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論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of Atmosphere-Controlling Nd-doped BiFeO3 Ceramics
中文關鍵詞:光伏效應p-n junction氣氛燒結同步輻射吸收光譜拉曼光譜
外文關鍵詞:photovoltaic effectp-n junctionsintering under varied atmospheresynchrotron X-ray absorption spectralRaman spectroscopy
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本論文使用固態反應法分別製作改變稀土元素釹(neodymium ; Nd)取代比例與取代比例為7%Nd鐵酸鉍(Bi0.93Nd0.07FeO3)在不同氮氣與氧氣混合比例下燒結的陶瓷樣品。從SEM與EDS則可以發現當Nd取代比例增加或N2氣氛混合比例增加,陶瓷粒徑變小與氧空缺變少。磁滯迴線則是使用VSM在常溫下進行量測並發現當Nd取代比例增加與N2氣氛比例增加時,鐵酸鉍會有微量的剩餘磁極化產生。吸收光譜是在新竹國家同步輻射研究中心(NSRRC)進行量測,根據吸收光譜可以得知隨著Nd取代比例或N2氣氛比例改變時,鐵價數與配位原子間的鍵結距離發生改變,與拉曼光譜的峰值位置改變趨勢有相對應的變化。光伏量測皆以厚度為0.15 mm的陶瓷樣品進行量測,激發源則是使用波長為405 nm的雷射光做為光源,並在樣品兩端分別鍍上金薄膜與ITO薄膜當做為電極並量測開路電壓與短路電流。理論分析則是使用p-n junction 理論與實驗室所發展的光伏理論進行分析與實驗數據擬合。
The ceramic samples were prepared by changing ratios of rare earth element neodymium (Nd) and controlling atmosphere ratios of nitrogen and oxygen in (Bi0.93Nd0.07)FeO3 (BFO7Nd) by solid state reaction method. SEM and EDS results revealed that grain size becomes smaller and the oxygen vacancies decrease by increasing ratios of Nd substitution or N2 atmosphere concentration. Magnetic hysteresis loops were measured by using VSM at room temperature and indicate that the ceramic samples have the remanent magnetizations with increasing ratios of Nd substitution or N2 atmosphere concentration. X-ray absorption spectra were obtained in National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC). X-ray absorption spectroscopy can obtain valence of iron and bond length of coordination atoms, which change with increasing ratios of Nd substitution or N2 atmosphere concentration. The Raman spectra are consistent with X-ray absorption results. The thickness of ceramic samples for photovoltaic effects is 0.15 mm. The excitation source is a diode laser light with wavelength 405 nm. Gold thin film and an ITO thin film were deposited on both surfaces of the sample. The open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current were measured under irradiation. The theoretical analysis based on p-n junction theory was used to explain photovoltaic effects.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………...………………………….1
1.1 研究動機………………………………………………………………...1
1.2 複鐵性材料……………………………………………………………..2
1.3 鐵酸鉍…………………………………………………………………...4
1.4 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………...8
第二章 實驗理論……………………………………………………………….....9
第三章 樣品製備與實驗方法…………………………...………...................68
3.1 樣品製備……………………………………………...………................69
3.1-1 Nd-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) 配粉與球磨…………………….69
3.1-2 鍛燒…………………………………………...………................71
3.2 SEM與EDS量測………………...………............................................80
3.2-1 SEM………………………...……….............................................80

3.2-2 EDS………………………...………..............................................82
3.3 介電常數量測…………………...………...............................................83
3.5 X光吸收光譜量測……………...………...............................................86
3.5-2 軟吸收光譜量測…...……….....................................................87
3.7-3 Power Conversion Efficiency曲線量測設置.....................99
第四章 實驗結果與討論……...………...........................................................101
Part I 改變Nd取代比例………....................................................................101
4.1 SEM與EDS……...………....................................................................101
4.2 XRD分析……...……….........................................................................102
4.4 硬X光吸收光譜……...………...........................................................116
4.5 軟X光吸收光譜……...………...........................................................121
4.6 磁滯曲線……...………..........................................................................129
4.8 I-V特性曲線...........................................................................................136
4.9-2 p-n junction 模型擬合..............................................................140
Part II 改變製程環境氣氛比例……...………...............................................151
4.10 SEM與EDS……...………..................................................................151
4.11 XRD分析……...……….......................................................................152
4.13 硬X光吸收光譜……...……….........................................................166
4.14 軟X光吸收光譜……...…….............................................................171
4.15 磁滯曲線……...………........................................................................177
4.17 I-V特性曲線........................................................................................185
4.18-2 p-n junction 模型擬合............................................................188
第五章 結論.........................................................................................................201

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