本文化藝術活動支出平均值〈區域〉 24
圖3-7( b )參與樣本文化藝術活動總支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 24
圖3-8( a )參與樣本表演藝術活動總支出平均值〈區域〉 25
圖3-8( b )參與樣本表演藝術活動支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 25
圖3-9( a )參與樣本視覺藝術活動支出平均值〈區域〉 26
圖3-9( b )參與樣本視覺藝術活動支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 26
圖3-10( a )參與樣本博物館參與支出平均值〈區域〉 27
圖3-10( b )參與樣本博物館參與支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 27
圖3-11( a )參與樣本文創商品購買支出平均值〈區域〉 28
圖3-11( b )參與樣本文創商品購買支出平均值〈年齡層別〉 28
圖3-12( a )參與樣本文化創意產業認知平均值〈區域〉 29
圖3-12( b )參與樣本文化創意產業認知平均值〈年齡層別〉 29
圖4- 1架構圖 32
圖4-2( a )文化藝術相關活動支出函數圖 35
圖4-2( b)二次文化藝術相關活動支出函數之文創產業認知的邊際隱含價格函數 35

表2- 1 文化休閒型態之相關研究摘要表 7
表2- 2 國內文化藝術活動參與之相關文獻摘要表 9
表2- 3 兩階段估計法之相關實證研究摘要表 12
表3- 1全部樣本之文化藝術活動參與及消費行為相關變數之平均值 16
表3- 2 參與樣本之文化藝術活動參與及消費行為相關變數之平均值 17
表3- 3 各項文化藝術消費支出之平均額與百分比 30
表4- 1 主要變數之定義與平均值 38
表4- 2文化藝術活動參與函數及各種支出函數的估計係數 41
表4- 3參考樣本認知程度提昇後,平均參與者消費支出增加情形表 44

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